The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2163: Trapped

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I saw a celebrity monk present all showing their magical powers and rising up to resist.

Pieces of magic weapons are flying in the air, and magical powers are bombarding everywhere...

The extraterritorial invaders participated in the raid this time are all strong, with extremely strong combat effectiveness, but the number is small.

Many human cultivators present have experience fighting with invaders outside the territory on the battlefield, and they have temporarily stabilized their positions under mutual cooperation.

Except for some casualties at first, there were no other casualties.

Of course, an extraterritorial invader painstakingly designed a surprise attack, but it will not have such a little effect.

The extraterritorial invaders participating in the war will not feel satisfied because of such a trivial result.

The **** river that first appeared seemed slow but fast.

When I first discovered it, there was still some distance from here.

In a blink of an eye, the **** river swept over, seeming to involve all the monks present.

For many cultivators, the demon monk is a nemesis.

In the void battlefield, the Great Demon is one of the most headache opponents for Jun Chen Realm cultivators.

The blood-colored river in front of him was transformed by a great demon of the imaginary immortal level.

At this time, the Lord of the Cold War not only expelled the curse from his body, but also repelled the barbarian high priest.

As a monk of the Tiangong family, he was the highest cultivation person present.

In the face of an unstoppable enemy, he has an unshirkable responsibility.

As soon as the Cold War Master gritted his teeth, he bit his scalp and took the initiative to push it forward.

Because he knew very well in his heart that if no one blocked this great demon and allowed him to make a wanton move, I am afraid that most of the cultivators present would not be able to escape the poisonous hand, and would eventually be unable to escape being demonized by him.

The Lord of the Cold War had just greeted this **** river, he was entangled by it, and couldn't get out at all.

At this time, the Lin family brothers repelled the extraterritorial invaders who sneaked on them, and were about to go and join Tang Lun Supreme.

They probably deserved their bad luck. They actually stood in the way of the **** river and became their latest goal.

The Lin family brothers followed Tang Lun's superior, and had a deep connection with the Demon Dao.

Among the demon masters who invaded Junchen Realm this time, their allies existed.

But things like the Great Demon have always turned their faces ruthlessly, and don't pay attention to human face and things like that.

Even if it is an ally, once a weak point is revealed, the big demon will fall into the pit and take the opportunity to sneak attack.

Supreme Tang Lun and the others are cautious every time they deal with the powerhouse of the magic way, lest they be discovered by the other party.

As for the big demon in front of him, he had no contact with them, even if he wanted to establish friendship, there was nowhere to start.

What's more, this operation is a long-planned big operation by the invaders outside the territory, and there is a real immortal-level power behind it.

There is no existence that can prevent the invaders from outside the territory from wanting to win.

Facing the **** river that was surging, the unavoidable Lin family brothers had to show the world and the law, first escape the disaster and talk about it.

Their huge heaven and earth phenomena were quickly swallowed by the **** river, and then their entire bodies were drawn into it.

The Lin family brothers struggled desperately, unable to break free from the **** river.

Fortunately, both of them are powerful in the mid-stage of returning to Void. Even if they are temporarily trapped, there is no life-threatening in a short period of time, and they can persist for a while.

No matter how powerful the big demon of the virtual fairy level is, it is difficult to kill the two of their brothers in a second.

The Supreme Lord Tang Lun seemed to join forces with Meng Zhang to fight the demigod together. But he is always paying attention to the surrounding situation, looking for opportunities to get away.

He thinks this battle has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't want to get involved at all.

As for the entanglement with Meng Zhang, let's wait until after getting out.

Seeing that the Lin family brothers were trapped by the imaginary demon, Tang Lun hesitated for a moment, but still ignored him and did not step forward to help.

First, it is not easy for him to get rid of the opponent in front of him. If a flaw is revealed, he is bound to suffer severe damage.

Meng Zhang, a temporary comrade in arms, was simply unreliable, and it was impossible to help him at a critical moment.

Secondly, Supreme Lord Tang Lun had been in contact with Demon Dao for so many years, but he knew how terrifying a great demon of the imaginary immortal level was.

Although the Lin family brothers are senior members of the dark alliance and loyal supporters of Tang Lun Supreme, it is impossible for Tang Lun to risk his life for them.

Supreme Tang Lun watched the Lin family brothers being swallowed by the **** river, but did nothing. Instead, he only thought about how to get out.

Meng Zhang also observes six directions and listens to all directions, always paying attention to the situation on the battlefield.

Although the number of Junchen Realm Human Race cultivators present was large, their strength levels were too far apart. If they continued to fight, there was probably only one way to lose.

Meng Zhang is willing to help resist the invaders outside the territory, and is willing to go to the battlefield desperately, but is not willing to fall into a defeated battle.

Meng Zhang is also actively looking for ways to get out of here in time.

At this time, the demigod who was fighting against them finally came up with a real killer.

Meng Zhang once went deep into the world of Shenchang, fought against the native gods there, and achieved good results.

However, the demigod in front of him is obviously not comparable to those of the native gods, and his abilities in all aspects are much stronger.

Meng Zhang clearly felt that this opponent must have a clever heritage and could give full play to a powerful divine power.

The various divine arts it used were so powerful and mature that it was obviously not comparable to the crude inheritance of the native gods of the Shenchang Realm.

I saw a sun rising above the head of this demigod, emitting endless rays of light, dispelling the eternal darkness in the void.

Wherever the rays of light went, other different powers, including the Taoist magical powers of the cultivator, etc., all retreated.

The endless rays of light seemed to be like a cage, which swept Meng Zhang and Tang Lun's superiors all at once.

Of course, Meng Zhang and Tang Lun knew that they couldn't be so trapped by their opponents.

The two of them did their best and struggled desperately, but they still couldn't get rid of it.

The cage transformed by this light is somewhat of a gods not only firmly entangles Meng Zhang and Tang Lun, but also exudes incomparably domineering power to completely dissolve the two of them.

The black and white air currents hung down in the Taiyin Yinyang picture above Meng Zhang's head, temporarily protecting him firmly.

Seeing that it is difficult to get out for the time being, Meng Zhang is not in a hurry to continue struggling, and is ready to observe it first.

Supreme Tang Lun knew the opponent's strength well, and he didn't dare to entangle here for too long.

"This is God's Domain. We must not allow our opponents to do anything. We must break through as soon as possible."

Tang Lun thought that Meng Zhang was young and shallow, lacking eyesight, and did not see the current dangers, so he reminded him.

Of course, this was not because Tang Lun cared about Meng Zhang kindly, but because he knew that he could not get out of trouble alone and needed the power of Meng Zhang.


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