The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2391: Incense

Latest website: Tai Miao was only promoted to Immortal Realm not long ago, and her cultivation base has been consolidated not long ago.

Now, due to the empowerment of the remaining Heavenly Dao Consciousness, countless dense sources of Heaven and Earth continue to pour into his body.

So wonderful, if you want to avoid being blasted, you can only refine and absorb these sources of heaven and earth at the fastest speed.

The wonderful cultivation base is rapidly improving, and the accumulation is constantly increasing.

However, there was not much joy on Taimiao's face, instead there was a bit of worry.

According to Meng Zhang's earliest arrangement, Tai Miao followed the evolutionary path of natural ghosts and gods.

But later, in order to improve Taimiao's cultivation realm as soon as possible and deal with various challenges in the underworld, Meng Zhang had to let Taimiao absorb and refine the power of faith and embark on the path of believing in gods.

After becoming a **** of faith, the initial cultivation base improved rapidly, but left many hidden dangers.

Originally, with the help of Meng Zhang, Taimiao would spend a lot of time slowly solving these hidden dangers and get rid of the shackles of the power of belief.

But now, the rapid increase in cultivation has brought about even bigger problems.

The speed of improvement in cultivation is not as fast as possible.

Tai Miao can already be regarded as a person with extraordinary talent and rich accumulation.

However, according to the current speed of cultivation, his foundation will not be able to bear it sooner or later, and it will even lead to a complete collapse of his cultivation.

Too wonderful to stop, at least control the speed of absorbing the source of heaven and earth.

But how powerful is the consciousness of Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm, even if it is just a trace of it after the fall, it is definitely not something that a mere imaginary immortal can compete with.

Once the initiation begins, it cannot be stopped, nor can it be slowed down.

The rapid increase in cultivation has actually become a great burden.

Fortunately, Tai Miao has experience in dealing with similar problems.

He immediately contacted the deity Meng Zhang, and through the special connection between the incarnation outside the body and the deity, he passed on part of the origin of the world that he had no time to absorb and refine, and let Meng Zhang handle it.

Meng Zhang, who was in retreat at the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate, immediately devoted himself to this matter with all his strength.

Meng Zhang was promoted to Void Immortal much earlier than Tai Miao, with a stronger foundation and more means to deal with this problem.

In addition to absorbing and refining the source of heaven and earth, he also has the energy to condense the source of heaven and earth that was temporarily too late to absorb and convert it into source crystals.

Compared with Yuqing Lingji, Yuanjing is a higher-level resource.

For the power of returning to the void, the source crystal is a rare supplement.

If it is said that the source of heaven and earth is the only thing that pours into Tai Miao's body, then this empowerment will last a little longer at most, making him take some risks.

In the end, both Meng Zhang and he will benefit a lot from it.

But Tai Miao soon noticed that, in addition to the origin of the world of Jun Chen, there were some broken consciousnesses that had fallen out of the consciousness of the heavens.

If it was someone else, they might not necessarily know what it means, and might even consider it a good thing.

However, the inheritance of Taiyimen accepted by Meng Zhang came from Taiyi Jinxian, and there was enough knowledge in it.

Meng Zhang is acutely aware that if these broken consciousnesses are allowed to enter Taimiao's body and take root in it.

After a long period of time, if the conditions are right, the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm may be reborn in Taimiao's body.

At that time, Taimiao will become a puppet of the Heavenly Dao consciousness, completely free from Meng Zhang's control.

Even, it will affect Meng Zhang in turn, so that Meng Zhang is controlled by the consciousness of heaven.

Although the rebirth of Tiandao consciousness is not a simple matter, what Meng Zhang guessed was only a possibility.

But even the tiniest possibility could not be ignored by Meng Zhang.

Speaking of which, this is also the trouble that Meng Zhang and Tai Miao brought on themselves.

Because of the characteristics of natural ghosts and gods, and his status as a protector of heaven, he was affected by the fall of the consciousness of heaven in the Junchen world, and he became extremely sad and unable to extricate himself.

Meng Zhang took advantage of the situation and asked Taimiao to use the jade plate for offering sacrifices to the heavens to connect with the consciousness of heaven in the Junchen world.

Originally, Meng Zhang had already had the idea of ​​contacting the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen world through the jade plate of offering sacrifices to the heavens.

He was just looking for the right moment.

He wants to arouse the hostility and resistance of the Heavenly Dao consciousness to the six true immortals, and it is best to drop the heavenly punishment to kill them.

Before Meng Zhang had time to act, the six true immortals joined forces to destroy the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm, making his plan completely unsuccessful.

What Taimiao did at this time was, firstly, a kind of comfort to his soul, and secondly, Meng Zhang wanted to gain some benefits.

Meng Zhang did allow Taimiao to gain a lot of benefits, but these benefits were too great for Taimiao and him to bear.

It seems that the consciousness of heaven in Junchen world is also very unwilling to fall.

It just happened that it was too wonderful to be delivered to the door at this time, and let it make a last-ditch effort.

Although the six true immortals were skillful in their methods and completely wiped out the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm, they still left behind such a tail.

Of course, if the situation is not too wonderful and too special, it will not give such a chance to the broken consciousness.

Meng Zhang naturally couldn't watch all this happen.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and he quickly found a solution.

Although he was very reluctant, the matter had come to this point, and Meng Zhang had to reluctantly return.

Soon, Taimiao began to practice according to the method taught by Meng Zhang.

This is a secret method of Shinto practice, which is used by belief in gods to break through the great realm.

It used to be wonderful. Although it absorbed and refined a large amount of the power of belief, and had a large number of believers, it was still not completely transformed into belief in gods, and there were still reservations in many aspects.

Before he is promoted to the true god, if he is willing to scatter his work and rebuild his foundation, it is possible to get rid of the power of belief and return to the right path of natural ghosts and gods.

But now that he has practiced this secret method, he has completely embarked on the path of believing in gods, and he cannot go back.

In the future, even if he becomes a god, he will not be able to escape the shackles of the power of belief.

But there is no way. If he wants to get out of the current crisis, he has only such a path to choose from.

As Tai Miao began to operate the secret Believers in the underworld and the Yang world all had inexplicable revelation in their minds.

These believers put down everything in their hands and began to kneel on the ground, reciting the wonderful honorable name aloud, and praying devoutly.

The incessant power of incense and belief has passed through the shackles of many spaces and poured into the wonderful body.

The power of incense and belief is an indispensable resource for believing in gods, but it is extremely poisonous for cultivators.

The power of incense and belief contains countless thoughts of sentient beings, various and strange emotional powers, and many of them are extreme emotions...

Under the wonderful control, the power of these incense beliefs wrapped around the broken consciousness of heaven.

Heavenly Dao consciousness is illusory, lofty and lofty, transcending above all sentient beings.

The power of incense and belief is constantly entangled, pulling it into the mortal world.


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