The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2241: play off

This trench goes deep into the sea floor and is more than hundreds of miles long.

In the central part of the trench, there is an endless submarine mountain range.

King Dragon was standing on the top of this mountain range at this time, and had been waiting for Meng Zhang for a long time.

This is the territory of the true dragon clan, and seldom cultivators will come near here on weekdays.

The ocean controlled by the true dragon clan is a forbidden place for the cultivators of the human race, and even the sacred sects of the great sacred land dare not easily invade it.

On his own turf, the Dragon King appeared to be very open-minded, standing proudly here, without any intention of hiding his head and showing his tail.

Meng Zhang saw the tall figure of the Dragon King from afar.

On weekdays, in order to facilitate activities, especially when meeting human monks, King Ganglong always maintains a human form.

In fact, many members of the True Dragon family like to maintain their human form in their daily lives.

Meng Zhang came to the front of the Dragon King and immediately performed Taoism, releasing a light curtain to isolate them from the outside world.

King Gang Long let Meng Zhang do it. With his strength, he didn't worry about Meng Zhang's tricks, and Meng Zhang was not stupid enough to attack him in the real dragon clan.

The light curtain released by Meng Zhang strictly shielded their surroundings, not only concealing their figure and voice, but also blocking the secret prying of various spying-like supernatural powers.

After casting the spell, Meng Zhang took the initiative to salute the Dragon King.

In any case, Ganglong King is a real old man.

King Dragon looked at Meng Zhang, sighing in his heart.

The true dragon family, although they are born with a strong power, and have a high talent.

But most of the members of the true dragon clan are inherently lazy and far less diligent in cultivation than the human clan.

Especially those members of the true dragon clan who have not experienced too much wind and rain, indulge in all kinds of enjoyment, drunk and dreaming all the time, it is extremely absurd.

The members of the true dragon clan with pure blood will spontaneously increase in strength as time goes by.

The true dragons have a long life, even if they lie down completely, after a long time, they will slowly grow into a strong one.

Moreover, the true dragon clan is the only overlord in the depths of the ocean, and there are basically no foreign enemies around.

Although the cultivator dominates the mainland, his power cannot penetrate the ocean.

This has caused many members of the true dragon clan to lose the motivation to make progress and seldom take the initiative to practice.

People of insight among the real dragons like the Ganglong King are very dissatisfied with this, and actively promote various reforms, wanting to change many of the bad habits of the real dragons.

After years of hard work, not only had little effect, but also made Ganglong King offend many members of the clan.

During these thousands of years, the True Dragons and the cultivators played games, pushing the Sea Clan to attack the offshore and coastal areas controlled by the human cultivators behind the scenes.

Many high-level members of the true dragon clan hope to form a certain sense of crisis in the clan through this kind of struggle, so that the members of the clan can be tempered.

As a result, when the Sea Clan faced the cultivators of the Human Race, they lost one after another.

Not only did the attack fail, but even his own territory was invaded by large-scale Human Race.

If it weren't for the real dragon clan to come forward, the sea clan might have been completely wiped out by the human cultivators.

But within the True Dragon clan, many members are arrogant and can't see the huge threat posed by the human cultivators at all.

On the other hand, human cultivators have an aura of seizing the day.

Humans are born with a short lifespan, and individuals are very weak.

But after the human race mastered the way of cultivation, many cultivators fought against the heavens, worked hard to become strong, and grew into a powerful person.

In today's Void World, Human Race has become the most powerful dominating force, and other races are far from rivals.

If it weren't for the infighting within the human race for various reasons, I am afraid that the human race would have ruled the void and all realms long ago.

Upon sensing Meng Zhang's cultivation level, King Ganglong felt complicated in his heart.

How long has it been since the last meeting between the two sides, Meng Zhang's cultivation has made great progress.

Maybe when we meet next time, Meng Zhang's cultivation will be able to catch up with him.

Of course, although both sides are currently at the late stage of Returning Void, but if they really play against each other, the Dragon King is sure to beat Meng Zhang.

When they first met, neither of them went directly to the topic. Instead, they exchanged greetings for a while and talked a lot of unnutritious nonsense.

Slowly, the two sides began to pull up the current situation in Jun Chen Realm.

The Dragon King Gang talked about the temporary retreat of the invaders outside the territory. After the pressure from the foreign enemies is relieved, disputes within the Junchen Realm will not be long.

Meng Zhang and the Taiyimen under his leadership have long been a thorn in the flesh of the sects of the sacred land.

The various sacred sects are likely to take the opportunity to attack Taiyimen.

Although King Ganglong's original intention was to sow discord, what he said was not unreasonable.

What he said was exactly what Meng Zhang was most worried about.

Recently, Meng Zhang is running for this, to guard against the attacks of the various sacred sects.

In front of the Dragon King, Meng Zhang did not show the slightest worry, but smiled and exposed the mind of the Dragon King to sow discord.

He, the old dragon, just wanted to see the human cultivators fighting internally, and the realm of cultivating was plunged into chaos.

At the same time, UU reading Meng Zhang's heart against the true dragon family is constantly deepening.

The real dragons seem to live in the depths of the ocean all the time, and they haven't made a lot of appearances in the realm of comprehension. However, the intelligence capabilities of the True Dragon clan are so good that they can in-depth grasp the internal secrets of the human cultivators and know the situation in the Junchen Realm even more.

According to Meng Zhang's guess, there must be a traitor of the true dragon clan among the human cultivators.

And among these rapes, there are many people with very high status.

When he was in the Xingluo Islands that year, Meng Zhang had seen that even True Monarch Chilong, who was in the Sun God stage, was actually a spy of the true dragons planted in the human race, causing huge damage and damage to the Xingluo Islands. loss.

The Ganglong King didn't care about Meng Zhang's reaction, but once again demonstrated the sincerity of the true dragon clan towards Taiyi Sect.

If Taiyimen is attacked by various sacred sects and cannot hold it, you can ask the true dragon clan for help.

At that time, King Ganglong will personally lead an army to reinforce Taiyimen.

Meng Zhang smiled and seemed very moved, but he didn't believe a word of his beautiful words in his heart.

The Dragon King Gang never expected a few simple words to make Meng Zhang completely fall to the true dragon clan and be used by the true dragon clan.

The Dragon King is well aware of the current situation in Junchen Realm, and also knows the internal contradictions in the cultivation realm.

It is impossible for Taiyimen to reconcile with the various sacred sects, and the two sides will finally have a full-scale war.

Even if Meng Zhang was willing to be a dog for the sects of the sacred land, it would be difficult to be accepted, let alone trusted.

The Dragon King only needs to watch the changes and push behind him at the critical moment to achieve his goal.

The stronger the Taiyi Gate, the more losses it can cause to the sects of the sacred land, and the more it can contain its power.

If the situation permits, King Ganglong doesn't mind giving some help to Taiyimen.

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