The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2345: invite

Judging from Gu Lao's infiltration into the underworld this time, there is indeed a big problem in Jun Chen's consciousness of heaven and earth.

Gu Lao's methods are clever enough, but if there are no loopholes in the rules of the underworld, he can't find an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Meng Zhang, who was a celestial master, quickly realized this.

He began to devote more energy, slowly observing the operation of the Heavenly Dao in Junchen World, looking for its flaws, and looking for places that could be used.

The Heavenly Dao consciousness of Junchen Realm will not go wrong for no reason, it must be the hands and feet of several sleeping true immortals.

They have increased their suppression of the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen world, which must have been a conspiracy.

Could it be that they are about to wake up and begin to devour the origin of the Junchen world?

Meng Zhang had these conjectures in his heart, but was unable to verify them.

He even took the initiative to contact Xianyun Zhenxian, and told the other party about his observations and conjectures.

Xianyun Zhenxian took everything Meng Zhang said very seriously.

He attaches great importance to everything related to several sleeping true immortals.

Xianyun Zhenxian took the initiative to contact Fairy Yue'e, and the two sides discussed it for a long time.

Xianyun Zhenxian later took the initiative to contact Meng Zhang and agreed with Meng Zhang's guess.

He asked Meng Zhang to strengthen his observation and notify him immediately if there was any change.

Meng Zhang felt a heavy heart when he thought that the real immortals were about to wake up.

Several true immortals have long become legends in the Junchen world.

They conquered the Junchen world, and the Holy Land Zongmen they created ruled the Junchen world for many years.

In the Junchen world, they are the supreme beings.

However, Meng Zhang and Taiyimen were on opposite sides of them.

Although Meng Zhang has now become a virtual immortal, and he can be called the powerhouse among the virtual immortals, if he faces several legendary true immortals, there is nothing he can do.

His greatest hope is that the powerhouses among the foreign invaders, as well as those with wicked hearts such as Xianyun Zhenxian, can contain those real immortals.

Meng Zhang is still a long way from becoming a true immortal.

And because the rules of heaven and earth in the Junchen world have long been changed by several real immortals, even if he accumulates enough, he will not be able to successfully break through to the real immortal realm.

Meng Zhang hated this situation.

Several true immortals cut off the path of many monks in the Junchen world to become immortals for their own selfishness. It is no wonder that they have incurred so much resentment.

At this time, Meng Zhang fully understood the feelings of monks such as Taoists in the ancient capital.

Meng Zhang not only accepted the inheritance from Jinxian, but he was also a rare celestial master in the cultivation world.

While working hard to cultivate and increase accumulation as soon as possible, he carefully observed the operation of the Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm from the perspective of a celestial master, looking for ways to break the situation.

In the next time, Meng Zhang paid attention to the movements of the dark alliance while working hard to cultivate.

Taiyimen monks carefully inquired about the actions of the dark alliance, and also contacted those monks who were friends with Taiyimen, such as Shushan Taoist, Youhuan Taoist and so on.

There has been no change in the dark alliance against Taiyimen.

There is nothing unusual about the monks who are friends with Taiyimen, and their attitudes are the same as before.

Daoist Jueying and Dao Ren Ye Ye, whom Meng Zhang trusted most, had not communicated with Meng Zhang since the last time Dao Jueying visited Meng Zhang.

According to Meng Zhang's inquiries from acquaintances, they seem to be carrying out a secret mission, and it is inconvenient to communicate with the outside world.

No matter what impact the death of Gu Lao had on the Dark Alliance, the Dark Alliance had never taken any action against the Taiyi Sect, so Meng Zhang was naturally happy to pretend to be stupid, pretending to not know anything.

On the surface, Taiyimen still regards the Dark Alliance as a reliable ally as before.

In the underworld, Tai Miao's strength continued to increase rapidly, and his subordinates from God were also greatly strengthened.

Maybe it won't be long before Taimiao's subordinates will have new Void Returners.

With the passage of time, the situation within Junchen World remained as calm as ever.

From the dark alliance side, continue to pass various information to Taiyimen.

Among them, the intelligence of extraterritorial intruders is the focus of the top leaders of Taiyimen.

The foreign invaders surrounded the Junchen world and kept attacking for nine days.

There have been many loopholes in Jiutian, and they may be broken at any time.

After the Sun and Moon Blessed Land of Taiyi Gate was successfully projected onto Youdu City, Meng Zhang had more confidence.

If the foreign invaders really invaded the Junchen Realm, the Taiyi Sect could not resist, Meng Zhang could withdraw the monks in the door to the Sun and Moon Blessed Land, and use the closed Sun and Moon Blessed Land to defend.

Of course, this is a last resort.

Although he would not help, Meng Zhang still hoped that Tiangong and the major sects of the Holy Land would resist as much as possible and prevent foreign invaders from entering the Junchen Realm.

Next, Meng Zhang had another quiet day.

On this day, Meng Zhang's old friend, the Taoist from Gudu, came to visit again.

The Taoist from the ancient capital came this time on behalf of Sanshan Zhenxian and Banxue Jianjun.

The two of them jointly ordered to invite the principals of the major self-cultivation forces in the Junchen world to go to the Tiangong for a while.

Of course, those who are qualified to enter their eyes and invited by them are all those powerful comprehension forces.

The purpose of their invitation is very simple, that is, to persuade everyone to work together to overcome the difficulties together.

Now the army of foreign invaders is constantly attacking the Junchen Realm, and the cultivators on the Junchen Realm rely on Jiutian to resist, and they have become more and more difficult.

At this time, it is necessary for the major cultivation forces to send a large number of reinforcements to settle in for nine days to assist in the defense.

The Dark Alliance, which had been standing in the dark before, has stood in the light in recent years, and its public activities have become more and more frequent.

The Dark Alliance itself controls a lot of cultivation forces, and has recently expanded significantly.

Taiyimen, Hailing Sect and Dark Alliance formed allies and openly confronted Tiangong together.

With these early birds as role models, many self-cultivation forces in the Junchen world have had different opinions, and they have violated the yin and yang of the Tiangong and the major holy land sects, looking for excuses to delay the summoning order.

If it were on weekdays, Tiangong and the sects of the major holy places would have strongly suppressed all kinds of dissatisfaction.

But given the current situation in the Junchen they really can't mobilize much power for internal suppression.

Other comprehension forces are worth it. Once such a powerful force as Taiyi Sect breaks out, it will set off a large-scale war of returning to the virtual world in the Junchen world, which will greatly affect the stability of the Junchen world.

As a last resort, Tiangong and the major sects in the holy land had to resort to Huairou.

They invited the principals of the major comprehension forces to go to the Tiangong to discuss and prepare to make major concessions, and even pay a high price in exchange for everyone's support.

After all, no matter what, the contradiction between them is the internal contradiction between the cultivators in the Junchen world, which can be completely resolved and eased.

The extraterritorial invader coalition composed of major foreign races and the human race comprehension are the mortal enemies that never die.

If foreign invaders are really allowed to invade the Junchen world, all the forces of self-cultivation will suffer greatly.


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