The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2238: launch

Gu Lao, as the top secret master of the dark alliance, is also an elder who participated in the creation of the dark alliance branch of the Junchen world.

During these thousands of years, he has used the Heavenly Secret Technique many times to calculate major events related to the development of the Dark Alliance.

Although he has a brilliant inheritance and tried all kinds of methods to avoid it, he is still rejected by the consciousness of the heavens in the Junchen world, and he has accumulated a lot of the power of backlash from the heavens.

Don't look at Gu Lao, who is still an almighty Void Returning Power, but as long as the power of the backlash of the heavens breaks out, he will completely fall into the dust and be invincible.

Gu Lao is of course unwilling to accept this result, always thinking about changing and getting rid of his own destiny.

In order to get out of this situation, Gu Lao did everything possible.

He once thought about falling into the devil's way, getting the help of the devil's power, and fighting against the backlash of the heavenly way.

The dark alliance and the magic way have a deep collusion, among which is his handwriting.

He did not rashly practice the magic method, but seduced some middle-level and high-level practitioners to observe their situation secretly.

After a long period of observation, Gu Lao gave up the idea of ​​falling into the devil's way.

The power of the magic way has great consequences, and it cannot completely solve his problems.

Many years ago, Gu Lao refined the incarnation of Soul Destroyer True Monarch, and let it enter the underworld to develop.

After the civil war between the gods and ghosts, there was no strong man in the underworld, let alone a strong ruler.

Gu Lao tried to let Soul Destroyer True Monarch grow slowly in the underworld and eventually become the master of the underworld.

If Soul Extinguishing True Monarch becomes the ruler of the underworld, he will definitely be favored by the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen Realm.

Gu Lao, who is the deity, will also benefit from it, and maybe it can reduce or even expel the backlash of the heavens.

Unfortunately, Gu Lao's idea was very good, but the results were not satisfactory.

Before the rise of Taimiao, the foundation established by the Dali Dynasty in Yindu City was the biggest obstacle to the True Monarch of Soul Extermination.

In addition, the major forces in the underworld are entangled, including the chess pieces that are secretly supported by the major holy land sects.

Due to the guidance of Gu Lao, the deity, Soul Destroyer True Monarch can achieve both sides and establish a certain scale of foundation, but it is far from enough to dominate the underworld.

When Taimiao rises strongly in the underworld and sweeps everything, all of Gu Lao's plans will naturally fall through.

Gu Lao was not reconciled to failure, but let the Soul Destroyer True Monarch take refuge in too early to save himself.

After many indirect calculations using the Heavenly Mystery Technique, and a long period of observation, Gu Lao probably guessed the relationship between Taimiao and Mengzhang.

Gu Lao has a new plan, which is to let the Soul Destroyer True Monarch swallow up too wonderful and receive everything that is too wonderful.

In order to implement this plan, Gu Lao carefully planned and waited for the arrival of a good opportunity.

He took the initiative to show affection to Meng Zhang back then, but he has never been trusted by Meng Zhang.

However, with the help of the huge power of the Dark Alliance, Gu Lao has been closely monitoring the movements of Taiyi Sect.

This time, Taiyimen started to work in the Yang world and the underworld at the same time, to project the blessed land of the sun and the moon into the underworld, which was regarded by Gu Lao as the best opportunity to do it.

Due to the restrictions of the rules of the underworld, although there are many great powers of returning to the void in Taiyimen, they cannot be put into the underworld.

Tai Miao and his subordinate Cong Shen presided over the great formation with all their strength, and were restrained by most of their strength.

If you suddenly launch a surprise attack on Tai Miao, you have a great chance of success.

Now, Tai Miao and his subordinate Cong God have been restrained by a large part of the energy, and he has no time to distract him.

Gu Lao, who thought that a good opportunity was coming, directly ordered to start.

After Soul Destroyer True Monarch took refuge in Tai Miao, he has always performed well and gained his trust.

Although it was not arranged in the core position of Youdu City, the location of True Monarch Soul Destruction and his subordinates was still relatively important, and it was located within Youdu City.

Soul Extinguishing True Monarch's subordinates are not weak, even after a series of weakening, they still have strong strength.

True Monarch Soul Destruction has absolute control over his subordinates.

Following the order of True Monarch Soul Extinguisher, the prepared subordinates immediately dispersed, and suddenly attacked the colleagues around them, trying their best to create chaos in the Youdu City.

Although Tai Miao did not expect that his subordinates would rebel at this time, but because he paid too much attention to the projection of the Sun Moon Blessed Land, he arranged enough guarding forces both inside and outside Youdu City.

In particular, the Xuanjia Yin Army of his direct line was the most elite force, capable of suppressing all kinds of rebels.

Not long after the chaos broke out in Youdu City, there was no need to order too well. The Xuanjia Yin Army, which had been waiting for a long time, immediately dispatched and began to eliminate the rebels and suppress all kinds of chaos.

The subordinates of True Monarch Soul Extinguisher are at most in the Primordial Spirit Stage. He never expected these subordinates to succeed, but only used them as cannon fodder, hoping to contain the attention of the guards of Youdu City.

When the Xuanjia Yin Army was dispatched and began to suppress the rebellion, Gu Lao's other hole card was finally activated.

Several auras of Void Return-level powerhouses rose outside Youdu City and rushed towards Youdu City from all directions.

All these Void Return-level powerhouses are extraterritorial ghosts.

In the early years, the extraterritorial ghosts sneaked into the underworld of the Junchen world, and hid them, and also supported the Dali Dynasty Yindu City as a cover.

Later, when the major holy land sects annihilated the Dali Dynasty, the extraterritorial ghosts exposed their tracks.

In desperation, the extraterritorial ghosts had to turn the upper capital of the Dali Dynasty into a ghost realm on earth to resist the major holy land sects.

Although the Shangjing Ghost Territory was destroyed in the end, some remnants of the Dali Dynasty and the powerhouses of the extraterritorial ghost clan still took advantage of Meng Zhang's troubles to break out.

The dark alliance secretly sheltered and sheltered these bereaved dogs.

Gu Lao used his position within the Dark Alliance to contact the extraterritorial ghost clan and sent them back to the underworld.

The alien ghosts have established secret shelters in the underworld.

As long as they hide in the shelter, they can avoid the suppression and exclusion of the rules of the Junchen world.

Since then, these extraterritorial ghosts have been hiding in the sanctuary, waiting for the change in the Junchen world.

In recent years, several true immortals sleeping in the depths of the source sea have strengthened their suppression of the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen Realm, numbing their senses.

Gu Lao, who has been carefully observing the operation of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen Realm, soon discovered something was wrong.

Coupled with the various intelligence collected by the Dark he has a deep understanding of this.

As the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen world became paralyzed and the reaction became more sluggish, Gu Lao had more opportunities to take advantage of.

The foundation of the dark alliance is far above the major sects of the holy land in the Junchen world.

Even though the Dark Alliance here in Junchen World is only a branch, it still inherits many profound secrets.

Gu Lao is the inheritor and custodian of these secret methods, and has practiced many wonderful secret methods.

Gu Lao usually hides his own cultivation.

On the surface, there is only the cultivation of the initial stage of returning to the virtual, but in fact there is a cultivation of the middle-stage of returning to the virtual.

If he has sufficient preparations in advance and pays a certain price, he can even temporarily break out the combat power of the late stage of returning to the virtual.


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