The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2340: all or nothing

I have to say that both Gu Lao and this group of extraterritorial ghosts have found a good opportunity to attack this time.

Meng Zhang had never imagined that there was still power in the underworld that could threaten Tai Miao.

Tai Miao was an invincible existence in the underworld many years ago.

After becoming the ruler of the underworld, no one dared to fight against him.

Tai Miao never thought that someone in the underworld would dare to attack him.

Since she is in a very passive state, Taimiao can defeat or even kill the opponent in front of her with her own strength.

The biggest problem is to ensure that the Sun and Moon Blessed Land is successfully projected onto Youdu City.

Sun Moon Blessed Land is Meng Zhang's meticulous retreat for Taiyi Sect. It is of great significance to the entire sect, and there is absolutely no room for failure.

If Taimiao's actions at this time are disturbed, it is likely to damage the Sun and Moon Blessed Land.

Tai Miao stayed in the big formation and couldn't move easily, so she had to carefully cooperate with Yang Shi's actions.

If it weren't for this, on weekdays, Tai Miao would have shown great power long ago, beheading the attacking foreign ghost clan.

Although Tai Miao was in a very unfavorable situation, with her powerful strength, she was still able to block the enemy with ease.

No matter how the extraterritorial ghosts attacked and changed, they couldn't take one step beyond the thunderous pool.

Although True Monarch Soul Destroyer ordered his subordinates to create turmoil in the Youdu City, he did not directly participate in the battle.

He has been hiding in the dark, carefully observing the development of the battle.

The Void Returning Powers of the wonderful side have already entered the battle, and for the time being, no one has been able to find him who has evil intentions.

Seeing that all the extraterritorial ghosts were blocked, True Monarch Soul Extinguisher secretly scolded these guys as useless.

As for Tai Miao's true strength, whether it is the extraterritorial ghost clan that has already participated in the war, or the Gu Lao who has been planning for a long time, it is actually not very clear.

Originally, it was too wonderful to have the strength in the late stage of returning to the virtual world. After receiving the legacy of natural ghosts, gods, and ghosts, and absorbing a large amount of the power of faith, it ushered in a rapid improvement again.

The extraterritorial ghost clan estimated that the strength of too wonderful is probably around the middle stage of returning to the virtual, at most no more than the late stage of returning to the virtual.

If it wasn't for the suppression of them by the rules of the underworld of the Junchen world, they would not have been so afraid of it before.

Now with the help of the old man Fu Luzhi, they were able to exert their full strength, and they took advantage of it.

But after a fierce battle, they were never able to gain the upper hand.

Even if there are only four Cong Gods, such as the Sword God General, who are in the initial stage of returning to the virtual world, although they are also restrained by a large part of their strength, but they have the help of the ban of Youdu City, and secondly, they have received wonderful spellcasting blessings. It can block the four extraterritorial ghosts with the initial strength of returning to the void.

Judging from the current battle situation, relying on these extraterritorial ghost clans alone is not very good at all.

As the incarnation of Gu Lao, True Monarch Soul Destroyer has the same mind with Gu Lao, and can share everything he discovers.

Gu Lao knew that he should have greatly underestimated Taimiao's strength.

However, there was no turning back when the bow was opened. Since it has already started, it is impossible to stop because of some unhappiness.

For this raid, Gu Lao has paid too much in silence.

The extraterritorial ghost clan is not a fool, let alone a doll in his hand.

This time, he was able to let the other party take action. In addition to coercion and inducement, it was also in the interests of the extraterritorial ghost clan because the raid was too good.

Refining those special talismans has exhausted most of his savings.

He has used the Heavenly Secret Technique many times before to deduce it, and he has accumulated too much Heavenly Dao backlash.

If it wasn't for the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm being suppressed by several sleeping true immortals, I am afraid that he would have already incurred the imminent calamity.

Still, he couldn't hold on for long.

Maybe sometime, the catastrophe will come and blow him away.

The wonderful cultivation level has improved too fast.

It's not too good to start now, and it will be even more impossible to do it in the future.

If you miss this opportunity, you don't know when a better opportunity will come.

The wily Gu Lao certainly won't pin all his hopes on these extraterritorial ghosts.

Although Tai Miao's strength is unexpectedly powerful, he still has a backing.

However, in order to guarantee a successful blow, he must pay a huge price, even at the risk of everything.

At the critical moment, Gu Lao was very decisive, but after hesitating for a while, he started to do it.

Originally, Gu Lao was in retreat in the headquarters of the Dark Alliance.

In the place where he retreated, a special formation had already been arranged.

Once he made up his mind, he immediately activated the formation, and used the special connection between the deity and the avatar outside the body to begin to transmit power to the soul destroyer.

Due to the heavy suppression of the Heavenly Dao consciousness of Junchen Realm by several true immortals, it has fallen into a state of paralysis, and many problems have arisen in its operation.

Yang Shi's rules of heaven and earth are relatively stable, and there have not been too many problems.

The underworld of the Junchen world was formed later than the Yang world, and it was originally less stable than the Yang world.

Thousands of years ago, civil war broke out among almost all the natural ghosts of the underworld.

They desperately launched a tragic fight, and while they both lost, they also caused huge damage to the environment of the underworld.

To this day, there are still traces of the fierce battle in many places in the underworld, and they cannot be repaired automatically.

The rules of the underworld have also suffered some irreparable damage.

A long time ago, Gu Lao secretly observed the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen Realm, looking for the laws of operation of the rules of the underworld.

Not long ago, he finally found some exploits.

Now, he will use these flaws to make a desperate gamble.

With the continuous injection of power from the old man of Yang Shigu, the aura of the Soul Destroyer True Monarch in the underworld rose steadily and became more and more powerful.

Soon, the strength of Soul Destroyer True Monarch broke through to the initial stage of returning to the virtual world, and it is still increasing.

Gu Lao used the secret method of the secret alliance of the dark alliance, and passed almost all the power of the deity to his own incarnation, the soul destroyer.

Since the deity and the incarnation outside the body are always one in nature, the Soul Extinguishing True Monarch received all his power smoothly without any rejection. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

It didn't take long for Soul Destroyer True Monarch to have the strength of the mid-stage Void Return.

Because Gu Lao cleverly used the latest loophole in the rules of the underworld, the power he transmitted to the underworld was not rejected by the underworld.

Soul Extinguishing True Monarch is an acquired ghost who has lived in the underworld for many years, so he will not be suppressed by the rules of the underworld.

After the Soul Destroyer True Monarch possessed the strength in the middle stage of Void Return, without the slightest hesitation, he soared into the sky and flew directly to the location of the wonderful place.

Soul Extinguishing True Monarch is also a well-known acquired ghost in the underworld, and many of his subordinates know him.

Previously, the subordinates of True Monarch Soul Destruction launched a rebellion and caused chaos everywhere, but he never showed up.

Many of Tai Miao's subordinates believe that he is the mastermind behind this rebellion, and they are looking for his traces everywhere.


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