The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2250: Detect

The battle on the Tai Miao side was completely over, and Meng Zhang turned his attention from the underworld back to the Yang world.

Although Taiyimen always stated that it had little relationship with Taimiao when it was outside, the two parties had only used each other before they had some contacts and transactions.

But the Taiyimen seniors basically knew that Taimiao was a loyal ally of Taiyimen and a ghost of the underworld that Meng Zhang trusted very much.

Taimiao and Taiyimen have cooperated for many years, and their relationship has been tested for a long time, and they are intimate with each other.

Next, under the instructions of Meng Zhang, Taiyimen will fully cooperate with Taimiao's movements in the underworld, and provide help within its capacity.

Regardless of manpower and material resources, Taiyimen will work hard to provide it as long as Tai Miao has a request.

At that time, the Yindu City established by the Dali Dynasty in the underworld was coveted by the Ziyang Sect.

The Ziyang Saint Sect wants to capture Yindu City and project its blessed land.

After Meng Zhang obtained the inheritance left by the ancestor of Taiyimen, he understood the mystery.

A complete world must have both yin and yang, that is, there must be both the underworld and the yang world.

The purpose of Ziyang Shengzong's doing this is to incorporate the underworld in the vicinity of Yindu City into his own blessed land, and make his blessed land a completely independent world.

In this way, even if Jun Chen realm is destroyed, Ziyang Saint Sect's blessed land can also survive the Jun Chen realm.

And the cultivators of the Ziyang Saint Sect can take advantage of the blessing to avoid the catastrophe of world destruction.

It seemed that these sacred sects knew about the imminent destruction of Jun Chen Realm earlier than Meng Zhang, and made preparations for it earlier.

This is not surprising. In the final analysis, if Jun Chen Realm must be destroyed in the future, it will probably be because of the battle between several true immortals.

Although the Yindu City has been destroyed, and the power of the sacred sects in the underworld, such as the Ziyang Sacred Sect, has also been severely weakened, but Meng Zhang believes that their various preparations for the destruction of Junchen Realm will never stop.

While Tai Miao is transforming the Devil May Cry Mountains, Taiyimen will also actively make adjustments to establish a deeper connection between its own sun and moon blessed land.

When everything is ready, the time, the place and the people are well equipped, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao will each cast spells in the underworld, so that the sun and the moon will be projected onto the Devil May Cry Mountains in the underworld, and will be completely integrated with the Devil May Cry Mountains.

Of course, in order to achieve this goal, they still need to continue their efforts, and there is still a lot of pre-work to do.

The blessed land of Shengzong Ziyang has been in business for thousands of years, and the background must be very profound, and it has not yet reached this point.

There is still a long way to go before Taiyimen's Sun Moon Blessed Land becomes a world completely independent of Jun Chen Realm.

Meng Zhang worked hard to improve the strength of his family and the sect, preparing for the upcoming great changes in Jun Chen Realm.

Meng Zhang did not relax the task assigned by the Dragon King of the True Dragon clan.

In addition to inquiring about the information about the hidden mysterious mansion through the undercover King Grey Peng in the Ziyang Saint Sect, Meng Zhang also tried to contact the Moon God many times in order to obtain the required information from the Moon God.

The Moon God is an ancient **** in Junchen Realm. He has a high status among the native gods, and he has also experienced wars with invaders.

Judging from the secret space where she led Meng Zhang into the void last time, she knows a lot about the backs of the indigenous gods.

Both the True Dragon Clan and the Ziyang Saint Sect are so concerned about the Mysterious Mansion, and there must be no small secrets in the Mysterious Mansion.

If you can understand this in advance, it will definitely help Meng Zhang to gain the initiative in future struggles.

I don't know if it was Meng Zhang's bad luck, or the Moon God deliberately avoiding Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang has been unable to contact the Moon God.

Without directly contacting the Moon God, Meng Zhang asked the monks in the door to inquire about the whereabouts of Qiu Gangfeng and the others, but there was still no result. These people seemed to have disappeared from Junchen Realm.

On the contrary, King Grey Peng had transmitted important information from the Ziyang Saint Sect.

In recent years, Saint Sect Ziyang has secretly sent a group of monks to walk around the Saint Sect Ziyang territory, or sneak into the territory of Taiyimen.

These monks act mysteriously and have always avoided contact with other people.

King Gray Peng was investigating inside the Ziyang Saint Sect, and even the monks responsible for arranging general affairs and various tasks in the door knew nothing about their purpose.

When King Grey Peng chatted with some familiar monks in the door, they learned that they seemed to have received an order from the Void Returning Power directly from the door to conduct inspections on the territory of the sect.

As for more information, King Gray Peng would not be able to know.

Probably because the Taiyimen provided the flesh and blood essence of the Void Returning Level Demon Lord last time, the Grey Peng King was very motivated to complete the task.

He was willing to take odd risks and secretly followed one of the group of monks who went out.

This team of monks was exploring around with magical instruments such as compasses and mirrors, seeming to survey the veins of the earth.

At some special nodes, they will also place some flags and other magical implements.

King Grey Peng is also a great monk in the late Yuanshen. He has been trained by Ziyang Saint Sect for many years, and his basic vision is still no He learned from Taiyimen that the hidden mysterious mansion is in Jun. The dust world swims along the pulse of the earth and is about to appear in the north of Jun Chen world.

Judging from the movements of this group of cultivators of the Ziyang Saint Sect, they are clearly combing the earth's energy, clarifying the direction of the earth's veins, and monitoring the earth's veins.

The information provided by the Dragon King is not wrong, the Ziyang Saint Zong has known the relevant information of the mysterious mansion for a long time, and is trying to find out the mysterious mansion first.

If the Ziyang Saint Sect succeeds and allows them to control the hidden mysterious mansion first, then the years of hard work of the true dragon clan will be completely frustrated.

Meng Zhang didn't know how much the True Dragon clan wanted to obtain the Mysterious Mansion.

If the True Dragon clan saw that the Ziyang Saint Sect had completely gained the upper hand, and were unwilling to pay too much loss, so they gave up the fight for the hidden mysterious mansion, then Meng Zhang's plot to provoke the true dragon clan to fight with the Ziyang Saint Sect was completely defeated?

The neighbor of Shengzong Ziyang put too much pressure on Taiyimen.

Regardless of the fact that the Ziyang Saint Zong is in peace with Taiyimen, he can barely achieve peaceful coexistence.

But maybe in the next moment, the Ziyang Saint Sect will launch a full-scale attack on Taiyimen.

Meng Zhang must do everything possible to weaken the Ziyang Saint Sect, contain the Ziyang Saint Sect, so that it has no time to take care of the Taiyi Sect.

Judging from the actions of the Ziyang Saint Sect, he also didn't figure out the specific location of Concealed Mystery Mansion, it should have only grasped a rough range.

In addition to requesting King Gray Peng to obtain as much relevant information as possible at the Taiyimen, the door also dispatched the Void Returning Power to secretly follow the monks sent by the Ziyang Saint Sect to check their movements.

Meng Zhang had only one purpose. When the Ziyang Saint Sect had grasped the specific location of the hidden mysterious mansion, Taiyi Sect would also have this information.

Meng Zhang also passed the information he currently possessed to the true dragon clan.

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