The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2252: Great elder

The specific number of the Dark Alliance's Void Returning Power is considered a secret, and the Taiyi Sect does not fully know it, but only knows a rough idea.

This is probably enough to explain the powerful strength of the dark alliance.

Of course, there is a difference between so many Void Returning Powers.

There are many factors that determine the status and right of speech of the Venerable Powers.

The most important of these is of course their respective cultivation bases.

In the realm of cultivation, the strong is respected, the weak eats the strong, and the dark alliance is no exception, and it has a tradition of infighting.

For example, the superiors in the late stage of Void Return in the alliance can naturally suppress the monks in the early stage of Void Return.

The common problems of all large organizations, such as seniority ranking, gang formation, and secret alliances.

Personal connections, prestige, seniority, etc., can all affect the voice of the elders.

Just like the master of Taoist Shushan Wenbi, his cultivation is only in the middle stage of returning to Void, but he has extremely old qualifications, and he has lived longer than the dark alliance of Junchen Realm.

He was one of the founders when Junchen Realm Dark Alliance was founded.

There are many disciples and grandchildren of writers, and most of them are very competitive.

In addition, the author has a unique method of training his disciples, and he is very good at teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

Including Taoist Shushan, among the disciples and grandchildren of Wenbi Taoist, there are enough four people who are still alive to return to the void.

As for characters such as Yuanshen Zhenjun, it is even harder to count.

Wenbi Taoists are well-known in the dark alliance who like to support younger generations and cultivate promising newcomers.

Many people in the dark alliance have benefited from him, which allowed him to accept many good destinies.

Wenbi Taoist can be regarded as a very powerful mountain in the dark alliance, even those superiors in the late stage of Return to Void may not have his prestige.

Many elders of the dark alliance formed the presbytery, which together dominate the affairs of the dark alliance.

Some elders have names but no real status and treatment, and they don't have much real power.

The elders with real power in the dark alliance are often in charge of a certain aspect of affairs, or hold the position of chief of a certain department.

In addition, the dark alliance elders will regularly nominate a great elder to be responsible for the overview of all dark alliances and daily affairs.

The elder has a term limit, and the elder does not have absolute authority in the dark alliance, let alone control everything.

The chief elder of the dark alliance is Fengqing Supreme.

Regardless of the faction, after serving as the elder of the dark alliance, he will strive to ensure the apparent neutrality, focusing on the overall interests of the dark alliance.

Shangzun Fengqing and Tang Lun had a good relationship at the beginning, and he relied heavily on them, and the factions behind both sides were also allies.

When Feng Qing presided over the affairs of the dark alliance, he took an attitude of contempt and even hostility towards Taiyimen.

After the death of Tang Lun, the faction that was hostile to Tang Lun took the opportunity to make trouble, and Feng Qing adjusted his position in time.

Externally, he blamed Tang Lun for the construction of the Devil's Nest, and promptly separated from him.

Internally, he and Tang Lun's faction moved away from each other and chose new allies.

After making good friends with Taiyimen, and the voice of alliance with Taiyimen became the mainstream of dark alliance, Feng Qing Shangzun frequently showed goodwill to Taiyimen and actively promoted the alliance with Taiyimen.

Now Taiyimen is already an ally with the dark alliance, and the ally Meng Zhang is visiting, of course, Shangzun Fengqing must grandly receive it.

In the realm of comprehension, Meng Zhang is accustomed to seeing the wind and the rudder, the only profit is the figure.

He didn't look down on this kind of people at all, but felt that this kind of people were easy to deal with.

As long as both parties have similar interests, there is a basis for cooperation.

Although Meng Zhang had long said that this was an informal visit in private, since the other party treated each other with such politeness, he would not be rude.

At the entrance of Floating City, Meng Zhang was chatting with a group of dark alliance elders, chatting and laughing.

After a series of useless red tape, Feng Qing Shangzun led Meng Zhang very enthusiastically into the interior of the floating city.

Along the way, his hospitable host enthusiastically introduced everything in the floating city to the guests.

The other elders of the dark alliance also took this opportunity to communicate with Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang's visit was demanding, so he kept his posture very low, catering to the other party's conversation from time to time.

Master Feng Qing led Meng Zhang into the reception hall, and everyone talked freely for a while.

Originally, Meng Zhang was going to make a request to the Supreme Master Fengqing in private, but seeing the situation in front of him, he had to deal with the other elders.

Thinking of the dark alliance system, Meng Zhang knew that even if he made a private request to Fengqing Supreme, he couldn't hide it from the other elders.

Therefore, in front of everyone, Meng Zhang slowly began to get into the topic.

Meng Zhang claimed that he was very interested in the aboriginal gods who once ruled Junchen Realm, and had been working hard to collect all kinds of relevant information for many years.

However, due to the combined efforts of the various sacred sects to blockade, the information about the indigenous gods circulating in Junchen Realm is extremely scarce.

Meng Zhang knew that the Dark Alliance, as the largest intelligence agency in Junchen Realm, had collected many ancient secrets, including a lot of information about the native gods.

Meng Zhang visited the dark alliance this time, hoping to borrow this information from the dark alliance.

For this reason, Meng Zhang is willing to pay a certain After listening to Meng Zhang's request, Feng Qing Shangzun was very surprised and said something unexpectedly.

"Unexpectedly, the head of Meng is so well informed that he already knew about this matter."

Meng Zhang was taken aback by the words of Shangzun Feng Qing. He did not rush to speak, but glanced around. Some of the elders were thoughtful and some were whispering...

Supreme Master Feng Qing didn't let Meng Zhang doubt for too long, he took the initiative to say what he wanted to know.

It turned out that when the external pressure on Junchen Realm eased slightly, Tiangong and the sacred sects wanted to take this precious opportunity to clean up the inside of Junchen Realm and solve a major internal trouble.

The aboriginal gods and descendants that survived the ancient times became their target this time.

The rulers of Junchen Realm have always maintained a high degree of vigilance against the native gods, and it is even more impossible for them to be ignorant of small actions behind them.

Especially in recent years, the native gods have obviously become more active.

They are in series in Junchen Realm, and they are also buying and colluding with the scum among the cultivators, seemingly to make some big moves.

The various sacred sects have ruled the Junchen Realm for many years, and their intelligence system is very powerful, and they have uncovered the secrets of many aboriginal gods.

The ruler of Junchen Realm wants to take this opportunity to thoroughly eliminate the remaining native gods and descendants, and solve this problem that has remained from the ancient times.

Although the extraterritorial invaders temporarily retreated, Jun Chen Realm did not dare to relax their vigilance at all.

Who knows when the extraterritorial invaders will make a comeback and launch another massive invasion?

In fact, the coalition forces of the extraterritorial invaders are not too far away from Junchen Realm, and can advance to Junchen Realm at any time.

Junchen Realm must retain enough power in the nearby void to prevent invaders from outside the territory, and leave no opportunity for it to take advantage of.

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