The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2297: question

The Dark Alliance and the Hailing faction definitely do not want to see Taiyimen start a war with Ziyang Shengzong in order to compete for the hidden secret palace.

If Taiyimen asks them for help, in order to avoid causing a war in advance, they in turn ask Taiyimen to give up this operation, what should Taiyimen do?

Is it to maintain the relationship of the allies, listen to the opinions of the allies, give up this action, or do it all alone and insist to the end?

For Taiyimen, neither choice is a good thing.

Rather than embarrassing everyone, it is better for Taiyimen to act alone.

Wait until after the operation has been successful before reporting the news to allies.

Since they did not seek help from their allies, relying solely on the Taiyimen family to compete with the Ziyang Sect, their strength would be insufficient.

How to make good use of the power in your hands requires careful consideration.

The goddess of worshiping the moon is a powerhouse at the mid-level of Void Return, and the current moon goddess is no weaker than Meng Zhang.

They are very important combat power, and Luna, as a member of the indigenous gods, is familiar with the methods of the same kind.

Earlier, when she and Meng Zhang went to the void to explore the secret space, she played a huge role.

This time, the Taiyi Sect also needs her strength in the competition for the mysterious palace.

In order to show the importance of this ally, Meng Zhang did not let others come forward, but went to the area to find her in person.

Meng Zhang dived into the ground, and soon found Luna who was carefully observing the pulse of the earth.

After the two met, Meng Zhang went straight to the topic and mentioned the movements of Ziyang Shengzong and the actions that Taiyi Sect would take.

When the mysterious mansion appeared, Meng Zhang needed the cooperation of Luna to break into it and seize control of it.

After listening to Meng Zhang, Luna repeatedly asked about the information obtained by Taiyimen.

The most important source of information for the Taiyi Sect was naturally the Gray Peng King within the Ziyang Sect.

Meng Zhang would not leak the identity of King Gray Peng at will, but only said that Taiyi Sect had reliable spies within the Ziyang Sect.

In connection with the movements of the cultivators of the Ziyang Sect observed by the cultivators of Taiyimen, the senior officials of Taiyimen made corresponding judgments.

After listening to Meng Zhang's answer, Luna mentioned a key point.

The action plan formulated by Taiyimen this time has a basis, and that is based on the fact that the Ziyang Shengzong has mastered the specific time and place of the appearance of the mysterious palace.

At the beginning of next month, less than ten days from now, the Hidden Mysterious Mansion will appear.

According to the judgment of Moon God, Ziyang Shengzong could not make such an accurate inference at all.

The Moon God has been observing the movements of the Earth Vessel these days. Although she can't tell the exact time and place of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion's appearance, she knows that the Hidden Mysterious Mansion will not appear in the nearby area for at least a few months.

Meng Zhang listened to the words of the moon god, and at first he was a little unimpressed.

He thought that Moon God said this because his calculation method was inferior to Ziyang Shengzong, and he refused to admit defeat.

Meng Zhang still needed the help of the Moon God, and had to take care of her face, so he followed her tone and said that Ziyang Shengzong's calculations were unreliable.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Then he changed his tone, no matter whether the calculation of the Ziyang Sect is reliable, since the Ziyang Sect has already begun to act, the Taiyi Sect will respond.

While coaxing the Moon God, Meng Zhang secretly laughed in his heart. After all, the Moon God is an ancient **** who has lived for inexplicable years. How can he still be so competitive, he is like a child.

Meng Zhangdu had already lowered his posture, disregarding his status as the head of the Taiyi Sect, and carefully flattered her, but the Moon God actually didn't appreciate it at all.

While emphasizing that there is no problem with his calculations, Luna kept accusing Ziyang Shengzong of making mistakes.

Meng Zhang was unwilling to offend the Moon God over such trivial matters, and even though he was already a little impatient, he patiently agreed with her.

Luna immediately noticed Meng Zhang's reluctance, and suddenly became angry.

Meng Zhang had known Luna for so many years, but this was the first time he saw her get angry.

In Meng Zhang's impression, Luna has always been cold-hearted, very rational, and has never been swayed by emotions.

Luna was actually angry about this issue, and Meng Zhang had to take it a little more seriously.

Maybe, probably, maybe, Luna's calculations are not wrong, let alone being petty, it is really the Ziyang Shengzong who made a mistake.

It is not impossible that the Ziyang Shengzong miscalculated the time and place of the mysterious palace's appearance, and made an action plan on the basis of the wrong calculation.

Ziyang Shengzong formulated an action plan based on wrong calculations, so does Taiyi Sect continue with the original arrangement?

If Hidden Mysterious Mansion really didn't appear at that time and place, would it be necessary for Taiyimen to meet with Ziyang Shengzong?

The Taiyi Sect actually agrees with its allies, the Dark Alliance and the Sea Spirit Sect. Don't be in a hurry to fight against the major holy land sects.

Time is on Taiyimen's side, Meng Zhang needs time to improve his cultivation, and the monks in the door need more time to grow.

If it wasn't for the purpose of taking the Anonymous Mansion, Meng Zhang would not be willing to confront Ziyang Shengzong head-on.

Meng Zhang suddenly fell into deep thought.

Due to Luna's insistence on his point of view, Meng Zhang couldn't help but think a little more and thought of some new situations.

As a result, his mind was opened, and he discovered some blind spots that he had not noticed before.

Luna repeatedly emphasized that the Ziyang Shengzong made a mistake in the matter of hiding the mysterious mansion.

Judging from the information I had before, Ziyang Shengzong was indeed stronger than Luna in the calculation of Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

Moreover, Luna herself has admitted before that her method of estimating the hidden secret palace is not very clever.

Did Ziyang Shengzong really miscalculate this time?

Or is this Ziyang Shengzong deliberately spreading wrong news?

Why did Ziyang Shengzong spread the wrong news, and who was it targeting?

Thinking of this, Meng Zhang couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

If Hidden Mysterious Mansion did not appear at that time and place, but Taiyi Sect participated in the competition, it would inevitably fall into the trap of Ziyang Shengzong.

Why is Ziyang Shengzong's calculation so accurate?

Could it be...

Meng Zhang thought of the worst possibility.

That is, the identity of King Gray Peng has been exposed. Ziyang Shengzong did not rush to deal with King Gray Peng. Instead, he used his identity as King Gray Peng to reveal the information that was deliberately prepared to Taiyi Sect, attracting Taiyi Sect cultivators to take the bait.

Originally, this was just a random conjecture after Meng Zhang's divergent thinking.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this conjecture was not unfounded.

He thought more and more, thinking of some things that he had ignored before.

The Void Master sent by Taiyi Sect secretly monitored the area and discovered the deeds of the Ziyang Shengzong Void Master.

Will the Void Returning Powers of the Purple Sun Sect discover the trend of the Void Returning Powers of Taiyi Sect during this process?

At the level of the Void Return Stage, the Taiyi Sect's Void Returning Great Expert is still relatively immature, and there are many deficiencies in both cultivation and experience.

Asking them to monitor the old and spicy Ziyang Shengzong's Void Returning Power may have been a mistake in the beginning. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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