The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2205: Collapse

The **** son Poshan was very angry.

The cultivator is only profitable, regardless of the overall situation. This is something he has known for a long time. He also had the worst prediction for the behavior of that cultivator.

But he didn't expect that the goddess of the moon worshiper was also poisoned by the cultivator, becoming the same as a cultivator, seeming to forget her origin.

Fortunately, he didn't take the initiative to propose to cooperate with the goddess of the moon in advance. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and led them to the Chiwu Forest Master and let them clashed on their own.

Otherwise, with the vicious nature of the practitioner, after knowing his plan in advance, he might be sold to the Chiwu Forest Master.

Of course, the **** son Poshan knew that if they hadn’t controlled the Chiwu Forest Master without Meng Zhang, even if he had control of a few artifacts, it would be difficult for him to control the artifacts to explode, and it would be even more difficult for him to cause too much damage to the Chiwu Forest Master. .

It's just that the anger in his heart made Poshan Divine Child really uncontrollable.

He disregarded the threat of Chiwu Forest Master's approach, and yelled at Meng Zhang and the others from a distance, showing how angry he was and how dissatisfied with their behavior of taking advantage of the fire.

Meng Zhang always ignored the howls of defeated dogs.

He and Poshan Divine Child are not friends, let alone the same way.

Don't forget, not long ago, at the last level, the opponent was still fighting with him.

Cultivators and goddesses like Poshan Divine Child were originally enemies.

Change time and place, maybe Meng Zhang had already taken the initiative to kill the opponent.

Regardless of how dissatisfied Meng Zhang is with the sects of the great sacred sites, and how maliciously guessing several true immortals who preached the Junchen world, in the final analysis, if they hadn There will be the situation of Jun Chenjie today.

They established the rule of the cultivators in Junchen Realm, and Meng Zhang also benefited from this.

As a member of the cultivator, Meng Zhang's buttocks have been sitting upright, knowing where he stands.

Even if the cultivator's internal struggles are cruel and fights are constant, he will collude with the native gods and descendants out of interest, but he has never forgotten his identity.

The Lord of Chiwu Forest should die, and the God Son of Poshan should also be killed.

The goddess of the moon worships the goddess Poshan very deeply, but now it is the moon **** who controls this body, and she doesn't bother to take care of this junior.

After the **** son of Poshan was stained by the Chiwu Forest Master Demon, the inner demons in his body were clustered, and he became extremely irritable and irritable.

The actions of Meng Zhang and the goddess of the moon made him even more angry.

These few artifacts formed a battlefield to hold up the secret realm space.

Now the battlefield is destroyed, several artifacts have exploded one after another, the secret space has completely lost the foundation of survival, and will be completely destroyed at any time.

Originally, Poshan Godzi still had some illusions.

If Meng Zhang and the goddess of worshipping the moon took advantage of the Chiwu Forest Master's serious injury by the explosion of the artifact, they would do their best to completely destroy the Chiwu Forest Master as soon as possible.

After the incident, maybe they will help Poshan Divine Child to get rid of the magical thoughts in his body.

But now, Meng Zhang's actions have completely lost his last thoughts.

The God Child Poshan knew that it was absolutely impossible to get rid of the magical thoughts in his body by relying on his own strength.

What he didn't know was that he was so deeply into the devil that even if Meng Zhang and the goddess of the moon were willing to help him at any cost, it would not have much effect and could not change his final outcome.

The furious Poshan Divine Child made a decision, even if he fell, he would have to pay a heavy price for the guys in front of him.

Not only the Chiwu Forest Master who stained him, but also the **** cultivator, and the goddess of moon worship who had betrayed the gods' camp.

The God Child Poshan began to burn his soul, using his last authority to accelerate the collapse of the secret space.

This is also a method left by several true gods back then.

When encountering an unstoppable strong enemy, especially a powerful cultivator breaking in here, seeing that the secret realm space is no longer able to be guarded, then the guardian of the mountain breaker will destroy this secret realm space and prevent it from falling. In the hands of the enemy.

Of course, as the guardian **** son of the mountain, because the guard is not strong, he also has to pay a price.

The true **** is never magnanimous and has severe punishments for losers.

The God Child Poshan paid the price of his life and activated the final arrangement of the true god, causing the secret realm space to begin to collapse rapidly.

The Chiwu Forest Master, who was embarrassed by the yin and yang extinction **** thunder, had not fully recovered before he discovered the behavior of the **** son of Poshan.

He was almost mad.

After thousands of years of painstaking planning, I didn't get anything in the end, and ended up with a basket full of water.

He always wanted to turn the entire secret space into his own magic soil, but the secret space was about to collapse.

He has long been tainted by his magic, and he has regarded him as a broken mountain in his pocket

God son, jumped out and staggered, causing him a huge loss, not to mention, he is about to burn his soul completely...

The cooked duck can fly away, which is really unacceptable for the Chiwu Forest Master.

Furious, he also fell into madness, exploding the devilish energy in his body with all his strength, desperately destroying everything around him.

The sudden eruption of the Chiwu Forest Master forced Meng Zhang and the Goddess of Moon Worship to stop the offensive and temporarily switch from offensive to defensive.

The greater crisis comes from the secret space that is collapsing.

If it is a general space collapse within a certain big world, the resulting space storm and space turbulence Zhang can calmly face each other.

Not to mention that it is easy to shuttle through the space like walking on the ground, at least it will not be too dangerous.

But here is in the void, and at the intersection of the positive space and the anti-space.

The surrounding space turbulence and space storms are fierce, and the anti-space forces mixed therein are even more terrifying.

There are almost always crises in the anti-space, and some natural dangers can even make the real celestial powers difficult.

There are rules of heaven and earth in the counter space, which are completely different from those in the positive space.

There are special rules for positioning, moving, and avoiding risks.

Even the erudites like Meng Zhang dare not say how deeply they have a deep understanding of anti-space, let alone that they can act recklessly in anti-space.

If you rush into an unfamiliar anti-space, it will be a huge test for Meng Zhang to safely return to the positive space.

With the rapid collapse of the secret space, the violent space power exploded, blowing Meng Zhang and the others unstable, requiring a lot of effort to defend.

The space storm has swept across.

If most of the space storms Meng Zhang encountered in the past were just undercurrents in small rivers, then the space storms before him were big winds and waves in the sea.

Even though Meng Zhang and the Goddess of Moon Worship had advanced and profound cultivation and vast supernatural powers, they felt a little involuntary at this time.

They are like swimming fish, trying to swim in the turbulence of space, trying to avoid one of the dangers.

At this time, they hadn't paid much attention to Lord Chiwu Forest.

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