The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2366: name

In the realm of comprehension where the strong eat the weak, it is very common behavior to fall into trouble, plunder others, and transfer one's own crisis.

Most of the so-called righteous sects in the cultivation world are actually hypocrites.

Those high-level proposals seemed plausible, and soon gained more high-level support.

The only thing that hinders Taiyimen's actions now is not the moral constraints, but the defense against Ziyang Shengzong.

The army of foreign invaders entered the Junchen Realm in multiple batches, burning, killing and looting everywhere.

This will not only help improve the morale of the army, but also suppress the local self-cultivation forces in the Junchen world, making them unable to reinforce Tiangong.

As the rulers of the Junchen world, the major holy land sects are the main targets of foreign invaders.

All the major holy land sects gave up their peripheral forces and tried their best to start shrinking to ensure that they could hold the core area.

Ziyang Shengzong is located in the north of Junchen Realm, far away from the Middle-earth continent. Logically speaking, it should avoid the main forces of foreign invaders.

But the Ziyang Shengzong is a holy land sect after all, and the attention it has received is very unusual.

Ever since foreign invaders entered the Junchen Realm, teams have been wandering around the territory of the Ziyang Shengzong, conducting various tests, and even launching direct attacks.

No matter what the circumstances, the Taiyi Sect never relaxed its surveillance on the great enemy of the Ziyang Sect.

Almost every moment, there are dark hall monks from Taiyimen conducting various reconnaissance activities on the territory of Ziyang Shengzong.

According to the report of the monks in the dark hall, the middle and high level of Taiyimen have analyzed and believed that Ziyang Shengzong should not be able to take care of Taiyimen now.

Ziyang Shengzong was hit hard by Taiyimen many times, and even Yang and Xuxian almost fell.

Over the years, the Ziyang Shengzong, whose strength has suffered greatly, has struggled to deal with foreign invaders.

After some deliberation and debate, the middle and senior leaders of Taiyimen thought that the sect was consuming so much every day, and they were trying to find a way to obtain some supplements.

The most prosperous Middle-earth in the world of self-cultivation is so chaotic now, it is a good time to take advantage of the fire.

If you miss this opportunity, and when foreign invaders strengthen their offensive against Taiyi Sect, Taiyi Sect will probably not have so much power to put it elsewhere.

Some of the more old-fashioned monks in the sect had other concerns.

The Junchen world is now facing the enemy, and it is precisely when everyone needs to unite to fight against foreign invaders, but Taiyimen takes advantage of the fire and creates internal chaos.

This will not only damage the reputation of Taiyi Sect, but will also be hated by the entire cultivation world.

What is fame and how much can it make a difference?

This pedantic statement has been ridiculed by many high-level officials.

After Meng Zhang heard this, he thought for a while.

Meng Zhang has always been very upright, and strictly requires the Taiyi Sect to go up and down with the style of the righteous sect.

If Chi Guoguo took advantage of the fire, his face would not look good.

After thinking about it for a while, Meng Zhang came up with an idea.

The Taiyi goalkeeper sent an army of monks to Middle-earth, nominally to fight foreign invaders.

In order to protect the Junchen world, Taiyimen did not hesitate to spend manpower and material resources to labor for expeditions, but also to make huge sacrifices. It was completely reasonable and reasonable for the cultivation forces in Middle-earth to ask for some return as a supply for the army of monks.

After Meng Zhang put forward his own ideas, the middle and senior management of the door quickly perfected various details and immediately began to implement them.

Now it is a wartime state, and the entire sect moves up and down quickly, eliminating all the red tape and unnecessary procedures.

Not long after, an army of cultivators, dominated by cultivators from the Taiyi sect, including many members of the Vast Ocean Dao League, was formed.

Just as Kong Kongzi returned to the sect from the South China Sea, Meng Zhang was appointed as the commander of this cultivator army.

In addition, three or five Void Returning Great Experts will be arranged as assistants. This army has sufficient combat power, and will not spread too much the strength of Taiyimen to defend the territory.

The territory of Taiyimen is almost located in the northernmost part of Junchen Realm.

To the north is the edge of Junchen Realm, a truly barren land.

Both the east and the south are the territory of the Ziyang Shengzong, and there are only a few narrow and dangerous passages that can barely get around.

The territory of the Ziyang Shengzong almost wrapped the Taiyimen firmly, which not only restricted the Taiyimen's external expansion, but also threatened the Taiyimen's territory at any time.

In the west of Taiyimen Territory, there is a long coastline connecting the West Sea.

The West Sea was originally dominated by the sea clan, and the human clan cultivators only had an outpost in the Xingluo Archipelago.

Later, the cultivators of the major sects allied forces defeated the West Sea Sea Clan, and the Human Race occupied most of the West Sea, where they carried out extensive development.

Now, with the support of the real dragon clan, the sea clan army has made a comeback, and the counterattack has been counted, and most of the territory of the West Sea has been recaptured.

Including Taiyimen, the major cultivation forces had to withdraw their staff in the West Sea.

Fairy Guanghan of Guanghan Palace had already led a team to the West Sea to cover the retreat of the Xihai cultivators.

Although they lost the assistance of Taiyi Sect, Fairy Guanghan and the others, after a series of hard battles, still covered the brigade and retreated to the Xingluo Islands.

Now the Star Luo Archipelago gathers many cultivators of different origins.

Guanghan Palace and other local sects of the Star Luo Archipelago organized these to fight the attack of the sea clan army together.

Since the True Dragon Clan did not directly intervene, the strength of the Sea Clan army was limited.

So far, the front has been maintained outside the Star Luo Archipelago.

The army of monks led by Fairy Guanghan firmly held the line of defense and shut out the army of the sea clan.

Although Taiyimen did not directly participate in the war, they have been providing various aids to the Xingluo Islands.

If there is no major accident, within a short period of time, the sea clan army will not be able to cope with the stable defense line arranged by the human clan cultivators.

The large sea area between the Star Luo Archipelago and the mainland is still very safe so far.

A detachment of ships is going back and forth here, and patrols of cultivators are here and there.

The cultivator army organized by Taiyimen this time will start from the coastline in the west, pass through the West Sea, circle a large circle, and head to the mainland of Middle-earth.

This army of cultivators under the banner of aid is not going to attack cities and conquer lands, nor to fight foreign invaders, but to capture some resources and supplement the losses of the sect.

As long as the cultivation forces encountered along the way are acquainted with each other and honestly hand over their life-saving money, the army of monks from Taiyi Sect will not be too much.

If there really is that kind of cultivating force that sacrifices one's life and does not give up money, and it is hard to give up good money, then it deserves to be unlucky.

In the current chaotic Junchen world, it is not a big deal that some self-cultivation forces have been breached by thieves, and not many people will pay too much attention.

If it is too unfortunate, it is not impossible to be wiped out by foreign invaders.

The senior members of Taiyi Sect, including the head Meng Zhang, did not mind playing the role of benevolent elders on weekdays.

When the time comes, they all show their brutality.

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