The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2342: pry

The main function of this statue is to temporarily raise a cultivation realm after being stimulated by the Void Returning Power.

For example, the power of the original return to the early stage can temporarily increase the strength to the middle stage of the return, and the middle stage of the return can...

Of course, there is a limit to this kind of improvement, and it can be promoted to the level of virtual immortal at most.

In other words, even if a virtual immortal inspired the power of this statue, it is impossible to have the strength of a true immortal.

The most suitable use of this statue is to hand it over to the superior in the late stage of Void Return, allowing the Dark Alliance to temporarily add a Void Immortal-level powerhouse.

Because Gu Lao, the celestial master, is too important and has very deep qualifications, the senior officials of the Dark Alliance asked him to temporarily keep this statue as a trump card for body protection.

He is now using this statue to deal with it too well, and it is considered a public tool for private use.

I saw that as Gu Lao's will was injected into the soul of the real monarch, the soul of the real monarch seemed to have changed into a person.

Not only has the aura on his body changed drastically, but his strength has also greatly increased, allowing him to perform more secret techniques.

He chanted a few incantations, and the idol turned into a light and shadow and fell from the sky, falling into his twisted body.

A huge phantom of the idol appeared above his body, and the power in his body rose again at a high speed.

During this process, Tai Miao tried to stop her several times, but she was restrained by the extraterritorial ghost clan.

These extraterritorial ghosts have very rich fighting experience.

Although they didn't know the next move of True Monarch Soul Destroyer, they were able to cooperate in time to help contain the wonderful.

When the strength of Soul Extinguishing True Monarch climbed to the late stage of Void Return, Tai Miao's expression finally changed.

If it is on weekdays, of course he is not afraid of the powerhouse in the late stage of returning to the virtual.

But under the current situation, he has not much spare energy.

If he wants to erupt into a more powerful force, he must give up leading this great formation and let the Sun and Moon Blessed Land fend for itself.

Now is the critical moment when the blessed land of the sun and the moon is projected onto Youdu City.

Neither Meng Zhang nor Tai Miao were willing to give up halfway.

If it is said that the holy land sects attacked aggressively, they had to give up halfway, even if they felt regretful, they could still accept it.

But a group of ghosts from outside the realm, a Soul Destroyer True Monarch who suddenly appeared, forced Taimiao to such a degree that Taimiao and Meng Zhang were both unwilling.

If the projection of the Sun and Moon Paradise fails this time, it will be hit hard.

Who knows when the trauma can be repaired, and who knows when there will be a chance to re-project?

Moreover, the connection with the aura of the Great Array is too wonderful. If you rashly disconnect from the Great Array, it is very likely to cause the backlash of the Great Array and be hit hard by the power of the Sun Moon Blessed Land, which will cause you to be seriously injured and your strength will plummet.

If such a worst-case scenario occurs, it will be even more difficult to parry the enemy's attack.

At this time, Meng Zhang, who was in the Yang World, was using the great formation to concentrate the power of a number of Void Returning Powers to lift the Sun and Moon Blessed Land with all his strength, projecting it towards You Capital City.

Gu Lao's shot this time really hit their soft underbelly.

Tai Miao was still hesitating, and the Soul Extinguishing True Monarch who had greatly increased his strength immediately swooped towards him.

The long yellow river that stood between them was easily smashed by True Monarch Soul Destroyer.

Tai Miao tries to drive the two major authorities of life and death and reincarnation to respond to the enemy.

But he couldn't distinguish too much power, and it was difficult for him to exert the full power of the two great authorities.

Several thick tentacles broke through the wonderful body protection technique and directly grabbed the wonderful body.

Once the tentacles grabbed the wonderful body, it was like rooting on the ground, binding it firmly.

Tai Miao, who was difficult to move, struggled for a while, but instead of breaking free from the shackles of the tentacles, she was caught even tighter.

More tentacles swept in from all directions, to wrap Tai Miao even tighter.

On the tentacles that were entangled in too wonderful, a powerful suction force was born, and began to absorb everything too wonderful.

Gu Lao gave everything and waited for this opportunity.

He wants to devour everything that is too wonderful, and use too wonderful to be reborn.

The old man exhausted his calculations, and finally saw that success was in sight. With his scheming, he couldn't help but start to feel a little excited.

Although Tai Miao was temporarily at a disadvantage, she was not flustered at all and still responded calmly.

While trying to parry to prevent more tentacles from grabbing him, he tried to resist the strong suction produced by those tentacles.

Tai Miao quickly thought about countermeasures.

How to defeat the opponent and overcome this difficulty without giving up the blessed land of the sun and the moon.

Not only is it wonderful to think fast, Meng Zhang's mind in Yang Shi is also not idle.

As Old General Gu transferred all of his strength into the body of the True Monarch Soul Destruction, the aura of the True Monarch Soul Destruction also underwent a complete change.

Tai Miao, who felt keen, found a familiar aura from True Monarch Soul Destruction.

Although Meng Zhang didn't have much contact with Gu Lao, but because of his vigilance, he was relatively familiar with his aura.

Previously, the old friend Jueying Daoist came to the door specially, reminding Meng Zhang to be careful of the old man.

After that, Gu Lao did not move, and Meng Zhang was busy with the projection of the Sun and Moon Blessed Land, and he hardly paid much attention to this matter.

Now, he sensed a somewhat familiar aura through Tai Miao, and reminded of Taoist Jueying's reminder, Meng Zhang quickly reacted.

This is Gu Lao's means, and he has a plan for Tai Miao.

Gu Lao had tested the relationship between Meng Zhang and Tai Miao before, and now he is colluding with foreign ghosts to attack Tai Miao.

This old thing, why do you have to chase after too wonderful?

Meng Zhang was puzzled, but it did not affect his thinking about countermeasures.

Gu Lao is a very clever master of heaven, who can peep into the operation of heaven and find loopholes in the rules of the underworld.

The means he used before gave Meng Zhang a bit of inspiration.

Although Meng Zhang was restrained by the great formation, he still tried his best to mobilize some power, and through the special connection between the deity and the avatar outside the body, it was passed on to Taimiao in the underworld.

Relying on this little bit of strength, naturally, cannot turn the tide of the battle.

The power that Meng Zhang cast into the underworld was not used to directly confront the enemy, but was used for other purposes.

A ray of light shot out from the top of Tai Miao's head, turning into a phantom like Meng Zhang in the air.

Meng Zhang's phantom did not attack the enemies like Soul Destroyer True Monarch. Instead, he released the seal with both and began to cast spells, releasing his own breath against the sky with all his strength.

By the standards of the Void Return War, the power that Meng Zhang passed on to Tai Miao was very weak, almost insignificant.

But the level of this power is very high, and it comes from the virtual immortal of the Yang world.

The virtual immortal power from the Yang World released its breath with all its strength, and used Taoism to shake the power of heaven and earth in the underworld.

Although the consciousness of heaven and earth in the Junchen world is running slowly, the rules of heaven and earth in the underworld are generally intact, and there are basically no problems with instinctive reactions.

Meng Zhang's current actions are equivalent to Chi Guoguo's provocation of the rules of the underworld.

Stimulated by the imaginary power from the Yang world, the rules of the underworld quickly reacted instinctively.

The mighty power of heaven and earth quickly gathered here, trying to expel the immortal aura from the Yang world.

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