The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2228: Rush to

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Meng Zhang would not do things that harm others and disadvantage himself.

He leaked Fairy Yue'e's secret, and he would not bring him any benefits, but would incur the hatred of a true fairy.

The hatred of a true immortal is something that neither Meng Zhang nor Taiyi Sect can bear.

Moreover, although Meng Zhang did not fully believe in Fairy Yue'e's words, the hatred between her and Zhenxian Ziyang should be true.

Meng Zhang believed that Fairy Yue'e had been entangled with True Fairy Ziyang and the others, but it was not just because of hatred.

In the face of the opportunity to become a fairy, even the same family and relatives may turn their faces, let alone outsiders.

In order to compete for the chance, Fairy Yue'e and True Fairy Ziyang are absolutely unable to be kind.

Since both sides have a common enemy, there is a basis for becoming friends.

Although this pair of friends guards against each other and does not trust each other, there are also many opportunities for cooperation.

Meng Zhang has never forgotten that the great sacred sects are the biggest enemy of Taiyimen.

To deal with such a powerful enemy, there will never be too many friends.

Even friends with ghosts in their hearts can play a major role in many cases.

Next, Meng Zhang will inquire about Fairy Yue'e through various channels.

Thousands of years ago, whether there really was such a Fairy Yue'e in Jun Chen Realm, and what happened between her and True Fairy Ziyang.

In addition, he will warn the Taiyimen high-level officials that their attitude towards Guanghan Palace must be changed in the future.

Although he will not tell the middle and high-level people of the existence of Fairy Yue'e, Meng Zhang will remind everyone that it is not simple behind the Guanghan Palace, and it must not be taken lightly.

In the future, Taiyimen will secretly regard Guanghan Palace as an important ally that cannot be easily offended.

Meng Zhang secretly dispatched Xu Kongzi to the alien region, trying to attract the true fairy over there to Junchen Realm and disrupt the situation.

He didn't even think that near Junchen Realm, a character like Fairy Yue'e was hidden.

If there were more than a few months of strong people like Fairy E, he didn't need to send Xukongzi at the beginning.

Meng Zhang would not regret it, but felt that he might have overlooked some issues.

Perhaps, the hidden treasures of the heavenly immortals in Junchen Realm will attract more and more powerhouses.

Before this, Meng Zhang felt that Xianyun Zhenxian would face several true immortals in Junchen Realm alone, and he would be alone.

Now Meng Zhang decided to add an unreliable ally to him.

As for Fairy Yue'e that Ziyang Zhenxian and the others betrayed the spiritual world, Meng Zhang was suspicious.

Meng Zhang is not ignorant of the spiritual world, knowing that it is a very powerful immortal power in the void.

There are many heavenly immortals in the spiritual sky immortal realm, and there are even golden immortals.

Even if the True Immortals of Ziyang were able to become heavenly immortals, they would never be able to fight against the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm. How did they have the courage to rebel against the Spiritual Realm?

Thousands of years ago, when the true immortal Ziyang and their army conquered Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang didn't know what happened.

Luna also didn't know much about the internal affairs of the cultivator.

Whether it is the ancient books in the Tiangong collection or the history circulated in the cultivation world, there is no clear word about it, and there are many places to avoid it.

Meng Zhang had discussed this matter with the Taoists in the ancient capital at the beginning, but the Taoists in the ancient capital were still relatively light, lacking in qualifications, and limited knowledge.

Especially the history of the great sacred sects and their founders, outsiders like him are not qualified to participate.

Meng Zhang repeatedly thought about what path he would go through to figure out what happened in Jun Chen world back then, why Lingkong Immortal world would lose contact with Jun Chen world, etc.

After Meng Zhang returned to Taiyimen, he did not reveal the existence of Fairy Yue'e, but only a few vague reminders, which made Niu Dawei and a few core people alert.

After Meng Zhang made various arrangements, the time for his rotation and rest was almost over.

Regarding the arrangement of the Tiangong, Meng Zhang has been very obedient to this day.

Without delay, Meng Zhang took Yang Xueyi, Xu Mengying, Han Yao, and Yu Ci Lao Dao, and left Taiyimen together to the void battlefield.

This time, Meng Zhang was no longer alone, but took the four Void-Returning Powerful companions in the door, with helpers under his hands, and his aura became different.

Meng Zhang is still playing under the command of Tianlei Xuxian.

Tian Lei Xuxian did not dismantle Meng Zhang and the others, but still let them act together.

The team of Meng Zhang and the others is considered to be a relatively strong team in the surrounding area.

Meng Zhang and the others were not only arranged to defend a wider defense area, but also took on more counterattacks.

Soon after Meng Zhang returned to the void battlefield, he relived the familiar life and started the battle journey again.

The four Void Returning Powers under Meng Zhang were all monks in the early stage of Void Returning. Except for the old man Yu, the other three had not been promoted for too long.

Fortunately, these three people have deep foundations, very stable realms, and their combat effectiveness is not weak. They can all be able to perform at the level they should be, without Meng Zhang being distracted to take care of them.

Yu Ci Lao Dao is a veteran rebirth power, has achieved the rebirth state for many years, and has lived a long life in the void.

In order to reap benefits, this guy dared to entangle the Void Returning Power of Guantian Pavilion in the void. In addition to showing his boldness and desire for profit, but also because of his strong ability to survive in the void, he believes that he can escape the revenge of Guantian Pavilion afterwards.

After taking refuge in Meng Zhang and becoming a member of the Taiyi Clan, Yu Ci Lao Dao changed his mind and became much more honest.

He has been honestly loyal to the Taiyi Sect and has made many contributions to the Sect.

After so many years of testing, Meng Zhang also had a minimum of trust in Yu Ci Lao Dao.

Entering the void battlefield this time, Yu Ci Laodao actively shared various experiences with the other three Void Returning Powers to help them adapt to the void environment.

Although the three of Yang Xueyi had the experience of entering the void when they were in the Yuanshen Stage, the situation at that time was very different from now.

When the invaders from outside the territory are not invading aggressively, the Heavenly Palace can control the void near Junchen Realm, and the surrounding area is still relatively safe.

Even the cultivators of the Yuanshen Stage can enter the nearby void to explore and practice.

But now, Junchen Realm has been surrounded by a large army of invaders from outside the territory, and there is almost no safe pure land in the surrounding area.

In this case, let alone a cultivator of the Primordial God Stage, even if the power in the early stage of Void Return is placed, there is a risk of falling.

The battlefield environment is so treacherous, the Void Returning Powers must hug each other to keep warm, and cooperate with each other to survive.

Yang Xueyi and the others quickly adapted to the new environment and slowly accumulated enough combat experience and survival experience.

With the help of four monks in the early stage of returning to the Void, they shared a lot of pressure from Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang led this team to firmly guard the defense zone he was responsible for the infiltration team that repeatedly repelled and even killed the invaders outside the territory.

Because of Meng Zhang's care, their team has not suffered any casualties, but has begun to accumulate more and more combat exploits.

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