The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2208: Each means

The combination of cultivator and goddess is really a bit weird.

Compared with the devil soul that looked a bit miserable, the combination in front of him was more likely to obtain the legacy of the native gods of Junchen Realm.

The Thousand Foot Demon Lord and Xiangshan Mountain God rushed towards Meng Zhang and the others without hesitation.

Meng Zhang and the goddess of the moon, who had just escaped from the danger of the secret space, were caught in a fierce battle again.

This is really just getting out of the tiger's mouth and entering the wolf's den again.

Meng Zhang and the Goddess of Moon Worship were not small in the previous battle, and in order to escape the collapsed secret space, it was inevitable to be injured.

At this time, faced with a surprise attack by two powerful enemies at the late stage of Returning Void, they both had to work hard to deal with it.

The yin-yang Taiji diagram above Meng Zhang's head quickly emerged, and it spun quickly.

The yin and yang are like a long river, trying to involve the two opponents in front of them.

A series of sword qi lurked in the long river of Yin and Yang two qi, and as the river rushed, it began to erupt one after another, blasting towards the opponent in front of it.

A crescent moon appeared on the head of the goddess of the moon, and rays of light containing the aura of death shot towards the opponent.

The goddess of the moon, like the moon god, is the most proficient in Taiyin Dao.

The Moon God stretched over the Taiyin Avenue and mastered the power of the Death Avenue.

In the icy moonlight, there is a strong meaning of death.

If it were under normal circumstances, Meng Zhang would fight alone with the two opponents in front of him. Not only would he not fall to the bottom, but also relying on the cultivator's divine passage technique, he would gain some advantages in turn.

However, his current state is not good, and the enemy has an advantage in numbers. The comrade-in-arms worshipping the moon goddess is only the cultivation level of the mid-stage of Void Return, and the gap between the enemy and the enemy is still a bit big.

Fortunately, it is the Moon God who controls the body of the goddess of the moon, who can perform beyond the level, and make the best use of her cultivation, and cooperate with him to prevent the battle situation from deteriorating rapidly.

Meng Zhang and the Goddess of Moon Worship teamed up and seemed to fight back and forth with their opponents, but he and the Goddess of Moon Worship knew in their hearts that this situation could not last.

The two sides have been fighting for a long time, and they will inevitably fall into the wind and even get trapped.

They had consumed too much before, and it was not suitable for them to continue fighting for a long time.

Moreover, after all, this is an area controlled by invaders outside the territory, not to mention a place to stay for a long time.

In Meng Zhang's keen perception, there are still many extraterritorial invaders lurking in the surroundings, staring at him.

They must fight quickly and get out of here as soon as possible.

If the noise is too loud, attracting the powerhouses of the imaginary celestial level and even the true celestial level among the invaders from outside the territory, then they may not be able to save their lives.

Meng Zhang sighed, he still couldn't avoid using the fairy talisman hole card.

The power contained in the fairy talisman is limited, and the remaining use times are not much.

Of course, the precious hole cards must be used when they should be used.

Meng Zhang is not the kind of stingy miserly miser, nor is he stupid enough to put himself in danger.

The Moon God, who controls the goddess of worshiping the moon against the enemy, has similar thoughts to Meng Zhang.

After this cooperation, they became more tacit understanding.

After a brief exchange, they assigned goals and coordinated actions.

Although Xiangshan Mountain God and Moon God were born in different worlds, they were both native gods in essence.

The Moon God not only has a deep understanding of the native gods, but she is extremely high in nature, and can exert great suppression on ordinary native gods.

Now that the Moon God chose Xiangshan Mountain God as the target, then Meng Zhang attacked the Thousand Foot Demon Lord.

The main body of the Thousand-legged Demon Lord is a heterogeneous centipede, with extremely strong physical defenses and strong vitality.

In the battle to invade Junchen Realm, it fought fierce battles with the cultivators many times.

Even when he was at a disadvantage, he could retreat all over his body every time.

He has been hit by various Taoist magical powers of the cultivator, and he has not suffered much damage.

If Meng Zhang doesn't release the fairy talisman in his hand and fights it alone, it will not be easy to kill it completely.

The almost endless sword energy released by Meng Zhang was blocked by the thick armor that was transformed by the thousand-footed demon master.

Xiangshan Mountain God summoned a huge huge mountain, which fell over the long river formed by the two qi of Yin and Yang, and suppressed it firmly.

As for the goddess of moon worship, whose cultivation base was much weaker, their various methods were easily resolved by them.

Seeing that they were about to gain the upper hand, the face of the demon master with rich combat experience and Xiangshan Mountain God did not have much joy, let alone careless about it.

According to common sense, in order to reverse the situation, Meng Zhang and the goddess of the moon would definitely use some special methods.

The goddess of the moon is obviously different from the ordinary goddess, each

This method is more aggressive.

Xiangshan Mountain God, who was born in the Shenchang Realm, has met many descendants of the Shenchang Realm, but even those descendants of the true gods are not as powerful as the goddess of the moon.

Of course, the goddess worshiping the moon is more powerful. Due to the difference in cultivation level and the natural advantages of the gods over the gods, the Xiangshan Mountain God can still suppress him.

But Meng Zhang, who has the power of returning to the emptiness, knows what kind of trump card and killer he has.

Since Xiangshan Mountain God and Thousand-legged Demon Lord joined the coalition forces, they have fought with cultivators many times.

They have fully experienced the Taoist magical powers of the cultivators, and they paid special attention to Meng Zhang.

It's a pity that even if they had sufficient precautions they still could not change the next battle.

The goddess of Moon Worship, who had been completely suppressed by Xiangshan Mountain God, suddenly stopped moving, and a hazy phantom appeared above her head.

This phantom just glanced at Xiangshan Mountain God, and Xiangshan Mountain God was plunged into a huge shock. His mind was unstable, and he stopped all his movements at once, and his whole body seemed to freeze.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light shot out from the hands of this phantom, accurately hitting the immobile Xiangshan Mountain God.

Regardless of the dignity of the gods, Xiangshan Mountain God uttered a miserable scream, which seemed to be seriously injured.

Of course, at the same time that he was hit hard, Xiangshan Mountain God also recovered his ability to act.

Once he regained his mobility, not only did he not have the guts to fight back, but he also fled the battlefield as quickly as possible.

When Xiangshan Mountain God was anchored, the Thousand Foot Demon Lord tried to assist him.

Meng Zhang seized the opportunity to release the fairy talisman in his hand.

An incomparable ray of light appeared above the head of the Thousand-footed Demon Lord out of thin air, and then directly fell on him.

During this process, the Thousand-legged Demon Lord did not show the slightest resistance, and seemed to be completely suppressed.

The immortal talisman made by the real immortal himself has a level of strength that far exceeds the cultivation base of the thousand-footed demon master.

The disparity in power levels has led to the emergence of a crushing situation.

After the beam of light fell on the thousand-footed demon master, a powerful demon master at the late stage of returning to the Void, his entire body exploded quickly, without any effective resistance from beginning to end.

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