The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2226: Yue'e

The humanoid light and shadow were obviously not satisfied with Meng Zhang's covert answer.

Meng Zhang sensed a certain force passing quickly over him, and then disappeared without a trace.

A chuckle sounded in Meng Zhang's ear.

"Boy, it seems that your elder doesn't trust you, and actually planted a restriction in your body."

The fact that the opponent's could see through Meng Zhang's details so easily made him feel chills.

Meng Zhang changed his mind to think, this is not a bad thing either.

If the real immortal on the opposite side had some eyesight, he should know that the restriction in his body was under the cloth of a real immortal.

Seeing that Meng Zhang did not respond, the humanoid light and shadow continued to speak for himself.

"Not only are you young and promising, you have cultivated very well, but you also have a good character."

"I heard that your Taiyi Sect has always been against Ziyang Saint Sect. Your kid has also killed the Void Rebirth monk of Ziyang Saint Sect. Yes, yes, really good."

"Old Ziyang ghost's self-righteous appearance, this fairy is the most uncomfortable."

"One day, this fairy will behead the old Ziyang ghost."

"His disciples and grandchildren are all damned."

The seemingly frivolous words were filled with an inexplicable murderous aura.

Sure enough, the opponent is a figure of the same level as Ziyang Zhenxian, the founder of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

There is no need for the other party to act at this time. It seems that this fairy and Ziyang Zhenxian have a lot of grievances.

Meng Zhang's thoughts turned quickly, but he remained silent.

"Well, instead of chatting with you kid, let's get to the point."

"You can call this fairy Yue'e."

Meng Zhang hurriedly saluted with interest, and said respectfully: "The younger generation has seen Fairy Yue'e.


This fairy Yue'e is a genuine fairy, not a parallel importer in the cultivation world.

In the realm of comprehension, those monks who are not high-level and not well-informed will be called indiscriminately.

Especially those mortals, who meet a cultivator like a cat or a dog, will respectfully call Shangxian.

Those who don't know what is good or bad, dare to respond at will.

It seems that a female nun appears at random in the realm of comprehension, especially young and beautiful female nuns who are called fairies.

But those big sect cultivators who really have the foundation, especially the holy land sect cultivators who have been out of real immortals, will never put the titles of celestial beings and fairies on ordinary cultivators at will.

Meng Zhang has personally seen the power of the true immortal, knows the severity, and pays great attention to the address.

When he first came to the Xingluo Islands and saw Fairy Guanghan, he laughed in his heart.

A monk of the Yuanshen stage dared to call himself a fairy.

Although you are indeed as beautiful as an immortal, you can only fool those ignorant buns.

It was also from the title of Fairy Guanghan that Meng Zhang knew that the so-called Guanghan Palace was not a sect with deep foundations.

In fact, when the Qiu brothers went overseas to create the foundation of the Xingluo Islands under the support of Shengzong Ziyang, Guanghan Palace, which was originally a small sect on the mainland, seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. With the east wind that opened up the Xingluo Islands, a huge scene came out.

Although the Taiyi Gate under Meng Zhang's hands also started at the end of the dynasty, the Taiyi Gate ancestor was once wide, and the Taiyi Gate in its heyday was destroyed by the hands of the Holy Land Zongmen Guantian Pavilion.

The Guanghan Palace is a real grassroots sect, with no legacy left by its ancestors.

Therefore, only when Fairy Guanghan breaks through the rebirth period will Meng Zhang's suspicion and temptation be drawn.

After Fairy Yue'e introduced herself, she immediately got into the topic and communicated with Meng Zhang very frankly.

According to Fairy Yue'e, when Ziyang Zhenxian conquered Junchen Realm and wiped out the aboriginal gods of Junchen Realm, they received strong support from the Spirit Kong Fairy Realm.

A wormhole channel was established in the Lingkong Immortal Realm not far from the ascending star area to transport personnel and materials.

Fairy Yue'e is a true celestial who was born in the realm of Spiritual Sky, and came to Junchen Realm to assist True Fairy Ziyang in their actions.

In the action of conquering the native gods of Junchen Realm, Fairy Yue'e made great efforts.

Without her help, True Immortal Ziyang and others would not be so easy to establish the rule of the cultivators in Junchen Realm.

It is a pity that the native gods in Junchen Realm were basically wiped out. After the general situation of Junchen Realm was determined, Ziyang True Immortal and several other real immortals were actually unruly, and had two hearts on the Spiritual Immortal Realm.

They secretly destroyed the wormhole channel that connected the Spiritual Sky Celestial Realm, causing the Spiritual Sky Celestial Realm to completely lose contact with Jun Chen Realm.

They also persecuted those monks who were loyal to the spiritual world and eradicated dissidents.

Fairy Yue'e, who is loyal to the spiritual world, is the victim.

Zhenxian Ziyang and the others attacked Fairy Yue'e, and Fairy Yue'e had to temporarily escape from Junchen Realm after being injured.

True Fairy Ziyang and the others went to the void to chase and kill Fairy Yue'e. Fairy Yue'e spent a lot of effort before they escaped their pursuit.

When speaking of this, Fairy Yue'e's tone was full of undisguised hatred.

In the process of recounting, Fairy Yue'e initially thought that Meng Zhang was not clear about the origins and history of Junchen Realm, the concepts of Spiritual Sky Fairy Realm and Star Zone, and wanted to explain it for him.

Meng Zhang didn't hide himself at this time. He talked a little bit about his experience of living in the void, showing his rich experience.

In particular, Meng Zhang knew that Junchen Realm was opened by a certain celestial being to prove In Junchen Realm, there is still the legacy of this celestial being. Ziyang True Fairy, they are sleeping in the depths of Yuanhai, just for Obtain the legacy of this celestial being, and get the opportunity to advance to the celestial being.

Meng Zhang knew so many secrets, it really went beyond Fairy Yue'e's expectations.

This strengthened some of her thoughts.

Meng Zhang has an extraordinary background, definitely not as simple as the head of the Taiyi Sect.

Behind Meng Zhang, there must be a real celestial powerhouse backing him.

Now that Meng Zhang knew so many things, then Fairy Yue'e and his exchanges went more smoothly.

Moreover, in order to show sincerity and prevent Meng Zhang from feeling that she was lying, Fairy Yue'e also took the initiative to reveal some secrets about her and Fairy Guanghan.

Fairy Yue'e escaped the pursuit of Ziyang Zhenxian and the others, so she looked for a place to heal her injuries.

After the injury healed, she returned to the vicinity of Jun Chen Realm.

Because of the defensive system established by True Fairy Ziyang in Junchen Realm, Fairy Yue'e could hardly break into Junchen Realm silently.

Although Ziyang True Immortal and the others are still asleep so far, Jun Chen Realm also has true immortal-level power to guard them.

Xuan Xuan ancestor, three lions and other goods are nothing but the three mountain real immortals are very difficult to deal with. Fairy Yue'e was extremely jealous of him, and didn't want to have a head-on conflict with him.

Therefore, Fairy Yue'e did not rush into the Junchen Realm, but cruised outside the Junchen Realm, looking for a suitable opportunity to break in.

Fairy Yue'e was a little hurried when he escaped from Junchen Realm, but he still left behind to help him come back in the future.

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