The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2274: Belief

Whether it is the gods of the yang world or the ghosts and gods of the underworld, after meeting the corresponding conditions, they can absorb and utilize the power of belief.

The power of faith has many benefits, it can greatly enhance the power of the gods, make their cultivation speed increase rapidly, and allow them to have more magical means...

In the world, there are always advantages and disadvantages.

As much as the benefits of absorbing the power of faith, there will be as many troubles.

If the will of the gods is not firm enough, they will get lost in the power of faith, completely lose themselves, and become puppets shaped by faith.

Under such circumstances, even if the **** is still alive, is he still not his original self?

If the power of faith is absorbed improperly, it will make the gods go crazy.

After absorbing the power of faith provided by believers, the gods are equivalent to being completely bound by believers.

If there is no believer, without the support of the power of faith, the gods will gradually weaken and even disappear completely.

Although some special means can slow the arrival of this result, it cannot be completely stopped.


Especially for the natural gods, the power of belief is more of a bondage, limiting their own future.

Many gods who are short-sighted and want to have great power as soon as possible will try to expand the source of the power of faith.

Many natural gods can grow without the power of belief.

But being tempted by the quick gain of power, he will take the initiative to absorb the power of faith.

Taimiao has more and more natural ghosts and gods, and is already equivalent to a natural ghost.

Even if he does not absorb the power of faith, his cultivation can still increase rapidly.

He doesn't lack resources, he doesn't lack qualifications, he just lacks a little time.

The deity Meng Zhang faces a huge crisis and is in urgent need of powerful combat power, so Tai Miao has to make some sacrifices.

Although it is an approach that seeks quick success and instant benefits, if it is too wonderful to absorb and refine the power of belief, the cultivation base will definitely usher in a leap in a short period of time.

Taimiao is the master of the underworld, with many acquired ghosts and gods, almost endless ghosts.

Although many acquired ghosts and gods have limited loyalty to him, most of the ghosts in the underworld do not have enough intelligence.

But with such a large base, many believers can be developed in a short period of time.

Whether it is acquired ghosts or ghosts, there are really many people who are too convinced to believe, too wonderful to worship, and too wonderful to be willing to believe.

With such a good foundation, Taimiao soon had a certain number of believers and began to provide him with the power of faith.

In addition to being too wonderful, several of his subordinates who have returned from the gods, such as the extreme sword **** general, the thick earth **** general, etc., also have the qualifications to absorb and utilize the power of faith.

In order to raise the level of power as soon as possible, with the permission of too wonderful, they also rapidly developed believers in the underworld and obtained the power of faith.

Tai Miao and her subordinates have not extended their tentacles to the Yang world for the time being, but only develop believers in the underworld to gain the power of belief.

For so many years, especially after the ancient natural born ghosts and gods fought and lost all casualties, there are no gods in the underworld to develop believers.

For the powerful gods, the underworld is a rare treasure, a virgin land that has not been cultivated.

Absorbing and refining the power of faith is not a profound knowledge.

For many gods, it's just instinct.

Of course, the methods circulating in the mainstream Shinto civilization are far more efficient than the methods commonly used by indigenous gods.

Among the many inheritances that Taiyi Jinxian passed on to Taiyimen's founding ancestors, there are a lot of Shinto-related contents.

Taiyi Jinxian set the goal of consecrating the gods and ruling the world for the later inheritors, and naturally left many gods' cultivation methods.

As the incarnation of Meng Zhang, Tai Miao also mastered many secret books of Taiyi Sect.

Coupled with the innate ability from natural ghosts and gods, he absorbs and utilizes the power of faith extremely efficiently.

It didn't take long for the wonderful cultivation to reach the late stage of Void Return.

Of course, the wonderful cultivation has improved so quickly, leaving a lot of troubles.

Originally, they were born ghosts and gods who did not need the power of faith, but they actively absorbed and refined the power of faith.

The benefits you get today will cost you in the future.

When Tai Miao grows to a certain level in the future, he will need to spend a huge price to break free from the shackles of the power of belief.

In Meng Zhang's view, if you can't get past this hurdle, there will be no future.

Taimiao gained more powerful strength to provide him with more help and help him cope with the next difficulties.

After Taimiao had the strength in the late stage of returning to the virtual world, she did not continue to retreat in Youdu.

Next, he will follow Meng Zhang's instructions to explore the deepest part of the underworld, trying to find the entrance to the source sea.

If the time is right, he will enter the source sea to explore and try to inquire about the sleeping information of several true immortals.

This was one of Meng Zhang's counterattacks when faced with the enormous pressure brought by the sects of the major holy places.

If he can obtain detailed information on the sleeping real immortals, he can ask Xianyun Zhenxian for more help.

Xianyun Zhenxian must have enough confidence before considering attacking Jun Chenjie.

If it is too wonderful to enter the source sea, even if it does not affect a few sleeping true immortals, just a little movement will make the major holy land sects uneasy.

Meng Zhang had long noticed that the few true immortals were not sleeping in the depths of the source sea for no reason, and they must have a huge plot.

The source sea of ​​the Junchen world is the most important place for the major holy land sects.

As long as there is a change in the source sea, they have to turn to the source sea with all their strength, and have no time to distract him.

In that case, the major holy land sects may not be able to take care of destroying the Taiyi Sect.

Since our own strength is temporarily insufficient to fight the enemy head-on, we must continue to create chaos at the enemy's vital points, distract the enemy's attention, and contain the enemy's strength.

This is what Meng Zhang came up with when facing the pressure of the sects in the major holy places.

Originally Meng Zhang had long wanted to let Taimiao do this.

However, Tai Miao's strength has been insufficient before, and it is difficult to deal with the various dangers in the deepest underworld.

By chance, Meng Zhang once entered the Sea of ​​Origin through the passage of Nine Heavens.

At that time, he had not yet entered the depths of the source sea, but had encountered many dangers at the surface of the source sea.

Especially after the foreign invaders broke into the Yuanhai that year, the major holy land sects strengthened their defenses against the Yuanhai.

The passage leading to the source sea in the nine heavens has basically been closed, and the remaining passages are also in the hands of the major holy land sects, and even the heavenly palace cannot intervene.

It is said that in the source sea, the major holy land sects have maintained a strong defensive force.

It is so wonderful that if you enter the source sea from the deepest part of the underworld, it will be a different way.

But after entering the source sea, he still has to face various dangers, including the garrison forces of the major holy land sects.

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