The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2332: remind

Remember [New] for a second,! With the passage of time, the strength of Taiyimen and Mengzhang is constantly increasing.

This kind of good days without external interference, only needing to devote oneself to hard work and development, it is best never to end.

It is a pity that with the situation facing the Junchen Realm, there are not many quiet days left for Meng Zhang and Taiyimen.

One day, Meng Zhang received a secret message from an old friend.

He secretly left the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate and met the old man in a hidden place.

This old friend was Meng Zhang's long-lost friend, Taoist Jueying.

It can be said that Meng Zhang and Daoist Jueying met in Wei Mo and had many experiences of living and dying together.

Although they haven't seen each other for a long time, it doesn't detract from their friendship.

In the past few years, Meng Zhang had been trying to contact Daoist Jueying and his master, Daoist Lei Ye, without success.

An acquaintance from the Dark Alliance told Meng Zhang that the master and apprentice of Jueying Daoist were carrying out the secret mission of the Dark Alliance and were in a state of isolation, cutting off all contact with the outside world.

Meng Zhang was skeptical of this claim, and there was no other way.

This time, Taoist Jueying did not come to visit Meng Zhang directly, and asked him to meet him secretly outside Taiyi Gate. The whole action seemed very mysterious.

After not seeing each other for many years, the two were a little excited to meet again.

The two exchanged a few words and recounted their respective experiences after parting, and Daoist Jueying went straight to the topic.

Daoist Jueying told Meng Zhang that she didn't have much time, and this time she finally found the opportunity to meet Meng Zhang in secret.

She didn't tell Meng Zhang what the secret mission their master and apprentice were carrying out.

Although she has a deep friendship with Meng Zhang, she is not ready to betray the dark alliance, and naturally she will not betray the top secrets of the alliance to outsiders.

She came here this time to remind Meng Zhang of two things.

The first thing is that some high-level officials in the dark alliance have been secretly contacting foreign invaders.

The two sides have almost negotiated the conditions, and the Dark Alliance has basically determined that it will stand on the side of the extraterritorial invaders and completely betray the Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang had long known that the bottom line of the top leaders of the dark alliance was very low, or that there was no bottom line at all.

The dark alliance has always had a deep collusion with the magic way.

On the surface, it seems that the Dark Alliance has long since cleared its relationship with the Demon Dao, and outsiders don't know what the actual situation is.

Once you get involved in the magic way, how can it be so easy to cut off relations with it?

Moreover, the top leaders of the Dark Alliance probably did not really cut off the relationship with the magic way.

It was also because of this that Meng Zhang had reservations about forming an alliance with the Dark Alliance.

Later, it was really helpless, and at least the dark alliance had no connection with the devil on the surface, so Taiyimen officially formed an alliance with the dark alliance.

The covenant between the two sides is very loose, and there are not too many restrictions on each other.

This is also because Meng Zhang did not trust the Dark Alliance, and was unwilling to tie the Taiyi Gate to the Dark Alliance's chariot completely.

Now Jueying told Meng Zhang that Meng Zhang had not found the slightest sign of the secret alliance's collusion with foreign invaders, but he was not too surprised.

The dark alliance has long been dissatisfied with the **** of the Junchen world by the Tiangong and the major holy land sects, and has always wanted to replace it.

The Dark Alliance is ambitious, and foreign invaders are not fuel-efficient lamps.

The dark alliance and the tiger seek skin, I don't know what will happen.

Although Taiyimen was forced to form an alliance with the dark alliance due to the situation, neither side regarded the other as their own.

According to Daoist Jueying, the Dark Alliance and the foreign invaders have long been in contact. In the past, it was just that some conditions were not negotiated, and the two sides did not come together.

Now that the two sides have reached an agreement, even if some high-level officials of the dark alliance still hold objections, it will not affect the overall situation.

The alliance between the dark alliance and the foreign invaders has become inevitable.

The Dark Alliance began to look for opportunities, trying to cause damage from within, and cooperate with foreign invaders to break the defense of Junchen Realm.

For the whole thing, Taiyimen has been kept in the dark.

If Daoist Jueying hadn't come to remind him today, Meng Zhang wouldn't know anything about it.

It seems that the Dark Alliance has no good intentions towards Taiyi Sect and regards it as the object of betrayal.

Taiyimen had already had a grudge with some high-level leaders of the Dark Alliance, but those high-level leaders were temporarily suppressed.

Meng Zhang also thought about whether to look for opportunities to take the initiative to take refuge in foreign invaders.

But after thinking about it over and over again, he gave up the idea.

Today is different from the past. Taiyimen has been rising for many years, and Meng Zhang is also one of the top powerhouses in the Junchen world.

I'm used to being a man, and I'm not used to being a dog anymore.

Even if Taiyi Sect takes refuge in foreign invaders, it may not be accepted by the other party.

Even if they are accepted, there will definitely be many harsh conditions, and they will be arbitrarily driven and consumed by the other party.

Meng Zhang had long known that the Junchen world was about to perish, and he had a lot of preparations for it.

The big deal is to give up everything in the Junchen world and lead a small number of elites into exile in the void.

Although there are many dangers and difficulties, it is better than leaving your destiny to others.

Daoist Jueying only told Meng Zhang the secret for the sake of friendship between the two parties.

She is not ready to intervene as to what choice Meng Zhang will make.

She just reminded Meng Zhang repeatedly that the Dark Alliance is not trustworthy.

The second thing that Daoist Jueying told Meng Zhang was that Gu Lao, a highly respected and influential figure within the Dark Alliance, seemed to be detrimental to Taiyi Sect, as if he was secretly planning.

When Taoist Jueying heard that Meng Zhang and Gu Lao had been in contact, Gu Lao took the initiative to show affection to Meng Zhang, worried that Meng Zhang would be deceived by him, so he specifically reminded him.

In the eyes of many senior leaders of the dark alliance, Gu Lao is a kind-hearted and helpful person.

However, due to his teacher-inherited relationship, Dao Ren Ye Ye was one of the few members of the Dark Alliance who knew the ruthless nature of Gu Lao.

As for how Gu Lao planned to calculate the Taiyi Sect, the master and apprentice of Jueying Taoist do not know.

When Meng Zhang visited the headquarters of the Dark Alliance, he had a meeting with Mr. Gu, and the other party took the initiative to befriend Meng After that, when Meng Zhang was in contact with the Dark Alliance, he had a few encounters with Mr. Gu. The first contact, the other party has always been very friendly to Meng Zhang, and has also helped Meng Zhang a lot.

Meng Zhang knew that Gu Lao was the top secret master in the dark alliance and could influence the decision of the dark alliance.

I don't know if it's because of the intuition of being a celestial master, or because of the experience of being tricked by Gu Lao, Meng Zhang has always lacked trust in Gu Lao, and always feels that the other party has other intentions for being courteous.

Now reminded by Daoist Jueying, Meng Zhang will naturally strengthen his defense against Gu Lao in the future.

What Meng Zhang is curious about is that he and Gu Lao have no grudges, why he is so interested in himself and Taiyimen, trying to do some kind of calculation.

Jueying Taoist master and apprentice also did not understand Gu Lao's purpose.

Daoist Jueying came to remind Meng Zhang this time, and also showed some situations within the Dark Alliance.

She confessed frankly that the Dark Alliance is mainly dominated by the human race cultivators who were born and raised in the Junchen world, and many people did not agree with the foreign invaders.

For the decisions made by the top leaders of the Dark Alliance, there has always been a lot of opposition within the Dark Alliance.

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