The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2375: return

Meng Zhang and the goddess of worshiping the moon found their target before they reached the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

The Hidden Mysterious Mansion is still in its original form, a palace the size of a palm.

The small palace was flying around like a headless fly, but it seemed to be bound by some kind of restraint, restricted to a certain range, and could never fly too far.

Before Meng Zhang and the goddess of worshipping the moon approached, the voice of the goddess of the moon entered their ears.

"You're here at last. If you're a little late, you'll be in big trouble."

Luna didn't care about the greetings, and immediately began to issue orders.

According to the instructions of the Moon God, Meng Zhang directly settled the small palace.

Then, the goddess of worshiping the moon flew in, and the figure disappeared.

Meng Zhang released his True Essence to cover the palace, and then flew away from the Grand Canyon with the palace, heading towards the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate.

Although it was ruled by Meng Zhang, the small palace still struggled and beat desperately, trying its best to get rid of Meng Zhang's control, and almost never gave up struggling and resisting.

Meng Zhang felt a huge pressure as if he was carrying a mountain on his back.

Because he was flying with this palace, not only was his flight speed greatly affected, but Meng Zhang couldn't use the space teleportation technique, so he could only fly honestly.

This is the Middle-earth Continent, and it is still a long way from Taiyi Gate in the north of Junchen Realm.

It will take a long time for Meng Zhang to rush back to Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

As foreign invaders entered the Junchen Realm, almost the entire Junchen Realm was thrown into chaos.

In particular, the Middle-earth Continent, which is the core of the cultivation world, is heavily cared for by invaders from outside the territory.

There has never been a shortage of mercenary and daring people in the cultivation world.

Many cultivators took advantage of the chaos to take advantage of the situation, settle grievances, seize treasures, and so on.

There are also some self-cultivation forces that even take the opportunity to expand their forces, or loot the world.

Due to external pressure, civil unrest broke out in the cultivation world, and the situation became even more chaotic.

Meng Zhang traveled all the way, and encountered that kind of people who didn't know who lived or died many times.

Many cultivators saw that he was alone, and they actually thought of killing people and taking treasures.

Although Meng Zhang can easily kill these guys, but every time he delays a little time, the accumulated time will be more.

Meng Zhang, who was originally unwilling to reveal his deeds, had no choice but to release the aura that belonged to the power of returning to the void to scare off those who didn't know whether to live or die.

In the Junchen world, the Void Master is either a hegemon or a large-scale self-cultivation force, and it is definitely not something that ordinary self-cultivators dare to provoke.

Meng Zhang scared off those cultivators who didn't know how to live or die, but encountered other troubles.

Those extraterritorial intruders who entered the Junchen Realm discovered the lonely Void Returning Power and immediately flew up like flies.

For extraterritorial invaders, almost every Clan Void Returner is a great enemy.

Every time a human race is killed, it can weaken a human race's war potential and vitality.

Even with Meng Zhang's cultivation, facing the constant stream of foreign invaders, he was very annoyed.

Meng Zhang went through many fights and spent more time than expected before leaving Middle-earth.

He didn't take a detour, and directly broke into the territory of the Ziyang Shengzong, flying almost in a straight line, and swaggeringly flew to the Taiyimen territory.

As Meng Zhang left Middle-earth, the number of extraterritorial invaders chasing him was greatly reduced.

After entering the territory of Ziyang Shengzong, most of the foreign invaders who were chasing him stopped here.

The few foreign invaders who chased Meng Zhang into the Taiyimen territory met the Taiyimen cultivators who had been in ambush for a long time.

After several wars, these extraterritorial invaders were basically wiped out.

Meng Zhang did not encounter any danger this time, but it was delayed for a long time.

After he returned to Taiyi Gate, he directly entered the Sun and Moon Blessed Land, placed the Hidden Mysterious Mansion in the depths of the Blessed Land, and set up restrictions to trap it.

Ever since Meng Zhang brought Sun Moon Blessed Land and started on the road, he had a faint feeling that there seemed to be a mysterious power that had been paying attention to the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, and even moved with it.

Meng Zhang carefully observed several times, and even stopped to investigate with all his strength, but did not find any peepers.

Luna told Meng Zhang that this was a true god-level indigenous **** who was using a secret method to spy on the whereabouts of the mysterious mansion. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

It was not until after leaving the Middle-earth Continent and coming to the north of Junchen Realm, that the Moon God in the hidden mysterious mansion cast a spell to disrupt this kind of prying, making it impossible to accurately find the whereabouts of the hidden mysterious mansion.

It was only after returning to Taiyimen Mountain Gate and entering Sun Moon Blessed Land, with the help of Sun Moon Blessed Land, which was completely independent of Junchen Realm, this kind of peeping was completely blocked.

Next, the Moon God and the Moon Goddess continued to stay in the Hidden Mysterious Mansion and seemed to be fully controlling it.

Meng Zhang was meditating not far away, protecting the Dharma for the Moon God.

It took about two more months before the Moon God completely completed the control of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

The moon **** left the goddess worshipping the moon in the hidden mysterious mansion, and she appeared in front of Meng Zhang.

In the past, most of the time the Moon God was possessed within the body of the Moon Goddess. This time Zhuishukan.*CoM*Zhang Si

She will only show up at the critical moment when she needs her

Now, not only can the Moon God leave the Moon Goddess and act alone, but its aura is lofty and unfathomable.

It seems that the Moon God entered the Hidden Mysterious Mansion this time, and obtained great benefits and recovered a large part of his strength.

Although Meng Zhang didn't know how much strength Moon God had recovered, just from the perspective of her breath, it was very likely that the level of her recovery was not weaker than her own.

Meng Zhang was not too surprised by this.

You must know that the Moon God in his heyday was a true god, and he could face off against the true immortals who conquered the Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang smiled and asked Luna how much strength she had recovered.

Moon God is very grateful to Meng Zhang for his help this time, and she still needs Meng Zhang's help in the future.

As for Meng Zhang's seemingly indifferent question, which actually implied a temptation, she answered very seriously, and she was far from returning to her prime.

Of course, if Meng Zhang needed her help, he could just say it.

As long as she doesn't encounter a true immortal-level powerhouse, she can compete head-on.

She exchanged a few words with Meng Zhang, and without Meng Zhang asking, she took the initiative to fulfill her promise and began to tell what she promised in advance.

Before going into specifics, Luna made it clear that she had some personal privacy that she would not tell Meng Zhang, and she would only say what she was willing to say.

She would know everything about the secrets of the native gods of the Junchen world and the secrets of the treasures left by the gods who created the Junchen world.

Meng Zhang didn't say anything, just listened to Luna's narration quietly. control the big lord

If Luna's personal privacy has no influence on him and Taiyimen, he will not be interested.

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