The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2131: Murder

The fire sparrow ran so fast.

   In such a short time, he has passed through the endless sea of ​​sand and entered the sea of ​​death farther north.

   Meng Zhang followed his trail and also entered the sea of ​​death.

   Meng Zhang has not been to this place for many years.

   Revisiting the old place now, I really sigh.

   The endless sand and sea environment where Meng Zhang started his home is bad enough.

   Such a vast piece of land barely supported a family of Jin Dan sect.

   The environment of the Dead Sand Sea is far worse than the endless sand sea. Not to mention ordinary people, even low-level monks can't survive here.

   Many fugitives who could not gain a foothold in the realm of comprehension, as well as ghosts and haters such as ghost repairs and demons, all fled here one after another.

   Taiyimen once organized a large-scale raid and barely cleared this place.

   Of course, there are still some lucky guys who have avoided Taiyimen's raids and continue to hide here.

   Later, the Taiyi gate regarded this place as a trial ground for low-level disciples, and regularly sent disciples to enter here for trials.

   Taiyi Gate has grown stronger day by day, and the Shan Gate has undergone many relocations.

  Death Shahai is increasingly worthless to Taiyimen.

   Now, this place has basically been abandoned, and there are fewer and fewer Taiyimen monks entering the trial here.

  Death Shahai is such a harsh environment, in addition to some natural causes, there is also a large part of man-made factors.

  In the sea of ​​Dead Sands, there was once a war of returning to the Void.

   Back then, a fifth-order earth spirit, that is, a spirit race of the Void Returning level, broke into the Junchen Realm. After suffering a heavy injury, he fell to this place.

   Some powers of the higher level of Junchen Realm, for various reasons, intentionally or unintentionally let some extraterritorial invaders from other worlds into Junchen Realm.

   Of course, if the level of extraterritorial invaders breaking into Junchen Realm is too high, they will try their best to destroy them.

   If it had followed the usual practice, the earth spirit of the Void Returning level would have been banished long ago.

   But in order to seize everything about this earth spirit, the true monarch of Heavenly Bamboo turned to the Dark Alliance for help, and this earth spirit was able to temporarily survive.

   Meng Zhang participated in such disputes when he was still a little monk.

   But he still waited until the cultivation base was great, and he had enough status in the cultivation world, before he figured out the whole thing from the dark alliance.

   For the growth of Meng Zhang, the place of Death Shahai has a special meaning.

   Meng Zhang was a little puzzled, why did True Monarch Firebird fled in this direction?

   Is it just a coincidence, or is it ulterior motive?

   The true monarch Firebird fled into the sea of ​​death, is it necessary to continue to flee north?

   Farther north in the Dead Sea, that is the real barren land, almost near the northern end of Junchen Realm.

   If we say that in the sand sea of ​​death, there are still some useful resources for cultivators, which can accommodate some cultivators to survive. In the north of the Dead Sea, not only is it worthless to the cultivator, but the environment is extremely harsh, and ordinary cultivators cannot survive there.

   Meng Zhang observed that place from a distance because of curiosity in his early years.

   After discovering the situation there, he has not paid attention to it.

   Now the behavior of True Monarch Huoque has some thoughts and questions in Meng Zhang's heart.

   Of course, as long as Meng Zhang takes down True Monarch Firebird next, these questions should be able to be answered.

   When Meng Zhang's figure flashed again, he appeared not far behind True Monarch Firefinch.

   This chase and escape finally came to an end.

   True Monarch Firefinch tried to shuttle through the space again, but found that the surrounding space seemed to freeze, and he couldn't break it.

   Firebird True Monarch knew that he couldn't escape, but he didn't give up his efforts and was still making the final struggle.

   He was about to use his escape technique to escape, but his whole body was suddenly frozen, unable to move at all.

   Meng Zhang looked at True Monarch Firefinch not far away, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

   This guy can really run, and a mere mortal late cultivator has let himself chase for so long.

   Meng Zhang was about to take away True Monarch Firebird, and the surrounding space fluctuated again.

   Three figures, accompanied by a terrifying coercion, appeared not far from Meng Zhang.

   Meng Zhang has already sealed off the surrounding space.

   can break his blockade, this is at least the same level of power as him.

   Meng Zhang is also a well-informed person, he knows most of Jun Chen Realm's Void Returning Ability.

   Even if you don’t know it, you probably have heard of it.

   These three people appeared before his eyes, but he had never seen them before, nor had he heard of similar figures.

   Meng Zhang didn't care about the three people who appeared suddenly, and with a big hand stretched out, an invisible force was about to pull away True Monarch Firefinch.

   An angry grunt sounded, as if provoked by Meng Zhang's ignorance.

   Two of these three shot at the same time, they must stop Meng Zhang's movements.

   In Meng Zhang's induction, these two people are both monks in the middle stage of the Void Return.

   They seem to have a special joint technique, they can work together to exert a power that exceeds the mid-level of Void Return.

   After a loud bang, the whole world seemed to tremble. This was Meng Zhang just had a head-to-head trick with the two of them.

   After Meng Zhang easily repelled the two of them, he was about to continue to capture True Monarch Firefinch.

   True Monarch Huoji suddenly let out a scream, his whole body burned all at once, and soon there was only a pile of powder left.

  Meng Zhang looked at the last of the three, his face full of hostility that could not be Seeing that he was about to take down True Monarch Firefinch, the other party suddenly killed him when he was distracted by Meng Zhang.

   This person, like Meng Zhang, is a great power in the late stage of returning to Void, but Meng Zhang will not retreat in the slightest.

   The opponent killed True Monarch Firefinch under his nose, making him really angry.

After    killed True Monarch Firefinch, the man smiled at Meng Zhang.

   "Meng Shangzun, don't be restless. It's just a misunderstanding, and there is no need for such a big fight."

   "By the way, the old man almost forgot to introduce himself."

   "Old man Tang Lun, these two are Lin Jiakunzhong."

   "The three old men are all the elders of the dark alliance."

"A few days ago, I heard that the Taiyimen and the dark alliance had some misunderstandings. Enemies should be resolved and should not be formed. There is really no need to be an enemy between the Taiyimen and my dark alliance. The old man made a special trip. It came to resolve misunderstandings."

   Tang Lun’s name Meng Zhang has never been heard before.

   Since the opponent is the same as him in the late stage of Void Return, he is also eligible to be called the Supreme.

   Meng Zhang had previously vaguely heard that among the senior leaders of the Dark Alliance, there are two Void Returning Powers who are biological brothers.

   These two people have bad personalities, and they must be reported. They are notoriously difficult characters.

   Could it be that they are the Lin family brothers in front of you?

   I knew that the dark alliance was powerful, but the background of the dark alliance still surprised Meng Zhang a bit, and he sent three Void Returning Powers so easily.

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