The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2328: Prestige

Remember [New] for a second,! A virtual immortal's heaven and earth appearance collapsed, and the power that erupted was so powerful.

Even the swarms of winds and fires that were burning fiercely around the dharma of heaven and earth, and seemed to never go out, became dim, and then disappeared completely.

The power of wind and fire evoked by the wind and fire yin and yang fan, after all, is not the earth fire feng shui that emerged at the beginning of the creation.

Meng Zhang, who had been clinging to Wei Wuxian for a long time, had to retreat temporarily to avoid his edge for the time being.

Seeing that the victory was already in hand, Meng Zhang did not want to be injured at this time.

Relying on the power of the collapse of the law of heaven and earth, Meng Zhang was forced to retreat, but under the blessing of the residual power of the law of heaven and earth, my entire body turned into a rainbow light and flew into the distance.

But Wu Xuxian's movements were very fast, and did not leave much time for Meng Zhang to react.

Meng Zhang has just started, and the only Wu Xingxian who has stimulated all his potential through self-mutilation has completely disappeared from the sky.

Meng Zhang hesitated for a moment, then stopped his pursuit.

Although he was not able to completely kill Weiwu Xuxian, the damage caused to him was serious enough.

But Wu Xuxian has been fundamentally injured this time, and it is almost impossible for the injury to heal completely.

Even if a miracle happened and his injury really healed, his cultivation would have retreated significantly, and he would not be able to recover completely.

Weiwu Xuxian, whose cultivation base has plummeted, is just an ordinary Void Returning Great Power, unable to pose a threat to Meng Zhang at all.

Even Weiwu Xuxian in his heyday was Meng Zhang's defeated general, not to mention in the future.

At the same time that the figure of Wei Wuxian disappeared, several rays of light appeared in the distance.

Judging from their auras, they are all Void Returning Powers of the Holy Land Sect.

After receiving the distress signal from Weiwu Xuxian, the entire Guantian Pavilion was immediately mobilized.

The current Guantian Pavilion cannot afford to lose a virtual immortal completely.

Guantian Pavilion itself is not strong enough, so he has to lower his arrogant head and ask for help from other holy land sects.

In a very short period of time, he gathered the power of digital return to virtual reality and arrived here at the fastest speed.

Unfortunately, they were still a step late.

If they arrive a little earlier and join the battle, not to mention completely turning the tide of the battle, at least my Xuxian will not suffer such serious damage.

Weiwu Xuxian, who was desperately fleeing, was completely frightened.

Even if he saw the reinforcements that were coming, he didn't stop to say hello to them, he just ran for his life.

He disregarded everything and only knew to escape from here as quickly as possible, as far as possible from the terrifying and powerful enemy Meng Zhang.

Watching the figure of Weiwu Xuxian disappear quickly, the few returning to the virtual stopped moving forward, a little dazed.

Although Meng Zhang suffered huge losses in the previous battle, he was not injured much, and his combat power was well preserved.

Seeing the appearance of several Holy Land Sect's Void Returning Great Experts, he greeted them aggressively.

Meng Zhang defeated Weiwu Xuxian in a head-on battle without any external force, which greatly increased his confidence.

Since then, in the entire Junchen world, as long as the true immortal does not appear, it is estimated that no one can do anything to him.

If he fights alone, there is probably no one in the major holy land sects who is his opponent.

As long as the inscrutable Tiangong chief Fan Xuejian does not take action, Meng Zhang will be invincible in the Junchen world.

Although the Void Returning Great Experts of the Holy Land Zongmen were not able to witness the situation just now, they had received a distress signal from Weiwu Xuxian, and they had just witnessed Weiwu Xuxian fleeing in a panic.

Judging from the appearance of Weiwu Xuxian, his state seems to be very bad.

Meng Zhang looked unscathed and had a high fighting spirit.

Several Void Returning Great Experts glanced at each other, and then invariably began to retreat.

This small team composed of temporarily recruited forces is basically a group of monks in the early and middle stages of returning to the virtual world.

Meng Zhang Xuxian, who can defeat Weiwu Xuxian in a frontal battle, is far from what they can fight against.

If you don't retreat in time now, once Meng Zhang is staring at him, it will be difficult to escape.

Before Meng Zhang could make a move, the enemy began to flee, which made him very satisfied.

Inflicting heavy damage on Weiwu Xuxian, his goal has been basically achieved.

There is a lot of power lost, and he still needs to leave enough power to adapt.

At this time, if they continue to pursue them, at most, they will kill one or two Void Returning Great Experts, which is not of great significance.

The Moon God and the Goddess of Worshiping Moon have entered the Hidden Mysterious Mansion for a while, and I don't know how they are progressing.

Meng Zhang looked around and confirmed that there was no one else around.

Meng Zhang lowered his flight height and flew to a place not far from the mysterious palace.

At this time, a series of changes are taking place in the Anonymous Mansion.

Hidden Mysterious Mansion was flickering and darkening, and suddenly it became as big as a mountain, and suddenly it became only the size of a palm...

The mysterious mansion kept moving rapidly.

Flying high in the sky for a while, falling into the mountains for a while, rushing towards the ground for a while...

Hidden Mysterious Mansion was like a frightened beast at this time, as if eager to escape from here and into the ground.

However, there seems to be something wrong inside the Anonymous Mansion, which prevents it from completely controlling its actions.

Meng Zhang hesitated, thinking about what to do next.

Luna has a certain understanding of the Hidden Secret Palace.

Most importantly, she is a member of the indigenous gods.

She took the goddess of worshiping the moon into the hidden mysterious mansion, and did not arouse the full resistance of the hidden mysterious mansion, nor did she inspire all its prohibitions.

Judging from the previous performance of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, as long as it was discovered that the cultivators were trying to control it, it would definitely inspire an extremely powerful force to fight fiercely.

Even though Meng Zhang's state was not very good at this time, his combat power was still far greater than that of Daoist Yangbo in the middle stage of Void Return.

He asked himself that even if he aroused the full resistance of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, he would definitely not fall into the fate of Daoist Yangbo.

He was just scruples if he made a rash move, would it affect Luna's actions.

If the Moon God can completely control the mysterious mansion, Meng Zhang would also be happy and save some energy.

He just stared at him eagerly. Even if the Moon God controlled the mysterious palace, he might not have the ability to violate the agreement.

The Junchen Realm is very large, but it is difficult for the Void Returning Great Expert to limit his footsteps.

Meng Zhang was still a little worried in his heart that the major sects of the Holy Land would continue to struggle with their strength to compete for the mysterious palace.

If he spends too much effort on the Hidden Mystery Mansion, the power to adapt may not be enough.

But looking at the current state of the mysterious mansion, I don't know when Luna will succeed.

Delay will bring changes. If time delays for a long time, other variables will be born.

Meng Zhang did not forget that in the Junchen world, in addition to the major holy land sects, the Zhenlong clan also coveted the mysterious mansion.

Although the main force of the true dragon clan is contained in the East China Sea, there is no trace of the true dragon clan powerhouse around so far, but who can guarantee that there will be no accidents?

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