The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2201: Downwind

Meng Zhang has experienced more difficult and dangerous scenes than before, and has encountered many more thrilling battles. He has even had close contact with real immortals.

The monstrous demon intimidation of the Chiwu Forest Lord could not scare him, but instead aroused his strong fighting spirit.

A wave of sharp sword aura came and went in the monster group, beheading wantonly.

Wherever the sword qi passes, no matter how fierce the monsters are, their bodies are in different places, and there is no whole body.

The yin and yang are like a long river, sweeping through the air.

Wherever the yin and yang qi passes, whether it is a branch or something transformed by the devil qi, they are involved in it, and then quickly wiped out.

For the ancient moon god, what kind of big scene has not been seen. The little pediatrics in front of her couldn't shake her mind.

The Moon God is a Tiger Falling into the Pingyang, completely losing its strength in the past.

If it were her heyday, Chiwu Forest Master was such a commodity, she would not have taken it seriously.

Of course, if she really had the strength in her heyday, there was no need to enter here, and there was no need to join forces with Meng Zhang.

Moon God's mentality has always been very good, especially the experience in these thousands of years, which has greatly tempered her mind.

She didn't have any unbalanced mentality because of her current state, let alone complaining.

She accepted her destiny calmly and faced a series of challenges fearlessly.

The Chiwu Forest Master in front of her was just another stumbling block in her long life.

The physical strength of the goddess of the moon is limited, and the moon **** can not only use its strength to the extreme, but also be able to cast a thousand catties in four or two ways to defeat clumsy cleverly.

The cold and gloomy moonlight is like layers of fine veil, covering the body of the goddess of the moon.

No matter how fierce the attack fell on it, it was gently lifted off.

A cold-radiant moon blade flexibly avoided a heavy obstacle, suddenly appeared around the main body of the Chiwu Forest, and slashed towards it fiercely.

The thick scales that fell on the main tree of Chiwu Forest were like a thick shield, blocking all the moon blades.

Meng Zhang and Moon God joined forces, and thus fell into a long-term struggle with the Lord Chiwu Forest.

Chiwu Forest Master has a higher level of strength, and he has cultivated a lot of magical secret techniques, which seems to be very powerful.

Meng Zhang bears a profound inheritance from the Jinxian, with deep roots, and an endless stream of Taoist and supernatural powers.

The goddess worshiping the moon is considered a strong one among the descendants of the gods.

As one of the oldest gods in Junchen Realm, Moon God is not only well-informed and knows many secrets, but he is also unfathomable with many methods and cards.

The Chiwu Forest Master had one enemy and two. Although he temporarily gained the upper hand in the scene, he still had a very long distance before they could completely win Meng Zhang and the others.

In the fierce fight, neither of the two dared to keep their hands, and they both went all out to fight each other.

Under these circumstances, they had no time to take care of others, and the aftermath of the battle spread arbitrarily, which soon had a huge impact on the surrounding area.

The hall where they are located is the most core area of ​​the secret space. It is shrouded by the power of several artifacts throughout the year. It should be the most stable and least easily destroyed place.

However, a few artifacts have to converge most of their power in the face of the attack of the Chiwu Forest Master's devilish energy all the year round, and use them for self-protection and to resist the Chiwu Forest Master.

Secondly, the two warring parties have extremely high levels of cultivation, and the movement caused by the battle is very large. Even the power that they inadvertently leak out is very destructive.

After some fighting, both sides gave up the illusion of a quick fight and a quick decision, honestly prepared for a protracted battle, and fought each other. Valley

Their battle is in a state of anxiety, but this hall can't stand it first.

Cracks appeared around the hall, broke quickly, and then quickly collapsed completely.

This secret space is built in the gap between the front and back space, and it is divided into many independent spaces with their own functions.

After the hall disappeared, the real surroundings were revealed.

Here is the gap formed by the intersection of the positive space and the anti-space, surrounded by endless spatial turbulence.

This is not as soft as the spatial turbulence formed inside the world.

The spatial turbulence formed by the entanglement of the forces of positive space and anti-space is a difficulty that is not easy to overcome for the power of returning to the void.

Even with Meng Zhang's cultivation base at this time, he was unwilling to easily step into this level of turbulence without a clear positioning.

As the aftermath of their battle disturbed the surrounding spatial turbulence, the power of the spatial turbulence began to slowly erode towards the battlefield.

Chiwu Forest Master’s body is fixed in one position

, Will not move easily.

Meng Zhang and the Goddess of Moon Worship moved quickly around, evading and parrying the attack of the Chiwu Forest Master.

They are now becoming extra careful so as not to fall into the turbulence of space.

The aftermath of the battle and the power of the turbulence in space are a disadvantage for the Chiwu Forest Master.

Meng Zhang and the Goddess of Moon Worship had no subordinates or helpers. When they were at war, they deliberately or unintentionally released their power to expand the scope of the aftermath of the battle.

The Chiwu Forest that the owner of the Chiwu Forest had previously transformed into was soon greatly affected.

The giant trees were destroyed by the overflowing force, and the thick fog was dispersed.

The army of monsters transformed by the scales of the Chiwu Forest Master's body was also wiped out in large numbers.

Even without the additional layer of the forest and the help of the army of monsters, the strength of the Chiwu Forest Master alone would be enough to suppress Meng Zhang and the others.

Seeing the changes in the battle situation, the previous strategy didn't work very well, and the Chiwu Forest owner made adjustments in time to take back all the power that had been radiated.

Most of the Red Mist Forest was destroyed, and the dense army of monsters disappeared, but the aura of the Red Mist Forest owner suddenly became even stronger.

He abandoned the previous fancy methods and used more direct force to forcefully crush these two enemies.

Even if you pay a greater price for this, there is more loss at all costs.

The giant tree came alive all at once, and the old face on the tree body became more vivid, full of anger and killing intent.

The thickest branches of the giant tree twisted like hands and feet, and the Red Wist Forest Master seemed to stand up suddenly.

He exhaled heavily, and demonic energy spewed out, turning into a tall phantom of the demon god.

The space around the bodies of Meng Zhang and the goddess of the moon vibrated violently, and there were bursts of crackling sounds.

A series of horrifying forces attacked from all directions, seeming to squeeze them into meat sauce.

Both Meng Zhang and the goddess of the moon began to sparkle with various lights. This was because their body protection spells were triggered, and then they exploded forcibly.

Both Meng Zhang and the goddess of the moon felt tremendous pressure, and it seemed that it became difficult to even breathe.

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