The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2181: means

Zhenjun Shushan became a Taoist Shushan, and he had a certain right to speak within his faction, and some high-level officials began to attach importance to his speech.

True Monarch Shushan himself and Meng Zhang had a good friendship, and had always believed that Taiyimen could be the help of the dark alliance.

Because of his active activities, his faction also began to recognize his statement, and felt that the relationship with Taiyimen should be improved.

Taoist Youhuan brought news about the three deceased men of Meng Zhang, explaining the changes in the internal situation of the dark alliance.

Her meaning is very simple. Since the attitude of the dark alliance is changing, Taiyimen should also cooperate.

Taoist Youhuan really feels that the Dark Alliance and Taiyi Sect share many interests in common, and that the two sides should not become enemies, but should become allies.

After Taoist Youhuan clearly expressed his meaning, Niu Dawei also responded positively.

Meng Zhang had already explained how to deal with the dark alliance.

As a major disciple of the head, Niu Dawei has a strong autonomy in matters of the sect.

Niu Dawei agrees with Meng Zhang's ideas, and Taiyimen and the Dark Alliance naturally have the basis to become allies.

The Taiyimen's previous antagonism with the dark alliance was completely unnecessary and did not conform to the interests of both parties.

Of course, Niu Dawei also believes that the main responsibility of Taiyimen and the dark alliance is the dark alliance.

If it weren't for the dark alliance to be aloof and aggressive, Taiyimen would not have such an attitude.

Now that the internal wind direction of the dark alliance has changed, and if he intends to improve the relationship with Taiyimen, then Niu Dawei will not be arrogant, but will actively cooperate.

Niu Dawei and Youhuan Taoist talked happily and reached a lot of consensus.

After Taoist Youhuan left Taiyimen with satisfaction, Niu Dawei immediately made various arrangements.

Now that Meng Zhang had just returned to the sect, Niu Dawei immediately came over to report.

Meng Zhang had already handed over the various matters of Taiyi Sect to Niu Dawei for handling, and he naturally trusted him absolutely.

Meng Zhang has no opinion on Niu Dawei's disposal.

After Niu Dawei finished his report, he told Meng Zhang that he was about to put aside all his affairs and practice in retreat, ready to break through to the rebirth period.

When Meng Zhang left the sect and went to the void last time, he handed the auxiliary treasure of Qingling Screen to Xu Mengying.

Now, Xu Mengying is retreating in the blessed land of the sun and the moon, preparing to break through to the rebirth period.

Meng Zhang came back in a hurry this time, also wanting to see if Xu Mengying encountered any problems in the breakthrough, and whether he needed his help.

However, it seems that Xu Mengying still has a long way to go before she can successfully advance, and now is not the time to make a breakthrough.

With Niu Dawei's foundation and accumulation, even without the help of the treasure of Qingling Screen, he is confident enough to advance.

Both himself and Meng Zhang are full of confidence in his advancement.

After Meng Zhang gave him some last advice, he began to prepare to retreat.

Taiyi Sect currently has a mature system, and the elders in the gate and the heads of various departments are responsible for various daily affairs of the sect.

Even if Meng Zhang and Niu Dawei were not in the sect, Taiyi Sect could maintain normal operation.

Meng Zhang spent some time, and after dealing with all kinds of things that happened in the sect in the past twenty years, he started to contact the underworld person wonderfully.

Although Tai Miao desperately wanted to go deep into the Devil May Cry Mountains, she didn't rush to act. Instead, it took a long time to make various preparations.

Not only did he mobilize his army, he also gave orders to those underworld forces who surrendered to him, summoning their power to the Devil May Cry Mountains.

Tai Miao is not a person who has no intentions at all.

He knew that many forces in the underworld were only forced by the situation and had to surrender themselves in name.

He is now conscripting the main forces of these forces to come to the Devil May Cry Mountains, which can not only allow them to help themselves to attack the Devil May Cry Mountains, but also consume their strength in the process.

If these forces are severely weakened, they will be completely unable to resist in the future. Tai Miao, Tai Miao's rule over the underworld will become more stable.

If these forces dared to refuse the recruitment of Too Miao, then Tai Miao can justify their crusade and put them down completely.

In the past, Tai Miao accepted the initiative of many forces in order to quickly unify the underworld.

In order to show their sincerity and generosity, Tai Miao allowed them to retain their strength and maintain a semi-independent position.

In doing so, it actually left many hidden dangers for Tai Miao's rule.

In a large part of the underworld, surrendering in name is wonderful.

Now, Tai Miao would use this opportunity to attack the Devil May Cry Mountains to slowly solve these problems.

For the wonderful plan, Meng Zhang was in favor.

Too wonderful Although the Devil May Cry Mountains were the main goal of the next stage, it never meant to relax the rule of the underworld.

Over the years, those forces that surrendered too wonderfully had to obey his call. The senior leaders of the various forces personally led an army of ghosts to the Devil May Cry Mountains.

Tai Miao also ordered his subordinates to dispatch a flying boat team to help these forces send their troops.

Up to now, most of the forces that have surrendered to Tai Miao have expressed unconditional obedience to Tai Miao, and have actively responded to the call.

After all, the cultivation base of the Taimiao Void Returning level is irresistible, and not many people dare to resist the order.

Of course, there will always be guys with unclear brains, and there will be some forces who have violated the law and used all kinds of excuses to delay.

For these guys, the wonderful attitude is very simple, that is to get rid of them completely.

There is no need for Tai Miao to send out his own direct army. Naturally, some forces who want to please Tai Miao take the initiative to ask for orders to wipe out these short-sighted guys.

The guys who didn't have long eyes were always in the minority, and they were quickly wiped out in the face of the surrounding forces.

This has been more than 20 years, and because the underworld is too vast, the ghost army recruited by Miao Miao hasn't all been in place yet, and many of them are still on the way.

The plan to beat and weaken all the forces in the underworld went very smoothly.

He didn't want to wait any Seeing that a massive army of ghosts had gathered, he started to act.

Outside the Devil May Cry Mountains, a number of temporary bases have been established.

The place where Yindu City was originally located was cleared out by Tai Miao's men and used as a temporary headquarters.

Under the wonderful order, a large army of ghosts began to march towards the Devil May Cry Mountains.

They will use their lives to remove all natural dangers for Tai Miao, to contain and consume the power of various evil things in the Devil May Cry Mountains.

Tai Miao showed great patience. He did not order the army to deepen rashly. Instead, he started to sweep from the periphery, step by step, and gradually deepen.

So far, all the wonderful methods and performances are remarkable, which makes Meng Zhang very satisfied.

Meng Zhang asked himself, even if he put himself in a wonderful position, he couldn't do better than him.

Of course, with the deepening of the Devil May Cry Mountains slowly, the real challenge has just begun.

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