The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2244: Dark child

Meng Zhang and King Ganglong each had a ghost child, but both felt that this meeting had initially achieved the goal.

The two of them talked very happily, and after talking about the business, they talked a lot, and then they broke up and said goodbye.

Meng Zhang did not delay on the road, but directly sent back to Taiyimen Mountain Gate Sun and Moon Blessed Land.

The batch of materials that the Dragon King promised to send to Taiyimen will be slowly handed over to the contact cultivator of Taiyimen in Xihai within the next time, and then sent back to Taiyimen.

After checking carefully and confirming that there were no problems, Meng Zhang handed the jade bottle containing Yingui heavy water to Yuboli, and asked her to refine the Yingui heavy water in the jade bottle, and strive to advance to the virtual return level as soon as possible.

When it comes to cultivating things like this, Yu Boli didn't need Meng Zhang to urge her at all, and she consciously began to retreat and practice hard.

Meng Zhang will still do his best to complete the tasks that Ganglongwang confessed.

However, Meng Zhang didn't plan to let the Taiyi Sect monk directly participate in the search of the mysterious mansion.

That was too eye-catching, and it would easily lead to a fierce reaction from the Ziyang Saint Sect.

If Taiyimen mobilized a large number of people to search for the hidden mysterious mansion in the north of Junchen Realm with great fanfare, not only would it be extremely inefficient and difficult to achieve results, but it would definitely be discovered by the Ziyang Sacred Sect.

Taiyi Sect constantly monitors Ziyang Saint Sect through various means, and Ziyang Saint Sect's monitoring of Taiyi Sect will only be stronger.

Of course, Taiyimen secret hall is not incompetent.

In the long-term secret battle with the Ziyang Saint Sect, the dark hall also has its own trump card.

For this mission, Meng Zhang plans to use the Taiyimen's important chess pieces in the Ziyang Saint Sect to secretly monitor the movements of the Ziyang Saint Sect to obtain information about the mysterious palace.

As for Meng Zhang's promise to the Ganglong King, he did not intend to fully abide by it.

He would inquire about the hidden secret palace, but would not allow Taiyimen to be completely involved in this matter.

After receiving Meng Zhang's instructions, the dark hall of Taiyimen immediately took action.

After Taiyimen, the elder in charge of the dark hall affairs, retreats and breaks through the rebirth period, the dark hall hall master Meng Mingyi has taken over this task.

Due to Meng Zhang's special explanation, Meng Mingyi regarded it as the key work of the dark hall.

Strictly speaking, Meng Mingyi is still a descendant of Meng Zhang.

The Meng family from which Meng Zhang was born was originally a cultivation family that had taken refuge in the Taiyi Sect before the rise of the Taiyi Sect.

With the growth of Taiyimen, the Meng family became stronger and stronger, with many branches and countless people.

Although Meng Zhang is fair, he does not deliberately take care of his family. But as the head of the family, they themselves will receive a lot of tangible and intangible care.

In particular, the Meng family is still an old family in the door, with a very wide range of contacts, which can be said to be deeply rooted in the Taiyi door.

Fortunately, the family style of the Meng family is good. The patriarchs of the previous dynasties are considered to be sensible generations. Coupled with the strict laws of the Taiyi Clan, the Meng family will not harm the interests of the entire clan because of the family's interests.

Over the years, many outstanding monks have emerged from the Meng Family.

Meng Mingyi's blood and seniority are far away from Meng Zhang, and there is not much Meng Zhang's light in the process of growing up.

He was able to grow into a mid-primary cultivator, in addition to his own struggle, he mainly relied on the cultivation of the sect.

On the surface, sacred sects such as Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong coexist peacefully, but there are constant struggles.

As the main force of the hidden front of Taiyimen, the monks in the dark hall secretly participated in many secret battles and paid huge losses.

Even the upper levels of the dark hall, including the cultivators of the Yuanshen Stage, will suffer losses from time to time.

After An Moran, the head of the dark hall has changed several times.

As the contemporary head of the dark hall, Meng Mingyi has been in office for a long time and has made a lot of contributions.

On an ordinary night, Meng Mingyi secretly left the Taiyimen Mountain Gate and sneaked into the territory of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

The border between Ziyang Saint Sect and Taiyi Gate is very long. No one on both sides can completely seal off the border. The monks on both sides often cross the border and sneak into the other's territory to spy on intelligence.

Of course, once the intruder is exposed, he will definitely be chased and killed by the opponent.

Meng Mingyi's cultivation in the middle stage of the Yuanshen could not guarantee his safety.

In his capacity, he shouldn't have performed this dangerous infiltration mission.

But the Anzi to be used this time was too important, and he had to go there in person.

Within the territory of Shengzong Ziyang, there is a place called Bingchenfang City.

The level of this market is not very high. Generally speaking, there will be at most Jindan stage trading items here.

Of course, occasionally some primordial cultivators would pass by here, or even rest here.

In Fangshi, there is a Qianji firm that handles various north and south groceries.

The scale of Qianji Trading Company is not very large, but the owner of the trading company is an early Jindan monk. In addition, the trading company will sell some overseas specialty resources from time to time, so the company's business is fairly good.

Meng Mingyi unconsciously appeared in a courtyard in Fang City.

Qianji Trading Company did not have any connection with Taiyimen, but the owner of the trading company had been a thief overseas in the early years, and accidentally ran into the hands of Meng Mingyi. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Meng Mingyi is proficient in all kinds of tricks.

He secretly manipulated the mind of this Golden Core monk, letting him use it for himself unconsciously.

After this monk of Jin Dan stage had been a thief for a period of time, he washed ashore and became a serious businessman.

Many cultivators have the habit of cunning rabbits and three caves, not to mention this kind of guy who was not innocent in the past.

This courtyard is a hiding place prepared by the Golden Core monk for himself in case of emergency.

On weekdays, this Golden Core monk would not come here.

Since Meng Mingyi can secretly control the other party's mind, the other party's secrets can't be kept from him.

Meng Mingyi used this as a place for him to meet Anzi.

After careful inspection, Meng Mingyi confirmed that there was nothing unusual around him, then entered the courtyard and waited quietly.

Meng Mingyi didn't wait long before he waited for a guy with his head and tail to hide.

This guy showed his true face in front of Meng Mingyi. He was indeed the old acquaintance of Meng Zhang, the King Grey Peng.

King Grey Peng was originally the spiritual favorite of a high-level monk in the Ziyang Saint Sect, and was sent to the Black Jade Forest to undercover by the Ziyang Saint Sect in the early years.

He, the undercover agent, eventually became the leader of the monster beast of the Black Jade Forest, helping Saint Zong Ziyang monitor the movements of the Jiazi Dryad.

Later, the Jiazi Dryad was killed by the Void Returning Power of the Ziyang Saint Sect, and all the beasts in the Black Jade Forest were wiped out. Most areas of the Black Jade Forest fell into the hands of the Taiyi Sect.

After completing the task, King Gray Peng naturally returned to the Ziyang Saint Sect and continued his life as a spiritual pet.

He appeared here at this time, naturally because he was the dark child of Taiyi Sect in the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Owning a dark child like King Grey Peng is a great victory for the Taiyimen dark hall against the Purple Sun Saint Sect, and it is also a huge feat.

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