The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2155: Insufficient power

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Taiyimen is the only person in the Junchen realm who has the power to return to the old man, and is still sitting at the Taiyimen Mountain Gate at this time to prevent accidents.

If the power of the Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array is not enough to completely stop these monsters, then they will have to go up.

Relying on Niu Da for them alone, it would be difficult to stop these high-level monsters.

Although they knew the power of these high-level monsters, Niu Dawei and others did not back down easily.

If so many high-level monsters were allowed to break into the nearby Taiyimen territory, it would be an unprecedented catastrophe.

After these high-level monsters left the devil's nest, some would want to leave here as soon as possible, but they were targeted by the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array. Some were attracted by the human monks in front of them, and wanted to devour their flesh and blood.

True Monarch Fire Ape is actually far from being able to completely control these high-level monsters.

Especially after releasing so many high-level monsters in one breath, they can not be eaten back by the monsters, even if they are lucky.

Of course, they didn't need to control these monsters very finely, just roughly control the direction of their actions, using them as cannon fodder to attract the enemy's attention.

In fact, these high-level monsters did a good job, almost perfectly fulfilling the vision of True Lord Fire Ape.

Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array needs to take care of several places in Junchen Realm, and these places are still far apart, so its power is naturally severely dispersed.

The monk who controls the big formation also had to distract him.

After discovering the high-level monsters rushing out of the devil's nest, the Tianwei Lei Xing Array lowered a series of sky thunders and bombarded them fiercely.

There is also a strong competitive relationship between the four monsters of the Void Returning level.

When facing the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array, three monsters of the Void Returning level actually knew how to work together and cooperate with each other to resist the sky thunder bombardment together.

Originally, the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array took these Void-Returning level monsters as the first target. The monsters of the Yang God level are also not easy to let go.

Driven by the Void-Returning level monsters, several Yangshen level monsters rushed forward actively, blocking the knife for the Void-Returning level monsters, and blocked a lot of lightning bombardment.

Several Yangshen level monsters joined forces, and the magic energy penetrated, and it could greatly weaken the power of the sky thunder bombardment.

With a loud bang, the falling sky thunder bombarded the thick demon energy, split it to pieces, and began to quickly dissipate.

Several Yangshen-level monsters fell heavily to the ground, continuously spraying blood out of their mouths and noses.

Seeing this scene, Niu Dawei and others were cold in their hearts.

How could the power of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array become so weak that even a monster of the Yang God level could not kill it in one hit.

Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array was not powerful enough, and Niu Da lost their greatest help.

Niu Dawei even began to speculate in his heart whether there was another accident in Tiangong that affected the power of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array.

Soon, Niu Dawei couldn't care about paying attention to the situation of Tianwei Lei Xingzhen, he was about to face a powerful enemy.

A Void-Returning level monster looked very uncomfortable. It didn't resist the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array with other monsters, but rushed towards Niu Dawei.

Although this monster had a human-shaped head, its body was spliced ​​together with masses of twisted rotten flesh, which looked incredibly hideous and disgusting.

The eyes of this monster were full of greed and desire, and the saliva from the mouth dripped onto the ground, leaving deep pits.

In the eyes of this monster, Niu Dawei and the others are all unseen delicacies.

Niu Dawei waved his hands, and waves of wind and thunder swept toward the monster.

Yang Xueyi and Wen Qiansuan released the magical golden light together, and Xukongzi chopped out several emptiness slashes in a row...

Several fierce attacks accurately hit the rushing monster, which not only prevented the forward momentum, but also beat it back again and again.

Niu Dawei didn't have the slightest joy on their faces.

Except for Xu Mengying to chase and kill the fleeing monsters, the four Yangshen True Monarchs who participated in the battle were all gathered here.

The four of them joined forces, but they couldn't cause too much damage to the monster in front of them, at most they suffered some skin injuries.

Although this monster has a bad brain, it doesn't know how to give full play to its strength. But the power of the Void Returning level is true and real, and it is not something that a few Yangshen cultivators can easily break.

This is just a monster of the Void Returning level, and other monsters are still resisting the bombardment of the Thunder Xing Array.

If those monsters have survived an attack from the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Formation and have a chance to escape, or if they simply rush towards them, then the problem will be even more serious.

At this critical moment, Niu Dawei finally had to show his final hole cards.

A tall altar suddenly appeared in front of Niu Dawei, with everything set up on it.

The three of Yang Xueyi shot with all their strength to attract the attention of the monster, allowing Niu Dawei to cast spells without distraction.

As Niu Dawei began to pinch the tactics and recite the mantra, the ritual was launched, and Tai Miao in the underworld established a connection with Yang Shi.

The power of the rebirth of the Yang world cannot directly descend into the underworld, otherwise it will face the backlash of the rules of the underworld.

As the ghost of the underworld, Tai Miao also has to face such However, Tai Miao is not only the ghost of the underworld, he is essentially an external incarnation of Meng Zhang.

He has a special connection with Meng Zhang, and also has a certain connection with Yang Shi.

In addition, just as the monks of the Yang world will try to interfere in the underworld, the power of the underworld can also exert an influence on the Yang world.

Among the cultivators of the Yang world, it is popular to use the ghost oath to make a ghost oath to ensure that the promise is guaranteed.

In this process, a ghost of the underworld is required to guarantee the vow of ghost.

The ghosts and gods of the underworld have always been very enthusiastic about this kind of thing, and they don't mean to be impatient at all.

In this way, the ghosts and gods of the underworld can gain the power to interfere in the Yang world.

At the beginning of the Taiyimen territory, it was mainly the ghosts and gods who guaranteed the pledge of the ghosts.

Later, especially after the old predecessor of the ghost **** Shouzheng entered the cycle of reincarnation, he guaranteed the ghost oath, mainly because it was too wonderful and obeyed.

Originally, the Oath of Ghosts could only bind monks of Jin Dan period and below.

This part of the monks is also the part with the largest number and the widest branch in the cultivation world.

In addition to its own territory, Taiyimen also actively promoted the ghost vows produced by the family to the practitioners of the entire Junchen world.

Allies like Hailing faction also responded positively.

Especially after Tai Miao advances to the Void Return level, there is a ghost oath that Tai Miao guarantees, which has a strong binding power for the true monarch of the soul.

This is extremely beneficial to the promotion of the Taiyimen Ghost Oath.

Until now, there are thousands of monks in the realm of comprehension who have used the ghost vows issued by Taiyimen.

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