The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2145: Rush to

<!--go--> Although Xianyun Zhenxian urged him a little bit anxiously, Meng Zhang still stayed in the palace for a while, delaying a little time.

Since the last time the sacred sects of the great sacred land made trouble in the Tiangong, the Tiangong has carried out a severe rectification afterwards.

The holy land sect monks who served in the heavenly palace were basically transferred from important positions and marginalized one after another, and a small number of them were kept under close surveillance.

There are still many monks in the Holy Land Zongmen in the Tiangong, but they are strictly guarded by the direct monks of the Tiangong as their enemies.

The monks of the Tiangong family controlled most of the vital departments of the Tiangong.

Tiangong has strengthened its precautions, and no other people are allowed to enter and leave arbitrarily on weekdays.

When foreign monks enter and leave the palace, they must go through a tedious procedure and strict inspections.

Monks like Meng Zhang who rebelled against the sects of the holy land were favored by many monks of the Heavenly Palace.

Meng Zhang had already served in the Tiangong, and he was also respected by the deputy director of the ancient capital Taoist.

Although many monks of the Tiangong family would not directly stand on the side of Meng Zhang against the Holy Land Zongmen, they secretly provided some help to Meng Zhang and reported some news, which was very common.

Meng Zhang easily entered the palace and met with some familiar monks.

Originally, Meng Zhang was going to meet King Snow Sword.

However, Meng Zhang came by accident. Sword Master Banxue had already left the Heavenly Palace and went to inspect the defensive line outside Junchen Realm.

Even the deputy director of the ancient capital Taoist accompanied her all the way and set off together.

Meng Zhang could only find a few familiar monks, and inquired about the defense situation of the Tiangong area near Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang went to meet Xianyun Zhenxian this time, not only to avoid the invaders from outside the territory, but also to avoid the eyes and ears of the monks in the Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang is not an outsider, and the monks of the Tiangong family trust him more.

Although information that is too confidential will not be easily disclosed to him, the general situation of the defense will not be kept from him.

Meng Zhang carefully compared the deployment situation of the Tiangong and the distribution of invaders outside the territory, and then chose the safest route.

Of course, the so-called safest is only Meng Zhang's judgment.

If something goes wrong in the middle and encounters an enemy's interception, it is also very possible.

After Meng Zhang was ready, he left the Heavenly Palace, and then entered the void through nine days.

Tiangong's defense is tight, and there are many restrictions on the monks entering and leaving Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang was also able to easily enter the void because of his identity as a law enforcement envoy from the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall and his reputation.

After entering the void, Meng Zhang followed the pre-planned route and began to quickly move away from Jun Chen Realm.

When leaving the Tiangong defensive area, Meng Zhang's actions were relatively smooth.

When meeting some familiar monks on the road, they will greet each other.

Occasionally encountering a patrol team, Meng Zhang casually found a reason, saying that he wanted to gather some kind of spiritual material in the void.

The patrolling monk just kindly reminded Meng Zhang, and there was no more care.

Meng Zhang's speed was very fast, and it didn't take long before he left the area controlled by Tiangong and entered the invisible dividing line between Junchen Realm and the invaders outside the domain.

After entering this area, Meng Zhang must be very careful.

There are often teams of extraterritorial invaders here to block Junchen Realm.

In the most extreme case, he might even encounter an extraterritorial invader at the real immortal level.

Of course, the void is vast.

The farther away from Junchen Realm, the more room Meng Zhang can move.

The void is vast, and no matter how powerful the invaders outside the territory are, it is impossible to block every corner.

With Meng Zhang's skills, as long as he is a little cautious, avoiding the team of invaders outside the territory in advance, and not getting caught in the encirclement, he is still very sure that he can safely cross the blockade.

If Meng Zhang is really unlucky to the extreme, he is really trapped by an extraterritorial invader.

Xianyun Zhenxian wandering in the void should try his best to rescue him.

He has invested so much capital in Meng Zhang, so he can't helplessly watch these capital sink.

Facts have proved that Meng Zhang's luck is not bad.

In the process of passing through the blockade of invaders outside the territory, he did not encounter a real immortal-level powerhouse.

Occasionally encountering some teams of extraterritorial invaders, Meng Zhangdu was able to spot the opponent first and make evasions in time with his keen sense.

After entering the void, without the obstacle of Junchen Realm Nine Heavens, the connection between Meng Zhang and Xianyun Zhenxian became more smooth.

Xianyun Zhenxian can roughly sense the position of Meng Zhang through the restraint in Meng Zhang's body.

Xianyun Zhenxian is preparing as a siskin to join the fight for the chance of becoming a fairy.

He was naturally unwilling to expose himself easily, so that both Jun Chen Realm and extraterritorial invaders were prepared.

He did not come to meet Meng Zhang directly, but guided the way forward for Meng Zhang, and said that he could provide support for Meng Zhang soon.

According to Xianyun Zhenxian's guidance, Meng Zhang needed to go to the direction of Shenchang Realm and meet him.

If it is on weekdays, Meng Zhang can easily cross this distance to reach the destination.

But now, the extraterritorial invaders have organized a large army to assemble and stand by in a place far away from Jun Chen realm.

An elite patrol team haunted the vicinity to prevent the spies from Junchen Realm from approaching.

When Meng Zhang crossed the blockade of invaders outside the territory, he finally ran out of good fortune and was discovered by the enemy.

Meng Zhang's ability to hide his figure is good, and his reaction is quick enough. In theory, even if he is discovered by the enemy, he can escape in time.

But Meng Zhang was out of luck this time, and the demon lord who discovered that he was walking was a descendant of a certain demon **** in the Ten Thousand Demon Realm who held a treasure in his hand that could always lock Meng Zhang's position.

The status of this demon lord is not low, so he mobilized multiple teams in time and finally surrounded Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang saw a number of extraterritorial invaders approaching him from all directions, knowing that it would be difficult for him to break through without a major battle this time.

Meng Zhang must break through quickly.

If time delays for a long time teams of extraterritorial invaders from other directions come over, it will be even more difficult for Meng Zhang to break through.

Meng Zhang observed that there were a lot of extraterritorial invaders coming from all directions, close to double digits.

Fortunately, there is no one who is too powerful, and the strongest is probably the mid-level of Void Return.

As expected, the real immortal-level powerhouses are one of the few invaders outside the territory, and they are the foundations of all forces.

And the strong people in the final stage of the return to the virtual perfection and the return to the virtual stage are the absolute high-level leaders, and they are the leaders.

The real patrols on the front line, or infiltration and spying, are mainly the powerhouses at the early and mid-level of Void Return.

Meng Zhang chose a direction away from Jun Chen Realm, and then accelerated suddenly, flew in this direction quickly, putting on a posture of going hard.

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