The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2192: Enchanted

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In the era when the goddess of the moon was born, the son of Poshan was a famous figure among the gods.

Generally speaking, as the descendants of gods, the descendants of gods have gained powerful power because of the blood of the gods, but they are also subject to many shackles because of the blood.

If there is gain, there will be loss, which can be regarded as an alternative balance of heaven.

Among the aboriginal gods of Junchen Realm and Shenchang Realm, even pseudo-gods, basically have the strength of the Void Rebirth Period.

The strength of the goddess is generally much lower than that of the gods whose blood originated.

The ancestors of the Yuanshen stage level, even if they have good strength.

If Goddess wants to have the strength of returning to the Void, either the source of the bloodline is very powerful, or it has a special chance.

The **** son of Nikka, who was wiped out by Meng Zhang in the world of Shenchang, had his father a true **** of rising sun with the strength of a true immortal. The ancestor of the moon worshiper beside Meng Zhang is also a true god.

It is not easy for a goddess of their kind to have the strength of the Void Returning level.

It is even more difficult for their cultivation base to go further.

The blood of the **** in Poshan God Son came from an ordinary false **** and was not outstanding.

But Poshan Shenzi is a character with great perseverance. Because of a series of opportunities and unremitting efforts, he broke through the shackles of blood, and finally grew into a strong man at the late stage of Void Return.

The era of the rise of Poshan God Child was when the practitioners invaded Junchen Realm.

The Son of Poshan is active on the battlefield against the cultivators, fighting on the front line all the year round, beheading countless cultivators, including several direct descendants, disciples and grandchildren of true immortals.

He is a very heroic character who has made countless achievements and left many legends. Even figures such as the moon worshiper and goddess regarded him as a great hero.

The cultivators who invaded Junchen Realm back then were too powerful, not to mention that they were descendants of gods like Poshan Divine Son, and even many native gods fell on the battlefield one after another.

The true gods who were the pillars of the native gods of Junchen Realm were all beheaded by several true immortals.

After the goddess of Poshan lost his voice on the battlefield, the goddess of the moon was still full of thoughts that he had died in the battle.

I really didn't expect that the **** child Poshan would be selected by the native gods of Junchen Realm as the guardian, responsible for guarding this secret space.

There is really no adultery between the goddess of the moon and the goddess of the Poshan.

She had some dealings with the **** son Poshan that year, and she admired and admired him very much.

This time both Meng Zhang and Moon God are determined to win this secret space.

As a blocker, the **** son of Poshan will not end well if he blocks their way.

The goddess of moon worship knows the power of Meng Zhang, and even more knows the terrible moon god.

She really didn't want to see God Child Poshan die here so worthlessly.

Since he, like himself, had escaped the fate of being killed in the hands of the cultivator that year, he should have a better future.

It is a pity that the **** son Poshan turned a deaf ear to the painstaking persuasion of the goddess of the moon, and mercilessly killed her.

Seeing that his persuasion had no effect, and that the attack of the **** son of Poshan was approaching, the goddess of moon worship had to fight.

The goddess worshipping the moon did not give up persuading the son of Poshan, she began to think in her heart how to avoid Meng Zhang and communicate with the son of Poshan alone.

She wanted to tell the **** son Poshan that she didn't collude with the cultivators, and that she and Meng Zhang were just using each other to get what they needed.

The voice of the moon **** rang in the mind of the moon goddess.

"That kid won't understand your painstaking effort, he is a dead brain."

"He won't believe a word of everything you say."

"Furthermore, with the methods of those gods back then, since they can rest assured that Poshan is the guardian here, they naturally have a lot of restrictions on him, and let him wholeheartedly eliminate all intruders who break into this place."

The Moon God has hidden in the body of the Moon Goddess for thousands of years and knows her very well.

She guessed the thoughts of the goddess of the moon, and then interrupted her fantasy.

Although the Moon God did not urge, since the opponent had already spoken, the Goddess of Moon Worship had to give up all other thoughts and began to devote herself to the battle wholeheartedly.

For the moon god, worshipping the moon goddess is to act like a **** and blindly obey all the instructions of the other party. Even sacrificing everything, including life, must implement the will of the Moon God.

Moreover, in order to allow Meng Zhang to have a better understanding of the opponent in front of her, the goddess worshipped the moon secretly and told Meng Zhang everything about the son of Poshan.

She hoped that Meng Zhang could know herself and the enemy and end the battle as soon as possible.

The power levels of Poshan Divine Child and Meng Zhang are similar, but the cultivators have various methods, and they can often quickly gain the upper hand over the native gods and descendants of the same level.

Meng Zhang urged both yin and yang to block the **** son Poshan positively.

One after another, the magical powers of Taoism were constantly blasting towards the **** son of Poshan.

Once the Moon Worship Goddess, who has the strength in the mid-stage of returning to the Void, actively enters the battle, it will be of great help to Meng Zhang.

She didn't face a head-on confrontation with the **** son Poshan, instead she restrained his power and distracted him by the side.

Although the cultivation level of Poshan Divine Child exceeds the realm of Moon Worship Goddess, he dare not ignore her attack.

A cold moonlight enveloped the surrounding Poshan Divine Child, and he was fighting with all his strength against Meng Zhang before he could get rid of it all.

The **** son of Poshan who was trapped in the moonlight, it was as if he was in a quagmire, feeling the resistance around his body, making his actions slow.

If worshiping the goddess of the moon just made him unable to ignore it, then Meng Zhang is a powerful enemy that he must fight wholeheartedly Under the control of Meng Zhang, the two qi of yin and yang are ever-changing, making the goddess of Poshan very difficult to parry. It is strenuous.

The son of Poshan must guard the top of this mountain and cannot give up the road.

This made his tactical choices limited, and he became constrained.

Under the joint attack of Meng Zhang and the goddess of the moon, the goddess Poshan quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Every time the yin and yang two qi brushed past Poshan's side, although he was blocked by his divine power, its power penetrated in, constantly attenuating his divine power and wearing away his physical body.

Feeling that his qi and blood was constantly being consumed, and his flesh, muscles and bones were being worn out, which caused him great pain.

Falling to the wind in the battle, seeing that he was about to be unable to resist the enemy, unable to fulfill his duties as a guardian, so that the **** of Poshan suffered much, and the pain in his heart surpassed the pain in his body.

The face of Poshan Shenzi was distorted, and a black air flashed across his face.

"The cultivator should kill, and the traitor who colludes with the cultivator should be killed."

The son of Poshan didn't know what to think, he didn't care about Meng Zhang, the enemy, but madly pounced on the goddess of moon worship.

The goddess worshipping the moon didn't know what she had done, and actually made the goddess Poshan hate herself so much.

"Be careful, this guy is insane."

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