The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2142: Set off

Especially the Xukongzi, whose body is a top-level spatial artifact like the Void Ding. He is the most proficient in space avenues and is very sensitive to spatial fluctuations.

Through some abnormal spatial fluctuations, he noticed that this magic nest had other hidden exits.

The three of Yang Xueyi discussed it, and instead of staying in one place, they spread out and wandered around in this area.

Their purpose is simple, to prevent monsters from leaving this area and entering the territory of the nearby Taiyimen.

This area is extremely desolate, with almost no living beings living.

Even if the monsters scurry around, they won't cause any harm.

But once a large number of monsters were allowed to enter the territory of the Taiyimen next to it, the Taiyimen's troubles would be great.

When the monster enters the place where the creatures gather, that is when the tiger and wolf enter the flock.

If it is not cleared in time, it may cause a devastating disaster.

Before the follow-up support arrived, Yang Xueyi and the others were not sure enough to eradicate this magic nest.

They can only deal with the devil's nest if they try to stop the monsters and prevent them from running around, while waiting for the follow-up support force to arrive.

After the three of Yang Xueyi dispersed, they began to hunt and kill the monsters and monks who had escaped from the magic nest.

Although there are countless monsters in the magic nest, it is a group of dark alliance cultivators who really preside over everything here.

At first, they rashly released the Void-Returning level monster, and it was bombarded and killed by Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array.

Next, they slowly released various levels of low-level monsters, bit by bit to test the bottom line of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array.

After many trials, they found that releasing monsters of the Jin Dan level and below would not attract the bombardment of the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array.

However, due to the hunting of the three of Yang Xueyi, the monsters released were basically wiped out.

The three true monarchs of the Yangshen were able to control a large area and find the monks and monsters who had hidden their tracks.

Of course, because this area is too special, the spiritual thoughts they can release are greatly restricted, and they will inevitably have some omissions.

The dark alliance cultivator in the devil's nest is already ready to release a soul-level monster to test the reaction of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array.

In fact, every time the Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array launches an attack, it consumes a lot of resources.

In ordinary monsters and magic cultivators, the Tiangong monks who control the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array are not willing to waste their energy.

Since the day of its rise, Taiyimen has often faced invasions from foreign enemies and has been in a state of war all year round. To this day, they have to face the threats of the various sacred sects.

Taiyimen is very crisis aware, and Zongmen is ready for war at any time.

Soon after Niu Dawei began to mobilize, Taiyimen quickly organized a powerful army of monks, and drove to the area where the devil's nest was in a flying boat.

At the same time as this army of monks set off, the Taiyimen high-level officials had begun to recruit all the forces of the Hanhai Dao League to organize follow-up reinforcements.

Although the specific number of monsters in the Devil's Nest is not known for the time being, based on the principle of expecting a leniency, Taiyimen will continue to mobilize more monks for reinforcements in the future.

Taiyimen has a wealth of experience in eliminating large numbers of monsters.

In order to completely solve the monster and prevent the fish from slipping through the net, enough monks must be dispatched to chase and intercept them, forming a comprehensive encirclement.

As the largest underground organization in Junchen Realm and the number one intelligence organization, the Dark League naturally has its own unique features.

Although Taiyimen worked hard to clean up the dark alliance strongholds on the territory, arresting the dark alliance members.

However, there are still some dark alliance members who have hidden their identities and have not been arrested.

Among them, many spies continued to transmit intelligence to the headquarters of the dark alliance.

For those secret spies who have hidden their identities, the monks in the dark hall of Taiyimen have been working hard to arrest them, but they still cannot completely exterminate them.

After all, there are many cultivating powers in the Taiyi Sect's territory, and there are countless cultivators. No matter how great the Taiyi Sect is, it is impossible to strictly investigate all the details of every monk.

Unless, Taiyimen is willing to let the celestial jigger in the door take action and make calculations bit by bit.

But the cost of doing so was too great, and Taiyimen couldn't be so crazy.

In fact, let alone the Taiyi Sect, even the major sacred sects, it is impossible to completely eliminate the existence of hostile spies.

All the high-level Taiyimen know that there are spies from various cultivation forces on their own territory.

Dark alliance, holy land sect, neighbors around...

Taiyimen cleaned up these spies from time to time, and it would be more or less rewarding.

Sometimes, for certain purposes, Taiyimen pretends to be invisible and tolerates the presence of certain foreign spies.

Taiyi Sect itself is also sending spies to other cultivation forces.

Among them, Ziyang Shengzong, the overlord of the north, is the key exploration target of Taiyimen.

Taiyimen hidden hall is also considered to be a well-known existence in the realm of cultivation.

Clean up foreign spies, send spies to other cultivation forces, and participate in underground battles of different levels...

Taiyimen mobilized an army of cultivators to go on the expedition, as well as the news exposed from the Devil's Nest, which were sent back to the headquarters of the Dark Alliance.

As the leaders of important factions in the dark alliance, Tang Lun's trio still kept informed even if they were not at the headquarters of the dark alliance.

Even though they were confronting Meng Zhang, someone from the Dark League headquarters still informed them of the latest intelligence through secret methods.

The Devil's Nest was exposed to the eyes of the Venerable Void of the Heavenly Palace, which was already bad enough.

Now Taiyimen is also organizing an army of cultivators to conquer, and that makes Tang Lun's Supreme Enraged even more secretly.

Don't look at Tang Lun's immortal spirit, very kind, in fact, this person is extremely insidious and cruel. Among the senior leaders of the dark alliance, he is known for his cruelty and ruthlessness.

Supreme Lord Tang Lun executed True Monarch Firebird before, which was not only to kill him, but also to punish him for doing bad things.

If True Monarch Fire Sparrow is cautious enough to control his subordinates in advance, maybe the dark alliance will not be dragged into this storm.

Due to the carelessness of True Monarch Fire Sparrow, the Dark Alliance suffered heavy losses, and it even put the Devil's Nest in danger of being exposed.

It is impossible to continue to tolerate the true Lord Firebird to continue to live with Tang Lun's disposition and imperial skills

In order to prevent the devil's nest from being exposed, the Supreme Lord Tang Lun spent a lot of effort.

With Tang Lun’s intelligence channels, of course, he knew Meng Zhang’s difficulties, and he also had an understanding of his brilliant record.

In order to strengthen the strength against Meng Zhang, he did not hesitate to stir up troubles, provoke discord, and pull the entire dark alliance into a chariot.

Of course, he was not willing to fight Meng Zhang head-on without a last resort.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to pay a huge price, and asked the celestial jigger to make arrangements to try to resolve this crisis without knowing it.

It's a pity that even the arrangement of a clever celestial clerk can't be foolproof. This is probably the so-called man is not as good as the sky.

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