The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2270: information

In the so-called three caves of cunning rabbits, there is more than one retreat prepared by the senior leaders of Taiyimen for the sect.

These retreats are not only to help them escape in the face of desperation, but also to ensure that the inheritance of Taiyimen will not be completely cut off.

The Taiyi Sect can perish, and the sect monks can die in battle, but the inheritance of the sect cannot be lost.

If the Taiyi Gate is really defeated and destroyed, it is when these retreats come into play.

Thousands of years ago, Taiyi Gate was destroyed by Guantian Pavilion, many retreats were cut off, and most of the backhands were destroyed.

Even the rebuilt Taiyi Sect suffered the same disaster and was destroyed again.

However, the legacy of Taiyimen has not completely died out and still plays a huge role.

Meng Zhang was able to rejuvenate the Taiyimen three times later and led the Taiyimen to rise again, largely thanks to the help of the legacy left by his ancestors.

If the Taiyimen were defeated this time, how much role Meng Zhang left behind could play, it was unknown, and everything had to be left to fate.

Whether it is a war or a peace this time, and what the result will be, mainly depends on the attitude of Tiangong.

While waiting, Meng Zhang became a little anxious.

He hated the feeling of being unable to control himself and placing his hopes on others.

But there is no way, his strength is not as good as others, and he cannot change this situation for the time being.

Meng Zhang also thought about whether the Taiyi Sect should take the initiative to launch an attack on the major sects of the Holy Land and strive to seize the opportunity.

As soon as this idea appeared, he was completely thrown away.

If this is true, Taiyimen will probably lose the last shred of vitality.

While Meng Zhang was waiting anxiously, he finally got a result.

The deputy director of the Tiangong Ancient Capital, Taoist, came to Taiyimen in person and had a face-to-face conversation with Meng Zhang.

The Taoist people in the ancient capital looked tired and exhausted.

A cultivator of the imaginary level like him was not injured, so it was really rare for this to happen.

The Taoists of the ancient capital brought good news.

He told Meng Zhang that Taiyi Sect was lucky this time and escaped a disaster, so he didn't have to worry about being attacked by the Holy Land Sect for the time being.

While telling Meng Zhang this good news, he also told Meng Zhang a lot of bad news.

The major holy land sects are very determined to exterminate the Taiyi sect. This time they had already prepared to do anything regardless, but they had to be temporarily suspended due to a series of accidents.

Speaking of this, the Taoists in the ancient capital all sighed a bit about Meng Zhang's good luck.

Of course, no matter how lucky Meng Zhang was, it couldn't change the bad situation he was facing.

The Taoist people of the ancient capital told Meng Zhang everything about this incident.

After Meng Zhang complained to Tiangong, the Taoists of the ancient capital tried to use this opportunity to support the Taiyi Sect and put pressure on the major sects of the Holy Land.

The Taoist people of the ancient capital were only the deputy chiefs of the Tiangong, and could not fully represent the Tiangong.

The Taoist priests of the ancient capital tried to gain the support of Jianjun Banxue, and asked Jianjun Banxue to come forward to warn the major sects of the Holy Land.

Jianjun Banxue has been in charge of Tiangong for many years, he has always acted justly, and he is willing to maintain the overall situation of the Junchen world.

The last time the major sects of the Holy Land launched a cleaning operation in the Junchen Realm, they tried to control the Tiangong, which greatly angered Jianjun Banxue.

Jianjun Banxue is optimistic about Meng Zhang and has a good relationship with Meng Zhang.

She and Daoist Gudu are not only colleagues for many years, but also have a very deep friendship.

No matter from which point of view, Jianjun Banxue will not sit back and watch the behavior of the major holy land sects.

But something unexpected happened to the Taoist people in the ancient capital.

In the name of retreat, Jianjun Banxue refused to meet the Taoists of the ancient capital.

He even ignored the reports passed down by Taoists in the ancient capital.

According to the practice of Tiangong, when the chief executive, accompanied by Xuejianjun, can't take care of the affairs, all the affairs are discussed and handled by several deputy directors.

Taoist Gudu and several other deputy directors discussed whether to suppress the major holy land sects and warned them heavily.

The new deputy director Tianlei Xuxian sat in the void battlefield and did not participate in this discussion.

The deputy director Wang Puchen supported the major sects in the Holy Land, and the deputy director Ma Qiangou was neutral and did not indicate his attitude.

The Taoists of the ancient capital alone cannot let the Heavenly Palace come forward to suppress the major sects of the Holy Land.

The Taoist people of the ancient capital knew that if there was no suppression from the Heavenly Palace, the major sects of the Holy Land would definitely attack the Taiyi Sect unscrupulously.

The Taoist people in the ancient capital tried their best, and almost tore off their face with Wang Puchen, but couldn't let Tiangong come forward.

The Taoists in the ancient capital extremely hated and hated the sects of the major holy places, so they did not hesitate to secretly support the organization of the Dengxianhui, so that it could oppose the sects of the major holy places.

He absolutely did not want to see Taiyi Sect wiped out by the major holy land sects.

It is a pity that with the power of Taoist people in the ancient capital, there are not many things that can be done and cannot change the overall situation.

Originally, the major holy land sects were ready to move, but a series of unexpected events occurred.

This time, the cultivators went to the West Sea to launch a clean-up campaign against the indigenous gods, which inevitably disturbed the Zhenlong clan.

In fact, the indigenous gods can build a secret base on the seabed of the West Sea without the connivance and even help of the True Dragon Clan.

In order to ensure the complete elimination of the indigenous gods, the cultivators arranged a strong force to monitor and block the real dragon Meng Zhang participated in the war in the small underwater world and did not pay attention to the outside situation.

A number of powerhouses of the true dragon family who returned to the virtual level came, and they almost fought with the cultivators.

Although there was no official war between the two sides, the tension was drawn and the situation was very tense.

After all the secret bases of the indigenous gods were wiped out, the True Dragon Clan was probably outraged and mobilized a lot of power.

The power mobilized by the True Dragon Clan did not attack the West Sea, but directly pressed against the East China Sea dominated by Zhenhai Palace.

In the face of the fierce army of the real dragon clan, even Zhenhai Hall, which claimed to control the ocean of Junchen world, had to go all out to deal with it.

In order to reinforce Zhenhai Hall, the major holy land sects have all dispatched a lot of forces to the East China Sea.

The major holy land sects and the True Dragon Clan have been dealing with each other for many years, and they know that they must not show the slightest weakness at this time.

If they take the initiative to back down, it will only make the True Dragon Clan gain an inch.

Although the two sides did not start a war, in order to deter the True Dragon clan, the major holy land sects had to retain an extremely powerful force in the East China Sea.

Of course, with the background and accumulation of the major holy land sects, even if a large part of the power is contained by the East China Sea, there is still enough power to destroy the Taiyi Sect.

But at this time, a certain sleeping true immortal conveyed a trace of consciousness, which greatly affected the subsequent deployment of the major holy land sects.

The Taoists of the ancient capital have special sources of intelligence and know many secrets within the sects of the major holy places.

In front of Meng Zhang, he did not deliberately conceal this matter.

The matter related to the sleeping real immortal was originally a highly secret of the major holy land sects, but the Taoist people of the ancient capital received some rumors and roughly understood the whole story.

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