The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2330: quit

Remember [New] for a second,! This result of this operation is completely acceptable to Meng Zhang.

Although it was a pity that the Anonymous Mansion was not captured, it was a crime other than war.

The true power hidden in the hidden secret palace far exceeded Meng Zhang's current level.

Since Meng Zhang couldn't do anything about it, he could only make a rational choice to temporarily stop and wait for the result of Luna.

After Meng Zhang returned to Taiyimen Mountain Gate, he soon entered a closed state again.

Even after experiencing another failure, there is still no major change in the major holy land sects.

When Meng Zhang was in retreat, Xianyun Zhenxian who was in the void once again passed the restriction in his body, contacted him, and asked him about the latest situation in the Junchen world, especially the situation of several sleeping real immortals.

Meng Zhang, who has been promoted to Void Immortal, can completely remove the prohibition in his body without causing any damage to himself.

However, in order to continue to paralyze Xianyun Zhenxian, he has been forcibly patient and did not do anything.

Regarding Xianyun Zhenxian's inquiry, Meng Zhang still said that.

The internal situation of Junchen World is still similar to before, and there has not been much change.

He is already trying his best to investigate the information of several true immortals, but there is not much progress.

Xianyun Zhenxian was very dissatisfied with Meng Zhang's report, but didn't say much.

At the end of the call, he told Meng Zhang that the army of foreign invaders had surrounded the Junchen Realm, and the cultivators in the Junchen Realm had lost all peripheral strongholds and had to retreat within the Junchen Realm to resist the enemy with the help of Jiutian.

Jiutian in the Junchen world was under enormous pressure.

If the situation doesn't improve, it won't be long before Nine Days is breached.

Once the foreign invaders enter the Junchen world in large numbers, the Junchen world will usher in earth-shaking changes.

Xianyun Zhenxian is limited by the situation and may not be able to support Taiyimen in time. Meng Zhang must make plans early.

Xianyun Zhenxian's reminder cast a heavy shadow on Meng Zhang's heart.

Since the fallout with Tiangong, it has been difficult for Taiyimen to obtain detailed information directly from Tiangong.

Although the ancient capital Taoist was released, he was busy with business and rarely contacted Taiyimen directly.

The main channel for Taiyimen to obtain external intelligence of Tiangong and Junchen World is still through its allies, the Dark Alliance.

Although the Dark Alliance is an ally with Taiyimen, it is impossible for Taiyimen to have no reservations.

In fact, it is quite normal for two allies to secretly guard each other.

The timeliness and integrity of the information obtained by Taiyimen through the Dark Alliance cannot be guaranteed.

Meng Zhang also knew that the situation facing Junchen Realm was extremely bad, but he did not expect it to be so bad.

As a bystander, Xianyun Zhenxian should be able to see many things clearly and provide accurate information.

Once the foreign invaders enter the Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang is really not sure whether relying on the strength of Taiyi Sect and its subordinate Hanhai Dao Sect is enough to protect the territory and protect everything in the territory.

The most urgent task at the moment, in addition to continuing to strengthen the strength of Taiyimen, but also to prepare for a retreat.

The second Void Battleship of Taiyimen is nearing completion, and the disciples of Shengongtang have already started to build the third Void Battleship.

When building the first two Void Battleships, a lot of Void Battleship wreckage was used.

Now, most of these wrecks have been consumed, and there is not enough left to complete the construction of the third Void battleship.

Although there are channels of the Dark Alliance and the True Dragon Clan, Taiyimen can trade many precious materials.

But for the construction of a third Void battleship, it is still far from enough.

If it weren't for the fact that the void near Junchen Realm had been completely occupied by foreign invaders, Meng Zhang would have thought about whether he would go to the Void Battlefield to destroy the Void Battleships of the foreign invaders and work hard to collect the wreckage.

Due to the impassability of this road, the material problem cannot be solved for the time being, and the construction of Taiyimen's third void battleship has to be temporarily slowed down.

At this time, the investigation in the source sea was wonderful, and bad news was also sent back.

Previously, Tai Miao searched for the whereabouts of several sleeping true immortals in the source sea.

He has never found the target, but he has collected a lot of precious resources in the source sea, including Yuqing Lingji.

In order to protect their true immortal ancestors, the major holy land sects arranged strong forces to station in the source sea, and arranged strict patrols.

Even the Void Returning Great Power cannot stay in the source sea for a long time.

Therefore, the powerhouses of the major holy land sects take turns entering the source sea.

Tai Miao was lucky before, and didn't bump into the strong guards of the Holy Land Sect.

Although the source sea is very vast, it still has its limits.

The patrol team composed of Void Returning Great Powers conducts strict patrols inside, and can almost cover most of the source sea.

Although Tai Miao has always been very careful, but after wandering in the source sea for a long time, it is inevitable that she will eventually bump into the patrol team that is waiting for her.

After a fierce battle, Tai Miao repelled the patrol.

However, the wonderful behavior was like poking a hornet's nest, and immediately attracted a number of siege from returning to the void.

In the source sea that the major holy land sects regard as forbidden places, once outsiders appear, they will naturally lead to their full siege.

Tai Miao's current cultivation level is at the late stage of returning to the void. Because of the power in his hand, he has supernatural powers, and his combat power is much stronger than that of the ordinary late-stage Shang Zun.

But even so, he couldn't resist the siege of many returning to the void.

In the source sea, there are even virtual immortals from the Holy Land Sect.

Tai Miao had to retreat in time to avoid being completely under siege and unable to escape.

Tai Miao finally got rid of the pursuit and escaped from the source sea.

After such an incident, the major holy land sects will definitely strengthen the defense of the source sea, strictly prevent the invasion of outsiders, and strictly check the passages of the source sea.

Tai Miao entered the source sea from the depths of the soul sea in the underworld before, but it was actually a loophole.

Once the strong sects of the various holy places stationed in the source sea are on, it will be difficult for him to sneak in secretly.

With the current situation, he will not be able to return to the Sea of ​​Origin in a short period of time.

As a last resort, after synchronizing the information with Meng Zhang, Tai Miao left Soul Sea and returned to Youdu.

Originally, Meng Zhang did not hesitate to let Tai Miao take a huge risk, and he must find out the situation of several sleeping true immortals.

Now that things can't be done, Meng Zhang still has to work hard to keep Taimiao's external incarnation.

The Sun and Moon Blessed Land of Taiyimen is the sanctuary prepared by Meng Zhang for the sect.

If the Sun Moon Blessed Land is to be greatly improved and can exist independently of Junchen Realm, it must be projected onto the secluded capital of the underworld according to Meng Zhang's plan.

After Tai Miao returned to Youdu, she followed Meng Zhang's instructions and devoted herself to all kinds of preparations.

In the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate of Yang Shi, the strengthening of the Sun Moon Blessed Land has almost never stopped.

Including the head Meng Zhang, the high-level monks of Taiyi Sect invested almost at any cost to strengthen the Sun and Moon Blessed Land.

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