The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2287: Soul sea

After Luna had negotiated the terms with Meng Zhang at the beginning, he revealed all the methods he knew to calculate the whereabouts of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

The methods known to Luna are not very accurate to calculate the whereabouts of the mysterious palace, and can only calculate the approximate area and approximate time of its appearance.

Of course, the calculation method she provided is not complicated. You only need to observe the direction of the ley lines, and then you can get a rough result after the calculation method she provides.

During these years, the Taiyi Sect has dispatched several great powers to return to the void, including Wen Qian, the strongest geographer in the sect.

They carefully surveyed the direction of the earth veins in the north of Junchen Realm, carefully observed the flow of earth air, and then made careful calculations together.

According to the results of their calculations, the Hidden Mysterious Mansion will appear somewhere in the north of Junchen Realm within thirty years.

The general area in which the Hidden Mysterious Mansion appeared was located in the territory of the original Dali Dynasty.

The territory of the Dali Dynasty has long been divided up by Taiyi Sect and Ziyang Sect. The area spans the territory of Ziyang Sect and Taiyi Sect, and its center is the junction of the two sects.

This area is thousands of miles in diameter, and the terrain inside is very complex and changeable.

If they want to know a more precise address, there is nothing they can do.

Meng Zhang did not know for the time being that the calculation method provided by the Ziyang Shengzong and the calculation method provided by the Moon God were better or worse.

Ziyang Shengzong dispatched a large number of monks and made such a big noise. If the exact location and specific time of the mysterious palace cannot be calculated, then the calculation method is really impossible.

Ziyang Shengzong stopped dispatching monks to move around, and almost all actions have stopped.

King Gray Peng did not find out any further information within the Ziyang Sect.

The information about the mysterious palace is the top secret of the Ziyang Sect, and only a few senior sects know it.

On the other hand, Yang Xueyi of Taiyi Sect once accidentally discovered that the Great Power of Returning to the Void of the Ziyang Sect was haunting that area.

It seems that Ziyang Shengzong has already calculated this area.

Just don't know if they have more accurate information.

After thinking about it for a while, Meng Zhang reported the relevant information to the True Dragon Clan.

If the True Dragon family does not enter the hub, the Taiyimen family alone may not be able to win the Ziyang Sect.

Although the True Dragon Clan is still facing off against the major holy land sects in the East China Sea, they are still very concerned about the relevant information about the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

In terms of Shou Yuan of the True Dragon Clan, the time spent in confrontation with the major sects of the Holy Land is simply not enough to mention.

The previous battle between the two sides was at best a warm-up match.

The True Dragon Clan was not satisfied with the information provided by Taiyimen.

They did not listen and urged Taiyimen to seize the time to inquire, and strive to inquire about more accurate information as soon as possible.

Even if the real dragon clan is willing to win over and use the Taiyimen, they still can't change this lofty attitude, ordering the Taiyimen like a subordinate.

Meng Zhang was not very angry, anyway, the two sides were using each other's relationship.

After careful observation and inferences, Meng Zhang and Sect Master Huixu felt that the information about the Hidden Mysterious Mansion held by the Ziyang Shengzong was probably more abundant than the information provided by Luna.

This should not be because the Moon God concealed something from Meng Zhang, but because the Ziyang Sect was more powerful.

In order to grasp more information and seize the opportunity to launch, Taiyimen must keep an eye on the movements of Ziyang Shengzong.

Everyone on the side of Taiyimen returned to the void, and took turns to ambush and observe the area near the calculated area.

Ziyang Shengzong stopped all other actions, but occasionally there will be ghosts returning to this area, secretly and cautiously, and perform some mysterious rituals.

Luna was probably a little embarrassed for not providing too accurate information.

The Hidden Mysterious Mansion was a war tool made by the native gods. Whether it was out of personal feelings or interests, the Moon God did not want it to fall into the hands of the Ziyang Sect.

She left the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate many times, went to the vicinity of the area in person, sneaked deep into the ground, and followed the trend of the leylines to observe more carefully.

There was an unyielding thought in Luna's heart.

She didn't believe it anymore. Her understanding of the creations of indigenous gods would not catch up with the cultivators of the Ziyang Sect.

After the constant efforts of Luna, some new discoveries finally began.

With Luna personally helping out, Meng Zhang was not too distracted by this matter.

He still took the time to absorb and refine the source crystal in his hand.

At the level of the Void Returning Great Expert, Meng Zhang's cultivation time is not long, and he is still an uncompromising young man.

Compared with those old-fashioned Void Returning Powers, what he lacks most is the accumulation of time and rich accumulation.

This batch of source crystals produced in the depths of the source sea can greatly enrich Meng Zhang's accumulation, help him save a lot of time, and allow him to catch up with those old-fashioned powers as soon as possible.

Meng Zhang's cultivation realm in the late stage of returning to the virtual world began to gradually become complete, and he was getting closer and closer to the realm of entering the virtual fairy.

With the improvement of Meng Zhang's cultivation realm, he became more and more aware of the brilliance of his own practice.

The inheritance of Taiyimen's pioneering ancestors deserves to come from Taiyi Jinxian.

The more profound the cultivation, the more able to appreciate the extraordinary inheritance, and the more able to exert superb combat effectiveness.

Originally, among high-level cultivators, there was basically no such thing as a step-by-step challenge.

However, as Meng Zhang learned more about inheritance, he gained a lot of confidence in the challenge of stepping up.

With his current cultivation base in the late stage of returning to the virtual world, he would not even dare to think about challenging the true immortal, but if he challenges the virtual immortal, he should still be able to give it a try.

The founders of the major holy land sects are just true immortals.

There is a gap of two realms between True Immortal and Jin Immortal.

Even if the Taiyi Sect pioneering ancestor got only the fur inherited from the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Isn't it natural that the inheritance from Taiyi Jinxian overwhelms the inheritance of ordinary real immortals?

Thinking of the last time he escaped from the hands of the two immortals, Meng Zhang felt resentful in his heart.

Now that there is no fairy talisman, he wants to challenge the opponent on his own.

Of course, despite being a little eager to try, Meng Zhang will not act rashly now.

Time is on his side, the longer time passes, the greater his cultivation will improve, and the gap between him and the other party will only be smaller.

When Meng Zhang was hurrying to practice, Tai Miao was not idle.

Tai Miao went through untold hardships, and finally passed through many difficulties and obstacles, and entered the depths of the underworld.

On this day, he came to a very special place in the depths of the underworld - the sea of ​​souls.

The Soul Sea, as the name suggests, is the place where the souls of the Junchen world's souls gather after their death.

Even if the ghosts and ghosts of the underworld are completely gone, after their souls dissipate, the remnants of their souls will spontaneously gather into the sea of ​​souls.

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