The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2276: contain

Like the Taiyi Sect, the Hailing Sect felt a huge sense of crisis from the current situation in the Junchen Realm.

The current strength of the Hailing Sect is not as good as that of the Taiyi Sect, and the situation it faces will only get worse.

The reason why the Sea Spirit Sect was able to rise in the first place was not only the secret assistance of those opposing the sects of the holy places, but also the internal contradictions among the sects of the holy places were fully utilized.

Among them, Tiangong has been secretly supporting those powerful monks who are independent of the major holy land sects, and it is one of the biggest helpers of the Sea Spirit Sect.

Almost all the comprehension forces in the Junchen world who resisted the sects of the major holy places have been sheltered by the Heavenly Palace to a greater or lesser extent.

Now, due to Jianjun Banxue's change of attitude, Dengxian will be hidden, and most of the external help from the Hailing faction has disappeared.

Moreover, the major holy land sects that had been fighting endlessly in the past have shown more and more unity over the years.

Especially when it comes to the outside world, the major holy land sects can put aside their differences, agree to the outside world, and help each other.

The Sea Spirit Sect could no longer find a loophole, and had to face the major sects of the Holy Land directly like the Taiyi Sect.

Of course, as an old Void Return Sect, Hailing School still has some background and accumulation.

Now that the situation is getting more and more critical, the Sea Spirit Sect is beginning to show its final strength.

The Taiyi Sect has always maintained close contact with the Sea Spirit Sect. Recently, they have received news one after another that the Sea Spirit Sect has successively broken through to the period of returning to the void.

Although the cultivators in the early stage of returning to the virtual world have limited role in the current situation of Junchen World, they are better than nothing, at least they are qualified to participate in high-level battles.

Another ally of Taiyimen, Guanghan Palace, has also performed very well in recent years.

Although Fairy Guanghan was promoted to the Void Return Stage after her opponent Xiao Jiansheng, in many battles, she was able to hold the opponent stably.

Especially in the past two years, two other monks from Guanghan Palace have broken through the Void Return Period one after another.

The power of the Purple Sun Sect in the Xingluo Archipelago has never been strengthened.

The power of the Guanghan Palace completely overwhelmed the Ziyang Sect and completely established its dominance in the Xingluo Archipelago.

Even in the entire West Sea, Guanghan Palace is considered to be a large force, enough to participate in the division of more interests in the West Sea.

If it weren't for the power of the Ziyang Holy Sect, Guanghan Palace might have completely removed the stronghold of the Ziyang Holy Sect in the Xingluo Archipelago long ago.

Although Guanghan Palace did not dare to openly fight against the Ziyang Holy Sect, there were ways to crowd out the Ziyang Holy Sect cultivators in the Xingluo Archipelago, making their life even more difficult.

When he formed an alliance with Guanghan Palace, Meng Zhang thought it was just an expedient measure.

However, judging from the performance of Guanghan Palace over the years, it has indeed caused a great restraint on the Ziyang Sect, which is very beneficial to Taiyi Sect.

The senior officials of Taiyimen naturally did not care about other things, and continued to deepen their connection with Guanghan Palace.

Meng Zhang also sincerely hopes that Fairy Yue'e behind the Guanghan Palace can intervene in the affairs of the Junchen Realm as soon as possible, causing greater pressure on the major sects of the Holy Land.

In the Junchen world, in addition to the major holy land sects, there are some other old-fashioned sects and families that can cultivate the power of returning to the void.

As the methods of eliminating dissidents from the major holy land sects became more and more obvious, these sects and families had to make a final choice.

Either they completely fall to the major holy land sects, completely become their vassals, and lose all autonomy.

Either you have to hold a group to keep warm, find a way to resist the pressure from the major holy land sects, and try to ensure your own autonomy.

Although these sects and families did not dare to stand on the side of Taiyi Sect openly, they did not dare to form an alliance with Taiyi Sect.

But their existence is more or less helpful to Taiyi Sect.

Some daring sects and families secretly established certain connections with Taiyi Sect.

The biggest good news Meng Zhang received came from the East China Sea. Valley

Taiyimen made every effort to prepare for the battle, and the main forces of the sect were shrunk back into the territory of the sect.

However, the intelligence system of Taiyimen was particularly active, and more spies and scouts were dispatched to collect all the latest information in the Junchen world.

On the other side of the East China Sea, the army of the True Dragon clan pressed against the realm and threatened Zhenhai Hall.

After Zhenhaidian received the assistance of other holy land sects, it competed with the Zhenlong clan in court and was at a standstill.

There are many precedents for this situation.

The two sides, each with their own scruples, generally do not fight.

The purpose of the real dragon clan is generally blackmail, to coerce the major holy land sects to make concessions, and to give up greater interests.

The major holy land sects used to be very firm towards the True Dragon Clan.

After a period of confrontation between the two sides, the True Dragon Clan will stop when they see that they can't get any advantage.

Then both sides will withdraw their troops and return to their respective homes.

In recent years, due to the huge pressure brought by foreign invaders, the major holy land sects have become more tolerant towards the True Dragon Clan, and are even willing to make some concessions and compromises.

And this time, the True Dragon Clan seems to be taking an inch, always saying that the major holy land sects have invaded the ocean controlled by the True Dragon Clan, and they must pay enough compensation.

The major holy land sects, which originally had the intention of making concessions, suddenly became very tough.

The major holy land sects not only did not take the initiative to back down this time, but also turned back the powerful dragon clan.

With the temper of the real dragon clan, they will not retreat at this time.

The situation between the two sides became more and more tense, and the smell of gunpowder in the confrontation became stronger and Finally, one day, the patrols dispatched by the two sides collided with each other and started to fight.

Next, the scale of the battle began to grow, and various battles became more frequent.

Many well-known strongmen on both sides pointed to the list in front of the two armies, and then they fought.

A group of teams started a fierce fight in the nearby sea.

With such frequent outbreaks of Void Return-level wars, Tiangong also seemed to be blind, and turned a blind eye to it.

Tiangong seems to have forgotten the rules he set, and the Tianweilei Punishment Formation has never appeared in the East China Sea.

The battle between the major holy land sects and the True Dragon clan became more and more fierce, and there were many casualties on both sides.

If it weren't for the high-level rationality of both sides remaining, and both sides trying to exercise restraint, I am afraid that the two sides would have started a full-scale war long ago.

Although the two sides have not been completely involved in the war, the battle in the East China Sea shows no sign of ending in a short period of time.

Due to the continuous escalation of the battle, in order to prevent the true dragon clan from launching an all-out attack, the major holy land sects had to mobilize more forces to go to the East China Sea.

After Meng Zhang received the news, he knew that his misleading strategy had taken effect.

The major holy land sects must have thought that the True Dragon Clan sheltered the Daling River God.

In order to complete the task given by the real immortals, most of them want the real dragon clan to hand over the Daling River God.

With the arrogance of the True Dragon Clan, it is disdainful to explain.

Even if the True Dragon Clan explained it well, the major holy land sects would not believe it, and would only think that the True Dragon Clan was covering up the truth.

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