The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2247: From god

Meng Mingyi returned to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate smoothly and reported to Meng Zhang the information about the meeting with King Grey Peng.

Meng Zhang missed the deceased King Grey Peng quite a bit.

If it is purely out of personal feelings, he is unwilling to use the other party in this way, and even less willing to put the other party in danger.

Unfortunately, Meng Zhang has always distinguished between public and private, and will not affect the interests of the sect because of personal feelings.

Since King Grey Peng can play a role in the Ziyang Saint Sect, then Meng Zhang can only watch him in a dangerous situation.

The only thing he can do is to keep his identity as secret as possible and find ways to enhance his survivability.

In addition, he asked Meng Mingyi to strengthen his observation of King Grey Peng to prevent him from making omissions.

Although Meng Zhang had high hopes for King Grey Peng and hoped that he could find out the information of Hidden Mystery Mansion, this kind of thing could not be rushed for a while, he could only wait slowly.

Meng Zhang made some arrangements for the Void Returning Power in the door.

In the next time, they will take turns to patrol the north of Junchen Realm, in the name of monitoring the movements of the Purple Sun Sacred Sect.

Meng Zhang strictly kept confidential the relevant information of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, and only a few high-level officials in the door knew.

The Dragon King only said that the Mysterious Mansion would appear in the north of Junchen Realm, and did not give a specific location.

Whether Nai Mysterious Mansion appeared on Taiyimen's territory, Ziyang Saint Sect's territory, or neither, then no one can tell.

If the Mysterious Mansion appeared on the Taiyimen territory, then Taiyimen would be involved in a huge storm while taking the initiative.

Taiyimen and all members of the Hanhai Dao League under its command will strengthen their patrols on the territory and always pay attention to the various changes in the territory.

Although the vast majority of monks did not know about the hidden secret palace, any change in the Taiyimen territory would immediately send the news back to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

From the perspective of the entire Hanhaidao League, Meng Zhang's command is easy to understand.

After the external pressure on Junchen Realm is reduced, Taiyimen must strengthen its defenses to guard against the sudden attack of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

There should be some time before the hidden mysterious mansion appeared.

After making various arrangements, Meng Zhang began to practice in retreat again.

In the meantime, although he was interrupted several times, he still lived relatively peacefully.

Through the restraint in the body, Meng Zhanghui regularly establishes contact with the Xianyun Zhenxian in the void.

Xianyun Zhenxian confessed to Meng Zhang's task and asked him to investigate the specific conditions of several sleeping true immortals.

Meng Zhang didn't resist such a task, but was really powerless and there was no good way.

In desperation, Meng Zhang had to find some excuses and even fabricated some intelligence to deal with Xianyun Zhenxian.

It's not the time to turn his face with Xianyun Zhenxian.

Taiyi Sect does not have a true immortal level of combat power, and Xianyun True Immortal is a target that can barely be used.

Although Xianyun Zhenxian was very dissatisfied with Meng Zhang's performance, there was no other way to think about it.

For him, who is lonely and widowed, Meng Zhang and the Taiyimen under his command are also important assistance he needs.

After Meng Zhang informed Guanghan Palace of Xianyun Zhenxian's arrangements, Xianyun Zhenxian and Fairy Yue'e had actually had contact in the void.

Zhenxian Xianyun didn't tell Meng Zhang the details of their meeting, only that they had a very happy talk and reached a cooperation agreement.

From then on, Meng Zhang must pay more attention to Guanghan Palace, and Taiyimen must also cooperate closely with Guanghan Palace.

Fairy Yue'e and Zhenxian Xianyun would hit it off right away, which was originally expected by Meng Zhang.

Fairy Yue'e is weak, unable to fight against the sleeping true immortals.

But Fairy Yue'e, as a true fairy who participated in the expedition of Junchen Realm thousands of years ago, must know many secrets of Junchen Realm.

As an outsider, Xianyun Zhenxian urgently needs to understand these secrets.

The two of them need each other and have a good foundation for cooperation.

Of course, although they are currently in a cooperative state, after the opportunity to become a fairy appears, they might turn their faces to each other.

Although Meng Zhang didn't know if the opportunity to become a fairy could be shared by the two, he knew that this opportunity could not benefit too many people.

Otherwise, the sleeping true immortals would not fight for this.

Meng Zhang knew that the alliance of the various sacred sects could not be maintained forever.

When several true immortals woke up from their deep sleep, it might be the time when they turned against their goals.

The sacred sects of the great sacred land jointly rule the Junchen Realm, which is to exclude other external forces, and restrict the contention of opportunity to their founders.

The clearer Meng Zhang understands the situation in Junchen Realm, the more he has a sense of urgency that he will not wait for him.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan of the ancestors of the sacred land, the sects of the great sacred land will definitely clean up the Jun Chen world again, and all threatening forces will be wiped out.

Don't look at Jun Chen Realm still seemingly calm, but this is the calm before the storm, maybe the war will reignite in the next moment, completely breaking this calm scene.

While Meng Zhang worked hard to improve his cultivation, he was inevitably disturbed by some things.

After great unremitting efforts, the four most important of his men are from God, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com Extreme Sword God General, Thunder God General, Weak Water God General, and Thick Earth God General have successively possessed the strength of the initial stage of Void Return.

The four guardians of the law originally had extremely rich combat experience.

They only need to consolidate the new realm a little bit, get familiar with the methods of returning to the Void, and after understanding the battle of the Void-Returning level, they can put into action and help Tai Miao clear the Devil May Cry Mountains.

Especially the Extreme Sword God General, who was originally the oldest existence among the four Protector God Generals, and was the first to break through to the Void Returning level.

Relying on a superb kendo cultivation base, he drove in and out of the Devil May Cry Mountains, coming and going horizontally and horizontally.

Although he was in distress many times and was on the verge of falling a few times, his actions were very useful. He found out a lot of information in the Devil May Cry Mountains and cleared many obstacles for the wonderful advance.

Tai Miao's army of ghosts was replenished in time after severe consumption time after time.

The acquired ghosts and ghosts that survived in the army have all been vigorously tempered.

After repeated beatings, the army of ghosts has become even stronger.

The powerful evil creatures in the Devil May Cry Mountains have almost no saneness, and most of the time they rely on instinct to act.

Although the army of ghosts is vulnerable to these fierce creatures, they are just pure consumables.

But if used properly, it can play a great role as a drag, distract these evil things, and reduce the pressure they face.

Tai Miao and the four Void Returning level Congshen led an army of ghosts to speed up the cleanup of the Devil May Cry Mountain Range.

The four Void Rebirth-level Congshens may not be able to fight those powerful and fierce creatures in a frontal battle.

But the enemy and the enemy have the same level of strength, and they can contend head-on with each other, allowing Tai Miao, who is the absolute main force, to gain more breathing opportunities.

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