The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2325: fooled

Taoist Yangbo soon came up with a plan, and without much effort, persuaded Weiwu Xuxian.

But I, Xuxian, is also determined to win the mysterious mansion, and is unwilling to become a loser in this battle.

The two sides are still chasing and entangled, staring at the mysterious palace.

But Wu Xuxian seized an opportunity and directly entangled Meng Zhang.

His Heaven and Earth Dharma Statue was a huge palace that slammed into Meng Zhang like a hill.

Not to be outdone, the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram above Meng Zhang's head collided with it.

Although the direct collision between heaven and earth is very dangerous, Meng Zhang will not have the slightest fear.

The two huge dharmas of heaven and earth collided violently in the air, and it seemed that the whole world was shaking violently.

This way of fighting is equivalent to close combat, and neither side can easily escape.

The two immortals fought desperately, and it was difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time.

Supreme Xuanle saw an opportunity and also entangled the goddess of worshiping the moon.

Although he soon gained the upper hand, he was never able to gain a decisive advantage.

Even without the help of the moon goddess in the body, the goddess of worshiping the moon can still fight with the Supreme Master Xuanle.

Combat experience from the moon god, various sharp magical powers, effectively make up for the gap in the realm of cultivation.

Although the power of the goddess of worshiping the moon alone cannot achieve the challenge of leapfrog, it will not be defeated in a short time.

In the battle of the same realm, when the cultivator is fighting against the powerhouses of other systems, most of the time, they should have the advantage.

The Supreme Master Xuanle had a higher level of cultivation, but he was temporarily unable to defeat the Moon Worship Goddess.

The Yangbo Taoist who came out of nowhere did not join the two battles, but flew directly to the mysterious palace.

Through the battle just now, Daoist Yangbo already knew that no matter which battle he joined, he would not be able to win in a short period of time.

Especially Meng Zhang, who is obviously a new immortal, but stronger than the veteran immortal Weiwu.

Since both Weiwu Xuxian and Xuanle Shangzun have successfully entangled their opponents, Taoist Yangbo can go to capture the mysterious palace without interference.

Judging from the previous situation, this Hidden Mysterious Mansion does have a strong power, but the Taoist Yangbo still has the confidence to capture it.

Between the chasing of Daoist Yangbo and the mysterious mansion, there was already a long distance from Meng Zhang's battlefield, and Daoist Yangbo finally seized the opportunity to make a move.

Daoist Yangbo did not have the slightest carelessness, and showed his true skills as soon as he shot.

A huge purple sun rose in the air.

Under the shroud of the purple sun, the movements of that mysterious mansion obviously became very slow and clumsy.

Daoist Yangbo held both hands empty, and there was an invisible force that fixed the mysterious palace.

Daoist Yangbo made a backward stretch, and the mysterious palace was slowly pulled to his side.

Meng Zhang, who was in the distance, seemed a little anxious when he saw that Taoist Yangbo was about to successfully capture the mysterious mansion.

He suddenly began to exert his strength, trying to get rid of the entanglement of Weiwu Xuxian.

Wei Wuxian, although very reluctant, had to admit that the strength of Meng Zhang's younger generation already surpassed him.

But I Xuxian tried his best to urge the Dharma of Heaven and Earth to entangle Meng Zhang with all his strength.

Feeling exhausted, he scolded inwardly, how on earth did this boy Meng Zhang cultivate, and how could he have such a strong power at such a young age?

He felt remorse in his heart, knowing that Meng Zhang would grow to the point where he is today, he should have taken action to eliminate Taiyi Sect and kill Meng Zhang as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, due to various factors, Mengzhang and Taiyimen had enough time to develop, and Guantian Pavilion and Ziyang Shengzong finally became infested with tigers.

Although he knew that Meng Zhang was stronger than himself, but seeing that Daoist Yangbo was about to succeed, I, Xuxian, still tried to entangle Meng Zhang and prevent him from stopping Daoist Yangbo's actions in the past.

The battle between the two was more intense, but Wu Xuxian came up with more cards.

Originally, the major holy land sects, including the Guantian Pavilion, had a profound background, and there were some treasures that could exert almost the power of a true immortal.

Unfortunately, in the years of war with foreign invaders, most of these backgrounds have been consumed.

Even if there are some residues, they should be used in more important places.

For the current major holy land sects, dealing with Meng Zhang is obviously not a top priority.

In the vicinity of Junchen Realm, there are too many more powerful and more harmful enemies than Meng Zhang.

But the cards that Wu Xuxian took out were cracked by Meng Zhang one after another, and they did not suppress Meng Zhang at all.

The wind, fire, yin and yang fan in Meng Zhang's hand did not urge it with all its strength, but just danced at will, which could bring enormous pressure to Weiwu Xuxian.

But I Xuxian can only hope that Daoist Yangbo can succeed as soon as possible, and quickly come to help him.

The appearance of the mysterious palace is nothing but a palm-sized palace, and it looks harmless to humans and animals.

Daoist Yangbo took a little effort and pulled it in front of him.

Next, he will completely suppress this treasure, and then put it away.

Daoist Yangbo's spiritual sense and true essence began to infiltrate into the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

At the beginning, Daoist Yangbo's actions were very smooth.

The Spiritual Mind and True Essence he released did not encounter much resistance, and entered the interior of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong.

This small Hidden Mysterious Mansion is like a bottomless pit, no matter how much spiritual sense and true essence he releases, it will be completely swallowed up by it.

The Spiritual Mind and True Essence that were swallowed up lost contact with Daoist Yangbo, as if they had completely disappeared without a trace.

Daoist Yangbo, who knew that the situation was wrong, wanted to stop the action of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion and take back the Spiritual Mind and True Essence he released.

But at this time, a powerful suction force was born in the hidden mysterious mansion, which was violently absorbing his true essence and spiritual sense.

Daoist Yangbo's true essence and spiritual sense are like a flood that has opened the gate, and they cannot be stopped at all, rushing towards the mysterious palace in front of him.

Even if Daoist Yangbo has a deep foundation and unfathomable true essence, if he continues like this, he will be sucked into adulthood sooner or later.

Daoist Yangbo immediately showed his decisiveness at the critical moment

He patted his chest with his backhand and his forehead with a palm, trying to temporarily shut down his sea of ​​qi and consciousness to block the outflow of true essence and spiritual sense.

It's a pity that the builders of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion are native gods who have been fighting with the cultivators all the year round. They are familiar with the situation of the cultivators. When setting up the defense system of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, they regard the cultivators as the biggest imaginary enemy, and have long predicted the possibility of them. behavioral patterns.

Daoist Yangbo had just blocked the outflow of True Essence and Divine Sense, when the mysterious palace suddenly erupted.

The palm-sized Hidden Mysterious Mansion suddenly swelled to the size of an ordinary person, and at the same time, several fire tongues shot out from it, pointing directly at the round of purple sun above.

The attack of Huo Tong caused Zi Ri to tremble, temporarily losing the ability to suppress the mysterious palace.

Hidden Mysterious Mansion slammed into Taoist Yangbo.


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