The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2232: Sacrificial ceremony

Near a barren mountain on the outskirts of Gale City, a grand sacrificial ceremony is about to begin.

The Great Wind City is located on the edge of the original Jiuqu League, close to the endless sea of ​​sand.

Its geography and climate are deeply influenced by the endless sand and sea, and there are no too tall mountains or the like around it, and there are often sandy weather with yellow sand all over the sky.

Gu Yue Fenghua specially selected a period of sunny days to hold the sacrificial ceremony.

Because the matter is of great importance, the major branches of the Gu Yue family, up and down, began to actively prepare for this matter as early as a few months ago.

The original barren mountains have long been decorated with magnificence, and there are a sea of ​​gorgeous flowers everywhere.

The large trees newly transplanted nearby are covered with colorful silk satin.

The top of the barren mountain has long been cleared out and used as the main place for sacrificial ceremonies.

A tall altar soared up into the sky, filled with all kinds of rare rare treasures in the mortal world, and decorated it in an exceptionally gorgeous manner.

The sacrificial ritual has already begun, and it will continue for a long time.

The tribesmen carefully selected by the major branches of the Gu Yue family are basically young handsome men and women, singing and dancing, cheering and celebrating under the altar.

Kneeling around the altar were members from various branches of the Gu Yue family. Together, they chanted praises aloud, praising the greatness of the ancestors of the Gu Yue family, the extraordinary of the Gu Yue family, the noble blood of the family, and so on.

Standing alone at the top of the altar, Gu Yue Fenghua was devoting himself to the ceremony wholeheartedly.

She was wearing heavy makeup, with a serious expression, wearing a simple and gorgeous thick robe, and she began to dance sternly.

Gu Yue Fenghua, as the name suggests, is indeed a stunningly beautiful female sister.

When the ordinary monk saw her, he might have yelled the fairy long ago, and knelt and licked it by all means.

Only those who really understand her will know that she is an out-and-out female high school hero, with no compromises to achieve her goals.

After these years of integration, the major branches of the Gu Yue family have basically been trained to be submissive by her.

Her will can be implemented in the entire family, and everyone must obey.

In the event of holding the sacrificial ceremonies, almost all the members of the Gu Yue family were trembling, afraid to show the slightest carelessness.

From the preparation to the beginning of the sacrificial ceremony, everything is in order and very smooth.

Soon after the sacrificial ceremony began, Meng Zhang came here.

This is a grand ceremony for the Guyue family to sacrifice to their ancestors. According to tradition, only members of the Guyue family are eligible to approach here. Even the members of the Guyue family who are married into or into the Zuzuo Guyue family are not allowed to participate.

Meng Zhang respected the traditions of the Gu Yue family, did not show up publicly, but hid his figure, silently watching the ceremony held in the nearby high altitude.

This sacrificial ceremony has many procedures and is full of various red tapes.

Half a month has passed since the beginning, and the ceremony has only begun to come to an end, and it has also entered the final critical stage.

On the ground at the top of the altar, a magnificent array was depicted.

In the center of the magic circle, there are all kinds of precious spiritual materials, many of which are heaven and earth treasures.

Without the help of the Taiyi Sect, relying on the strength of the Gu Yue family alone, it would be impossible to collect all these spiritual materials.

Gu Yue Fenghua knelt on the ground, chanting some special eulogy loudly.

Under the guidance of Gu Yue Fenghua, all the Gu Yue family members knelt down on the ground in the same way, chanting the same eulogy aloud with frenzied expressions on their faces.

Their chanting sounds become more and more high-pitched, and the chanting sounds fill the entire space, causing fluctuations in the surrounding space.

Many members of the Gu Yue family became more and more fanatical, even mad. In addition to chanting hymns hoarsely, their bodies also appeared strangely twisted.

Meng Zhang, who was watching all this not far away, sensed waves of strange fluctuations.

Originally feeling a little bored, he began to cheer up and pay close attention to what happened.

Suddenly, all kinds of flags hung over the altar without wind, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to gather here quickly.

The sky that was originally clear and clear suddenly became clouded and dark.

The sudden thunder and lightning, the rumble of thunder, are very shocking.

I saw a flash of lightning across the sky, and then an unfathomable black hole appeared.

As soon as this black hole appeared, Meng Zhang originally released it to observe the surrounding spirits and was dispelled.

In the black hole, there seemed to be a vast and incomparable power, which made Meng Zhang feel shocked.

Three bright rays of light shot out from the black hole and flew towards the location of Gu Yue Fenghua below.

Seeing the appearance of three rays of light, even Gu Yue's graceful city mansion could no longer conceal the fluctuations in his heart, and his face was full of overjoyed expressions.

Meng Zhang looked at the three rays of light, and with his eyesight, he could clearly see the general shape.

Under the cover of the light, the three treasures are a small and exquisite pavilion, a fan of primitive style, and a large axe wrapped in wind and to the agreement of Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Fenghua , He will give priority to these three things.

As Meng Zhang's identity, he still has to pay attention to a little bit of food, and he can't wait to show his unwillingness.

He was going to wait for Gu Yue Fenghua to collect these three treasures before asking her in private.

Of course, with Gu Yue Fenghua's knowledge and interest, she would take the initiative to offer the treasure without waiting for Meng Zhang to ask for it afterwards.

After the three rays of light were ejected, the black hole in the sky immediately disappeared.

Meng Zhang's originally affected divine consciousness and the sense of loss that had been affected by this all at once returned to normal.

Meng Zhang thoughtfully, recalling the tremendous power just now.

At this moment, a big hand suddenly appeared in the air, and suddenly he fished over the three rays of light, as if to catch them all.

This big hand not only appeared very suddenly, but also had great power, so that the members of the Gu Yue family who were performing the sacrificial rituals below couldn't react.

Gu Yue Fenghua discovered the action of that big hand, but it was limited to the large gap between the cultivation bases of the two sides, and it was impossible to effectively block it.

Meng Zhang had long regarded these three treasures as things in his own bag, and this behavior of grabbing food from a tiger's mouth immediately angered him.

The guy who didn't know where he came from, dare to be presumptuous in Taiyimen.


Meng Zhang, whose face changed, spit out the word gently.

As the voice uttered, it seemed that there was an incomparably overbearing power in the voice, and the big hand was suddenly shaken apart, and the monk who secretly attacked was also suddenly shocked.

In the high altitude not far from Meng Zhang, a cultivator who was casting a spell stiffened and involuntarily stopped his movements.

Meng Zhang just uttered a single word and had such a huge power that the hidden observers around him looked at him.

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