The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2171: normal

Seeing that the cultivators released by the Dark Alliance were far fewer than he had imagined, the Taoist Double Thorn saw that the Taiyi Sect lacked integrity and was secretly engaging in ghosts, deliberately seizing the Dark Alliance, and wanted to make a fuss on these impounded cultivators.

In fact, he really blamed Taiyimen this time.

Among the detained Dark Alliance cultivators, if it is really related to this incident and the magic way, then Taiyi Sect will definitely not take it lightly.

They were sentenced to varying degrees of punishment according to the severity of the crime.

Some were put to death directly, some were abolished for cultivation, some were taken to mines and other places to perform hard labor...

Taiyimen has strict laws, and the monks in the door have always been strict in law enforcement.

Anyone who violated the Taiyi Sect's decrees in the Taiyi Sect's territory, especially involving such major events as the Devil Dao, has always had a clear attitude of the Taiyi Sect.

Regardless of the person’s background and cultivation level, he must be punished in accordance with Taiyimen’s rules.

For these dark alliance monks, Taiyimen will not show mercy, but will do business.

Excluding these monks who were punished by the Taiyi Clan, the number of innocent monks left would naturally be low.

What's more, Taiyimen killed many people on the spot during the process of arresting the cultivators of the Dark League branch.

There are also many dark alliance cultivators in the process of being interrogated by Taiyimen because the interrogators have taken too much action, either died or abolished.

In a word, due to various reasons, the monks of the Dark Alliance in the Taiyimen territory can live to this day, and indeed not many have been released by the Taiyimen.

The Taoist Double Thorn was dissatisfied with this, and the high-level staff of Taiyimen who came forward to deal with the matter understood it and was willing to give some explanations.

However, if the Taoist Shuangcai is unreasonable and has hostility towards the Taiyi Sect, he wants to make a fuss and make use of it, then it won't work.

The Taoist Double Thorn had to talk to Meng Zhang in person, but Meng Zhang was too lazy to continue to talk to him.

Meng Zhang didn't meet with him, but asked the other monks of Taiyimen to come forward and wrestle with him slowly.

Meng Zhang understood that the dark alliance had suffered such a big loss this time, but the high-level staff was still in a superior position and refused to face the Taiyi Sect squarely.

With the current attitude of the top leaders of the dark alliance, even if the Taiyimen is willing to ease the relationship with it, it will not help.

That being the case, Meng Zhang would not use his hot face to stick to his cold ass, and no longer had high expectations for the dark alliance.

Anyway, with the current situation in Junchen Realm, it is impossible for the Dark Alliance to aggressively attack the Taiyi Gate.

Meng Zhang's attitude is to go with the flow and wait for the situation to change.

As for the various negotiations and wrangling with the dark alliance, there is naturally a special person in Taiyimen who is responsible for it, and there is no need for Meng Zhang to come forward.

The Taoist Double Thorn couldn't even see Meng Zhang's face, so he was naturally even more angry, thinking that Meng Zhang was too arrogant.

Of course, no matter how angry he was, he didn't lose his mind, knowing that he shouldn't be rough in Taiyimen.

With the task of a high-level dark alliance on his body, coupled with the persuasion of Taoist Youhuan, Taoist Double Spike had to deal with the monks who came out of Taiyimen patiently.

In any case, first bringing back the dark alliance cultivators released by Taiyi Sect can explain to the dark alliance high level that his trip was not fruitless.

Meng Zhang stopped paying attention to these things, and returned his attention to his own practice.

For a long time after that, Meng Zhangdu was not disturbed and was able to practice wholeheartedly.

In the area north of the Dead Sea, the hunting and encirclement of monsters slowly came to an end.

Although there are still a few monsters still not captured, and may have escaped into the nearby area. But under the strict guard of Taiyimen, no big waves can be set off.

The hunt for these few monsters will be a long-term job.

The army of monks organized by Taiyimen has returned to the sect and has begun to disband.

Niu Dawei and so on Yang Shen Zhenjun also returned to the sect one after another.

Follow-up work, such as hunting down monsters, was handed over to some true masters of the Primordial Spirit to take charge of it.

There is no need for too many monks in these matters, and there is no need to continue wasting manpower.

The action to wipe out the Devil's Nest was not perfect, but at least the mission was successfully completed.

Taiyimen has its own strict rules and regulations for the aftermath of the war, the compensation for participating monks, and the rewards for meritorious deeds.

Soon after Niu Dawei, Yang Xueyi and other Yang Shen Zhenjun returned to the sect, they put aside their chores and began to retreat one after another.

As the middle and high level of the door, they are all aware of the current status of the Zongmen lack of combat power at the Void Return level.

Although Meng Zhang didn't urge them, they all hoped to break through to the rebirth period as soon as possible and relieve the pressure on the sect.

In a blink of an eye, more than 20 years have passed since Meng Zhangzhu killed Tang Lun's Supreme Being and returned to Taiyi Sect.

In the past two decades, the relationship between Taiyimen and the dark alliance has not progressed much, and they are still incomprehensible to each other.

The detained Dark Alliance cultivators have been put back.

As for the treasure of Qingling Screen, no matter how threatened or begged by the envoys sent by the dark alliance, the foreign affairs elders who were in charge of reception on the Taiyimen side were silent, endless nonsense, and all kinds of haha.

The Taiyimen territory had long restored calm, and the entire Hanhaidao League had once again entered a period of rapid development.

With the passage of time, Taiyi Sect has cultivated more monks, and more and more manufacturable materials have emerged.

The current Taiyi Sect, together with the Hanhai Dao League under its command, has no flaws in the low-level and middle-level cultivators, and has begun to slowly catch up with some of the weaker sacred sects.

Meng Zhang's own cultivation has also made some progress in this short period of time.

Meng Zhang is not only extremely talented, but also has a brilliant inheritance. Even in the cultivation period during the Void Return period, there is no bottleneck, and his cultivation level still maintains a rapid improvement.

He also slowly repaired the magic weapon Aurora Usuo that was damaged during the last battle in the void.

The Chiyin Sword Sha, originally sent to the underworld for warmth, was returned to him by Tai Miao after the restoration was completed.

At this time, Meng Zhang didn't really appreciate these two magic weapons.

His cultivation speed is too The magic weapon that he carries can't keep up with his footsteps.

Although Taiyi Sect ancestors have also passed, but that is only for ordinary cultivation forces.

Among the cultivation forces at the Void Returning level, the Taiyi Sect in its heyday could not be ranked.

Few magic weapons have not been handed down from Taiyi Sect ancestors, and the entire school still lacks the ability to refine magic weapons.

Even the worst magic weapon is priceless and cannot be bought on the market at all.

There is no cultivation force with magic weapons that will easily sell magic weapons to the outside world and will not let the magic weapons go out.

Although Meng Zhang didn't have a powerful magic weapon, he didn't care much.

With the continuous improvement of his Tai Chi Yin and Yang map, he became less and less dependent on foreign objects such as magic weapons.

In many cases, in battle, as long as he showed the yin and yang map of the world and the earth, it was enough to suppress the enemy's magic weapon.

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