The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2334: worship heaven

Remember [New] for a second,! The Daling Heshen's strength is not very good, but he has a very good means of closing himself.

If Meng Zhang wanted to break the barrier of his divine power, it would be difficult to ensure that his divine soul would not be harmed.

If its soul is damaged and no longer intact, then various information will naturally be omitted.

Meng Zhang had tried several times before, but he did not dare to hit hard because of the avoidance of the rat, and naturally he failed.

Meng Zhang is now a virtual immortal, with a higher cultivation base, more means, and a lot of free time, so he can try again slowly.

Meng Zhang didn't talk nonsense with Da Linghe God, and immediately began to cast various secret techniques, trying to penetrate its divine power barrier and directly contact its divine soul.

During this period of time, nothing major happened outside, so Meng Zhang was able to devote all his energy to the Daling River God without interruption.

Meng Zhang exhausted his means, and after more than two months of hard work, he finally achieved sufficient results.

The divine power of Dalinghe was exhausted by Meng Zhang, the divine body was completely destroyed by Meng Zhang, and the divine soul was completely extracted.

Then, Meng Zhang began to analyze his soul in detail, searching for his soul with various secret methods.

In the process of searching for the soul, it is inevitable that his soul will be damaged.

After Meng Zhang completed all the work, most of the spirit of the Dalinghe God had been worn away, and only a wisp of remnant remained.

During this process, due to the loss of his soul, a lot of information held by the Daling Heshen was missing and could no longer be retrieved, but Meng Zhang roughly understood its deepest secret.

Before the cultivators invaded the Junchen world on a large scale, the indigenous gods had been the rulers of the Junchen world.

The indigenous gods are not only recognized by the Junchen world's consciousness of heaven, but also sheltered by it.

Every once in a while, the indigenous gods of the Junchen Realm will hold various grand sacrificial ceremonies to sacrifice the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen Realm, hoping to obtain its protection.

Among them, the ceremony of sacrificing the sky jointly held by a group of true gods is the largest in scale and has the most significant effect.

Later, everything related to this ritual was completely passed down and held in the hands of the remaining indigenous gods.

Due to the protection of the consciousness of heaven in the Junchen world, the aboriginal gods in the Junchen world have high luck and are invincible in the Junchen world.

After the cultivators led by several true immortals invaded the Junchen world on a large scale, several true immortals jointly cast a secret technique, temporarily isolating the consciousness of the heavens in the Junchen world.

Losing the protection of Heavenly Dao consciousness, the indigenous gods of Junchen Realm began to have low luck, and everything went wrong.

After the native gods were defeated and the cultivators became the rulers of the Junchen Realm, several true immortals fell asleep in the depths of the source sea of ​​the Junchen Realm.

The sleeping true immortals joined forces to affect the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm, causing it to malfunction.

Heavenly Dao consciousness itself is slow to respond.

Affected by this, the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen world has almost lost most of its influence on the Junchen world, and it operates entirely by instinct.

Apart from the few top cultivators in the Junchen world and those celestial masters, very few people have been able to sense the existence of the consciousness of heaven in the Junchen world.

After the defeat, the remaining indigenous gods in the Junchen world became bereaved dogs and had to hide in the dark.

It is not that these indigenous gods who are not willing to fail have done nothing.

They tried every means to reverse the situation in Junchen World and overturn the rule of cultivators.

Among them, the most important and most highly anticipated method by the indigenous gods is to sacrifice the consciousness of the heavenly way of the Junchen world through the ritual of sacrificing the sky, restore the connection with it, restore its original trajectory, continue to shelter the indigenous gods, suppress cultivator.

The native gods had a good idea but overlooked something important.

After the cultivators ruled the Junchen world for many years, they have completely integrated into the Junchen world, and are regarded as the natives of the Junchen world by the Heavenly Dao consciousness of the Junchen world, and are no longer suppressed and rejected by it.

On the contrary, all kinds of invaders from outside the domain continued to be suppressed and repelled by the Junchen Realm.

Moreover, although several true immortals were in deep sleep, they were still able to display powerful magical powers, paralyzing and suppressing the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen Realm, making their influence on the Junchen Realm much weaker.

The actions of the indigenous gods to contact the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen world through the consciousness of sacrificing the sky are not smooth.

Even if I get in touch occasionally, I get no response.

After many failures, they were extremely disappointed, but not completely desperate.

After thousands of years of waiting, they had the best chance.

As soon as several sleeping true immortals wake up, they will devour the origin of the Junchen world, and the news of the complete destruction of the Junchen world has been passed to the ears of the indigenous gods by those who have a heart.

Aboriginal gods have new plans, such as treasures.

For the consciousness of Heavenly Dao, changing the ruler of Junchen Realm will at most only make it a little unhappy and unaccustomed to it.

After a long time, the Heavenly Dao consciousness of Junchen Realm can also slowly accept all this.

If the skin does not exist, the hair will be attached.

If a few true immortals really completely destroy Junchen Realm, then the consciousness of Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm will naturally be destroyed.

Although the consciousness of Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm has been paralyzed and suppressed, and its operation has become extremely slow, but in the face of the crisis of life and death, it will still make an instinctive resistance, and will go all out to fight against several true immortals.

How powerful is the consciousness of heaven in a big world, and what terrifying power can be invoked.

If the Heavenly Dao consciousness of Junchen Realm fights back with all its strength, the few true immortals will definitely not be able to please them.

Even, the disciples and grandchildren of these true immortals will be greatly affected, and they will be hostile and suppressed by the consciousness of heaven in the Junchen world.

At that time, it is time for the remaining indigenous gods to fight back.

Among them, the most crucial point is to contact the consciousness of the heavenly way of Junchen world.

Aboriginal gods have artifacts dedicated to offering sacrifices to the heavens, as well as the secret methods and rituals required for offering sacrifices to the heavens.

It is a pity that UU reading was attacked by all the sects of the holy land before they launched the ceremony of sacrificing the sky.

The base of the indigenous gods near the territory of the True Dragon Clan was destroyed, and the remaining power was almost wiped out by the major holy land sects.

The Daling River God is responsible for keeping the artifacts used in offering sacrifices to the heavens, and has mastered the relevant secret techniques. Naturally, he is the key target of the major holy land sects to hunt down and kill.

To this end, the major holy land sects dispatched two virtual immortals, who are determined to win.

As a witness, Meng Zhang recalled the original situation and understood everything behind it.

No wonder at that time the major holy land sects were so eager to kill the remaining indigenous gods.

The remaining indigenous gods have been hidden in the Junchen world for thousands of years, but the major holy land sects have suddenly become intolerable to them. Obviously, their behavior has indeed made the major holy land sects feel threatened.

This group of indigenous gods is also, such a major action, but they did not do a good job of keeping secrets, so that the enemy would notice in advance, but instead attracted a comprehensive attack from the enemy, causing disaster for their own family.

By searching the soul of the Daling River God, Meng Zhang knew the whereabouts of the artifacts used to sacrifice to the sky, as well as the secret methods and rituals of the indigenous gods to sacrifice to the sky.

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