The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2161: misfortune

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After a protracted and bitter battle, Han Yaoqi, the five penalty sword, was finally up, and at the cost of serious injuries, he killed his opponent True Monarch Fire Monkey on the spot.

When the entire body of True Monarch Fire Ape, together with the Sun God, was shattered in the sword light, Han Yao felt a little scared in his heart.

The cultivation bases of the two are similar, and the magical weapons and life-saving cards in True Monarch Fire Ape are even more.

But it was precisely because of too many cards to protect his life that True Monarch Fire Ape was not as resolute as Han Yao, and was not resolute enough at the critical moment of the battle to become a loser.

Han Yao himself admitted that this time he might be somewhat invincible.

True Monarch Fire Monkey wanted to escape for his life, and was always worried that other chasing soldiers from Taiyimen would catch up with him and kill him.

Uncertainty will inevitably expose flaws.

Of course, since he became the final winner, Han Yao would have no regrets.

Although Han Yao is not a sword repairer, he has a tolerance that many sword repairers do not have.

It is his characteristic to defeat the strong by the weak, nurture the war with the war, and make progress through the battle.

When he was in the Great Li Dynasty, he successfully passed the thunder tribulation of the sun **** and advanced to the sun **** stage after killing the veteran sword repairing master Ouyang Jian.

He was already not far from the Void Return Period, and at this moment he felt that the bottleneck between the Yang Shen Period and the Void Return Period began to loosen.

Perhaps, after returning to heal his injuries this time, Han Yao can retreat and impact the return period.

Han Yao killed True Monarch Fire Ape, Niu Dawei and the others, with his wonderful divine power incarnation, wiped out all the high-level monsters, and was chasing down those fleeing monsters.

Most of the dark alliance cultivators who escaped from the devil's nest were wiped out, and there were at most one or two fish that slipped through the net.

True Monarch Fire Ape was killed, the mustard space in his body was completely destroyed, and everything inside was destroyed in the space turbulence.

As the Devil's Nest was destroyed by the Niu Da, the Fire Ape True Monarch failed to escape, and the wealth from the Devil's Nest that the dark alliance leaders wanted was completely gone.

This time, the Dark Alliance lost the Devil's Nest in vain, and the action to recover wealth and recover the losses also ended in failure.

After destroying the devil's nest, Niu Dawei and other Yang Shen Zhenjun joined in the hunt for the monsters.

Although the number of monsters is still huge, it is only a matter of time before they are completely wiped out.

Some of the senior leaders of the dark alliance were aggrieved by this failure, and some were frustrated...

The dark alliance seniors don't know yet, this is not all their losses, the dark alliance's failure has just begun.

In the void near Junchen Realm, the battle between Meng Zhang and Tang Lun was still going on.

Although Meng Zhang focused his energy on fighting, he was not ignorant of everything that happened in Jun Chen Realm.

Niu Dawei also knew that Meng Zhang was fighting the enemy, so it was hard to disturb.

But he summoned the supernatural power incarnation to participate in the battle, so it was natural to communicate with him.

Tai Miao is always paying attention to the battle on Niu Dawei's side.

When synchronizing information with Meng Zhang, Tai Miao naturally did not hide the slightest.

After knowing that Niu Da was for their victory, Meng Zhang was determined.

Although he was very confident in Niu Dawei's waiting for the middle and high level, and left them enough cards, but the news of victory came, and he was finally able to worry-free.

Meng Zhang and Tang Lun have been fighting for so long, but they haven't found the right opportunity to use their assassin.

In fact, with the passage of time, Tang Lun, relying on a deeper cultivation base, and the advantages of magic weapons, slowly gained the upper hand.

Of course, a little bit of superiority on the scene, if it is to be completely transformed into a victory, it cannot be done overnight.

Moreover, even if Tang Lun's Supreme Being could defeat Meng Zhang, it would not be easy to kill Meng Zhang.

Of course, Tang Lun had the upper hand, and the Lin family brothers and the monks who had enemies with Meng Zhang were all greatly encouraged and excited.

The Supreme Lord Tang Lun himself also doubled his confidence and vowed to leave Meng Zhang completely.

The bystanders around came and went, and came and went, and the number was always large.

The battle of the Supreme Master in the late stage of Return to Void is of great value to watch, and perhaps we can learn a lot from it.

Even the Lord of the Cold War has always watched it with gusto, and can compare his own cultivation level through the battle between the two.

Meng Zhang was unwilling to easily use the fairy talisman bestowed by Xianyun Zhenxian, otherwise the battle would have ended long ago.

This is his most powerful means of confronting the enemy at the moment, and of course he can't use it in the public at will.

Although Meng Zhang seemed to be guarded tightly and without the slightest flaw, Tang Lun was not in a hurry at all.

Supreme Tang Lun has already tested it out, and Meng Zhang's cultivation is still a bit different from him.

What kind of background can a young school like Taiyimen have?

Even the Taiyi Sect in its heyday was not worth mentioning in the eyes of Tang Lun.

This kid Meng Zhang didn't know what kind of **** luck he had, and he had his cultivation level today.

But in the final analysis, how can the cards and the killer compare to him?

In the past, the Supreme Lord Yang Sheng died in the void, and some high-level speculations of the Ziyang Saint Sect were related to Meng Zhang, but there was no evidence, and other high-level officials in the door were unwilling to accept such speculations.

This kind of not glorious thing, Ziyang Saint Sect will not promote it everywhere.

Even if some rumors were accidentally leaked and reached Tang Lun's ears, he didn't know which news was the first one, and its authenticity was really in doubt.

As for the opponents who had been killed by Meng Zhang in the early and middle stages of returning to the void, in the eyes of Tang Lun's superior, it was nothing more.

Therefore, although Tang Lun's supreme attaches great importance to Meng Zhang, the late supreme of the Return to Void, he is unwilling to go to war with him easily.

But when it comes to how to fear and even fear Meng Zhang, it's totally impossible to say.

Once the two sides went to war, Tang Lun would not worry about Meng Zhang any more.

Without using the fairy talisman, it was also very difficult for Meng Zhang to kill Tang Lun Supreme.

Although Meng Zhang was temporarily forced to a disadvantage, he didn't care much.

Magic weapons flew and collided in the air, and countless Taoist magical powers flooded the space around the two of them.

The whole void is shaking The aftermath of the battle spreads far in the void.

Facing this kind of power, the monks who watched the battle couldn't help but retreat again and again, pulling a farther distance.

Such an extraordinary and dazzling scene made many spectators hide and be dazzled, and they couldn't bear to take their eyes away.

Some monks with extraordinary savvy and vision can obtain some benefits from such battles by watching and watching.

Although both Meng Zhang and Tang Lun were full of confidence in themselves, they both believed that their battle would continue for a long time.

At the very least, in a short period of time, they can't tell the winner.

But at this time, a sudden change occurred.

In the void, a blood-colored river spreading hundreds of miles, just like this, swept toward this side with an indomitable momentum.

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