The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2138: discover

Taiyimen sent three true monarchs of Yangshen to the north of the dead Shahai to investigate, and the Tiangong was also in the eyes of the things that did not go well in the investigation.

For such an area where the rules of heaven and earth are unstable, it is also difficult for the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array in Tiangong to carry out effective monitoring.

As long as there is no power fluctuation of the Void Returning level, the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array will not be able to play.

Under the suggestion of some high-level members of the Tiangong, not long after returning to the Tiangong from the Void Battlefield, Qin Fangtian, the deputy head of the Conquering Demon Temple, who was taking a break, called the Taoist priest and the silver pot old man to leave the Tiangong and head to the death sand sea. North.

Meng Zhang is still confronting and entangled with Tang Lun Shangzun.

Yang Xueyi's investigation has been inconclusive, and Meng Zhang is not in a hurry. He can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and wait slowly.

Everyone is full of rebirth and longevity, and the time for this confrontation is not worth mentioning.

During the confrontation, the Supreme Lord Tang Lun assumed a leisurely and relaxed look, chatting with the Lin family brothers from time to time.

Sometimes, he even took the initiative to talk to Meng Zhang, either ridiculing or persuading.

Although the Lin family brothers are short-tempered, they are capable of returning to the frailty at any rate, and they do not lack this patience.

At most, they scolded Meng Zhang from time to time.

Meng Zhang was too lazy to talk with them, and kept silent. He just strengthened the lock on the Qi machine so that everyone couldn't get out easily.

In the far north of the Sand Sea of ​​Death, the three Void Returning Powers of Tiangong entered this area and also began a detailed search.

The Void Returning Power can easily control the rules of the world and mobilize the power of the world.

The chaotic rules of the world and the harsh environment here do not hinder the three of them much.

This is a vast area whose total area exceeds all the territories currently owned by Taiyimen.

The terrain here is complex and the environment is changeable. It is difficult to find out what is really hidden in a short time.

On the battlefield of the void, the Temple of Demon descending from the Heavenly Palace is the main force to deal with the Demon Dao.

Qin Fangtian, as the deputy master of the Temple of Demon of the Heavenly Palace, is his duty to deal with various magic repairs and monsters.

He is very familiar with the various methods of the magic way, and has accumulated a wealth of experience in fighting against the magic way.

He and Meng Zhang had met and dealt with in the early years.

Back then, Meng Zhang was still a young monk who asked him for help. In a blink of an eye, Meng Zhang has become the supreme of the late stage of returning to the void, but he is still the cultivation base of the middle stage of returning to the void.

At this time, Meng Zhang was already above him.

When he thinks of this, he feels weird.

Of course, this does not hinder his current work.

As a member of the Hall of Law Enforcement, the Tiemiandao people have always been selfless and fair in law enforcement. They have long been full of hatred for organizations like the dark alliance that are free from the laws of the heavens.

He came here this time not only to help Taiyimen, but also to find out more illegal aspects of the dark alliance, hoping to promote the sanctions of the dark alliance.

Not to mention the old man Yin Ke, he and Meng Zhang are old friends.

Although the two sides failed to work together for the Supreme Thunder, the relationship is still maintained.

He didn't want to offend the dark alliance, but he didn't mind helping Meng Zhang.

The three Void Returning Powers each displayed their magical powers, went all out, and carefully searched for everything here.

Although their initial search did not produce any results.

But they were very patient, not anxious at all, and searched slowly and carefully.

The environment here is special, but it can't completely shield the spirit of returning to the void.

All three of them have mastered a lot of secret methods specially used for searching.

Especially Qin Fangtian, he is very good at finding clues about the existence of the magic way.

On the territory of Taiyimen, the cleanup of the magic way was almost over.

All the monsters have basically been wiped out, and most of the magic repairs have been arrested.

The forces of the dark alliance were swept away, and the Taiyimen territory had become a rare vacuum area of ​​dark alliance forces in the Junchen world.

After learning the lesson this time, Taiyimen will also conduct a review internally.

The major members of the Hanhai Dao League, and the monks involved in this incident, were dealt with according to the severity of the mistakes they made.

Some Taiyimen monks were also convicted of oversight.

Since then, Taiyimen will strengthen the supervision of the members of the Hanhai Dao League and strengthen the control of the territory.

The pursuit and prevention of magic repairs will become a normal job, and you must never relax.

Some of the problems that had been caused by over-correction before now began to be solved slowly.

Within the Taiyimen's sphere of influence, calm has begun to slowly return, and various affairs have returned to normal.

Taoist Youhuan was released by Meng Zhang, and after returning to the dark alliance, no news came.

The dark alliance seems to have died down, and has not continued to target Taiyi Sect.

I don't know if it was a misunderstanding that ended the relationship, or the warning from the emissary of the heavenly palace took effect.

In short, there was no further action on the dark alliance, and no movement came out.

The high-level Taiyimen did not relax their vigilance because of the current calm of the dark alliance.

An organization like the Dark Alliance, having been cleared of so many strongholds, would not let it go easily.

As for who is right and who is wrong, it doesn't matter.

Qin Fangtian and the others spent more than half a year in that area, and finally made a discovery.

In a vast sea of ​​sand, Qin Fangtian found something wrong.

Originally, when he passed here, he just flew in the air, routinely performing secret methods, shaking everything between the sky and the earth, to see if it would trigger any reaction.

Below him is an inconspicuous desert Gobi, nothing unusual.

However, the secret method he used quickly attracted feedback.

In his induction, a strange wave came from below.

If it is other powers of returning to virtuality, it is very likely that this kind of fluctuation will be ignored.

However, Qin Fangtian, who had cleared and suppressed the Demon Dao organization many times, killed many demon cultivators, and exterminated various monsters, could smell a familiar breath from it.

Qin Fangtian didn't hesitate, immediately cast the spell, fiercely sending out a demon descending thunder, and slashing towards the bottom.

The **** of demon falling from the sky almost completely annihilated the entire After the desert disappeared, there was a wave of violent spatial fluctuations from above, and a small hidden world soon appeared before his eyes.

This small world is similar to the blessed land, both relying on an independent space on the Junchen Realm.

The methods used to build this small world were extraordinary, especially the methods used to conceal its existence, even Qin Fangtian was amazed.

Immediately, Qin Fangtian keenly perceives the aura hidden in the small world, and his face changes drastically.

He hesitated for a moment, and then sent out another demon descending thunder, slashing fiercely into the small world in front of him.

A layer of pitch-black light appeared in front of the small world, and after holding it down for a while with the smashed Demon God Thunder, it shattered.

As the light curtain shattered, the breath in the small world could no longer be hidden.

The unusually terrifying aura seems to have broken free of some kind of restraint, and a powerful demon aura soars into the sky...

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