The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2356: Invasion

Remember [New] for a second,! Hailing Sect and Tiangong have a close relationship. Even after Taiyimen and Tiangong turned against each other, Hailing sect and Tiangong still maintained private contacts.

But when it comes to sending reinforcements to Tiangong, Daoist Haiyang, the head of the Hailing Sect, is absolutely unwilling.

The only thing he can do is to honestly stay in the Heavenly Palace and try not to offend the Heavenly Palace's top brass.

Not only did he have no idea of ​​running away, but he offered to help.

Niu Dawei has been in charge of Taiyimen's affairs for many years, and he has long experienced it. He has a deep scheming and thinks far.

Although Tiangong seems to be at an absolute disadvantage now, with the background of Tiangong, maybe Tiangong can turn over and even reverse the situation.

It was rare that Tiangong was willing to take the initiative to improve relations with Taiyimen, so of course Niu Dawei wanted to seize this opportunity.

Although Taiyimen could not send reinforcements to Tiangong, Niu Dawei was still willing to stay in Tiangong and provide other help to Tiangong.

Daoist Haiyang, Niu Dawei and the others are all powerful players who can return to the void.

When Niu Dawei was in contact with Meng Zhang, he revealed his situation and thoughts.

Meng Zhang agreed with Niu Dawei's decision.

The current Tiangong battlefield is a bottomless pit, no matter how many monks there are in Taiyimen, they can't see a shadow when they fill it in.

Next, the Taiyi Sect might become very difficult to guard its own territory, and it is difficult to have spare energy to support the Tiangong?

Since there was no problem with Niu Dawei's safety for the time being, and there was no other change in the high-level intruders from outside the territory, Meng Zhang decided to go back to Junchen Realm first.

After contacting Niu Dawei, Meng Zhang began to move.

Meng Zhang secretly left the location and sneaked carefully for a while before successfully leaving for nine days.

On the way, Meng Zhang found that various foreign invaders began to divide the territory within nine days and divided their respective garrison areas.

The war is far from over, and these extraterritorial invaders are busy dividing the spoils.

It seems that there are still many problems within the alliance of extraterritorial invaders.

With the arrival of various extraterritorial invaders, Jiutian's interior slowly became orderly.

It will become more difficult for cultivators to sneak into the Nine Heavens in the future.

After Meng Zhang successfully left for nine days, he raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

An army of invaders from outside the territory, either riding in strange-shaped flying boats, or flying directly, quickly spread out and rushed to all parts of Junchen Realm.

Next, every place in the Junchen world will face these intruders from the sky.

Taiyimen occupied the vast territory in the north of Junchen Realm, and naturally it would inevitably welcome foreign invaders.

The most prosperous and most resourceful in the Junchen world is Middle-earth.

There is also a key area for foreign invaders to invade.

There are many cultivators in Middle-earth, and there are countless cultivators, but they are hard bones that are not easy to chew.

It is conceivable that the Junchen world will soon become full of flames and wars will continue.

Meng Zhang successfully returned to the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate, and communicated with the middle and high levels of the gate.

Taiyimen have long been eager to wait for the day, and have made various preparations to deal with foreign invaders.

The entire Vast Ocean Dao League has been mobilized and fully entered into a state of combat readiness.

Some fast foreign invaders have already killed the Taiyimen territory.

They were resisted by the cultivators who were on guard, but failed to cause much damage.

The Taiyimen monks organized and began to surround and kill these foreign invaders.

The Tiangong is still being violently besieged, and the fighting in other places in Jiutian is basically over.

The effects of the previous nine days of civil war began to wane.

Meng Zhang was able to keep in touch with Niu Dawei through secret methods in the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate.

Through the restraint in his body, Meng Zhang finally got in touch with Xianyun Zhenxian.

Xianyun Zhenxian is still in the void, and did not rashly enter the Nine Heavens.

Both he and Fairy Yue'e came to the vicinity of Junchen Realm and hid their tracks.

Meng Zhang told Xianyun Zhenxian what he had seen and heard, focusing on the situation where a group of real immortal-level foreign invaders surrounded the Tiangong.

When he heard that even the famous Sanshan Zhenxian couldn't resist the siege and had to retreat into the Tiangong, Xianyun Zhenxian couldn't help being a little emotional.

The internal situation of Junchen World is so complicated, and there are many true immortal-level powerhouses participating in it.

In terms of cultivation base alone, Xianyun Zhenxian would not have much advantage in order to participate in the **** of the Heavenly Immortal's relic.

Even if he joins forces with Fairy Yue'e, his strength is not outstanding.

However, he had no intention of giving up.

Although there are many true immortal-level powerhouses participating in the competition, Xianyun True Immortal and Fairy Yue'e have been hiding in the dark, and this is their greatest advantage.

After the mantis catches the cicada oriole, who said they can't be the last oriole.

In fact, among the treasure hunts in the cultivation world, many times the one who succeeded was not the strongest in cultivation.

In order to ensure the secrecy of their tracks, Xianyun Zhenxian and the others should not enter the Junchen world until the critical moment.

Xianyun Zhenxian confessed to Meng Zhang that he must always pay attention to the latest trends in the Junchen world, and keep him informed of all kinds of information.

Especially the information about the true immortal-level powerhouse, that is the top priority.

Meng Zhang naturally agreed, and took the opportunity to express his concerns.

If a true immortal-level powerhouse attacks the Taiyi Gate, then the Taiyi Gate will be powerless to resist.

Xianyun Zhenxian said happily that he would provide help to Taiyimen when needed.

Meng Zhang didn't really believe what Xianyun Zhenxian said.

It's just that on the surface, he still looks suspicious and uneasy.

Xianyun Zhenxian had to reassure Meng Zhang a few more words.

Xianyun Zhenxian has not entered the Junchen world now, and he still needs Meng Zhang to provide him with information. Meng Zhang still has value in use, so he naturally needs to be comforted.

After comforting Meng Zhang, Xianyun Zhenxian also conveyed Fairy Yue'e's latest request.

Fairy Yue'e is secretly deployed in Junchen Realm, and has Guanghan Palace as a chess Now that foreign invaders break through the Nine Heavens and enter Junchen Realm, the situation in Junchen Realm will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

Fairy Yue'e asked Meng Zhang to provide help to Guanghan Palace when necessary, and never let Guanghan Palace perish.

Meng Zhang agreed with Fairy Yue'e's request.

Meng Zhang would not let go of such an opportunity to show his favor to the true immortal.

In Guanghan Palace, in addition to Fairy Guanghan and other early Void Returning Great Experts, there is also a veteran Void Returning Great Expert, Moon Shadow Daoist, whose overall strength is not weak.

Guanghan Palace and Taiyi Sect were de facto allies, and it was their intention to watch and help each other.

After finishing the communication with Xianyun Zhenxian, Meng Zhangcai returned his attention to the interior of Junchen Realm.

The secret hall of Taiyimen is running at full strength, inquiring about the information in all parts of the Junchen world, and helping Meng Zhang understand the latest situation in the Junchen world.

Fengqing Shangzun attacked in Tiangong this time, and did not notify Taiyimen and other allies in advance.

Meng Zhang urgently needs to know the latest information from the Dark Alliance.

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