The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2395: natural disaster

It's too wonderful to know the hostility towards them in the hearts of the six true immortals.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Tai Miao has only been promoted to True God now, and there are still many aspects that are lacking.

For him, consolidating his cultivation base and mastering the means that a true **** should have are the top priorities.

The six true immortals and foreign invaders are at a standstill, which is a godsend opportunity.

Neither side in the war would like to see a new spoiler emerge.

Tai Miao stayed away from the battlefield and put on a non-interfering appearance, which was reconciling the hearts of both parties.

Of course, the two sides did not relax their vigilance against Taimiao.

If Tai Miao holds the idea of ​​taking advantage of the fisherman, they also have countermeasures.

Tai Miao is a lonely person, and is obviously a new true god, with limited strength, and it is impossible to imagine how much threat it will pose to them.

When Tai Miao began to practice in the source sea, Meng Zhang also put his mind back on himself.

He canonized Taimiao as a **** this time, and helping Taimiao to advance to the realm of true gods is also of great benefit to him.

In particular, Taimiao's precious experience of being promoted to the true God is of great reference value to him.

Although the cultivation system is very different, there must be a big gap between his promotion to a true immortal and the wonderful situation in the future, but a true **** is equal to a true immortal in terms of rank.

Meng Zhang and Tai Miao are connected and have the same feeling.

Before Meng Zhang was promoted to Void Immortal, he first realized the power of that level, which would be helpful for his future promotion.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Taimiao, Meng Zhang couldn't care about anything else, and immediately threw himself into his perception.

The source sea is the place where the origin of the Junchen world gathers, and it is the foundation of the entire big world.

There is not much to say about the intensity of the battle of the true immortal level.

If it happened outside, it would have been earth-shattering, earth-shattering and even the world collapsed.

Fortunately, Yuanhai's situation was special, so he could barely endure the battle between them.

Everything that happens in the source sea is closely related to the entire Junchen world.

As the battle in the source sea becomes more and more intense, the impact on the outside world is also increasing.

In many places in the Junchen world, large earthquakes occurred inexplicably.

It is not uncommon for mountains and rivers to shift, the earth to crack and even the sky to collapse.

This is an inexplicable natural disaster for the creatures of Junchen Realm, especially the human race who are the masters of Junchen Realm.

In fact, Taimiao's unscrupulous absorption of the origin of the Junchen world is also a huge harm to the Junchen world.

One after another, bad news came back to Taiyimen from all over the Junchen world, and to Mengzhang, who was in seclusion.

There have been many tsunamis in the West China Sea.

The mountain-like waves swept in and engulfed countless islands.

Many of the smaller islands in the Xingluo Archipelago have been completely submerged by the waves.

Fairy Guanghan ordered the rise of the island chain to raise a large protective formation, which barely blocked the raging waves.

At first, the high-level officials of Guanghan Palace thought that this was a new round of offensive by the Sea Clan, and they did not even rule out the situation that the True Dragon Clan was secretly involved.

The Void Returning Great Power of Guanghan Palace ventured into the depths of the West Sea to conduct an investigation, and found that the situation in the sea clan's territory was also very bad.

Deep ravines were cracked in the sea, and countless islands sank in the earthquake...

Obviously, this is a real natural disaster, not just for the Xingluo Islands.

The sea clan also suffered heavy losses in this natural disaster.

In the South China Sea, the situation is also very bad.

A large number of islands cracked, collapsed and sank, including those large islands that were used as mountain gates by the self-cultivation forces.

In the face of such a terrifying natural disaster, the protection of the magic circle and the like does not have much effect at all.

Countless mortals were killed in the disaster, and a large number of cultivators were displaced...

This unexpected and sudden natural disaster caused huge damage to both the Clan cultivators and the Sea Clan.

The only benefit is that both sides are unable to launch a large-scale attack.

The war, which had already tended to ease, might end here temporarily.

However, the high-level officials of both sides were not at all happy.

Disasters overseas are becoming more frequent and natural disasters are getting worse.

If things continue like this, overseas may become unsuitable places to live.

The human race cultivators have never penetrated into the depths of the ocean, and they do not know what the situation in the real dragon clan's territory is like.

There has been no change in the real dragon family for the time being, and this natural disaster may still be within its tolerance.

Due to the special circumstances of the sea, it is greatly affected by natural disasters.

The foundation of the continent is still solid, and it is stronger to withstand natural disasters.

Of course, this natural disaster also brought huge damage to all parts of the mainland.

The once prosperous places like Middle-earth have also begun to become depressed.

The northern part of Junchen Realm is located in a corner, and it is also difficult to escape the impact of this natural disaster.

There have been many earthquakes and other disasters in the Taiyimen territory.

Fortunately, the high-level organization of Taiyi Sect was effective, and the high-level cultivators had the power to move mountains and seas, so they barely stabilized the situation.

After Meng Zhang received these reports, he also felt a headache.

He naturally knew the source of the frequent occurrence of natural disasters in the Junchen world.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about it.

Not to mention him, in the entire Junchen world, no one can interfere in the battle of the true immortals.

Tai Miao absorbs the origin of heaven and earth in the source sea, which does great harm to the Junchen world.

However, if it is too wonderful to improve its strength as soon as possible, how will Taiyimen face the complicated and ever-changing situation in the future, and how will it protect itself?

Tai Miao was promoted to True God, and Meng Zhang had a real backing and a reliable backstage.

Meng Zhang had already seen it clearly, given the current situation in Junchen Realm, without the support of true god-level strength, let alone participating in the hegemony of Junchen Realm, it would be difficult to protect oneself.

As for Xianyun Zhenxian and Yue'e Fairy, they are both people with ulterior motives, which is simply not enough.

Especially Xianyun Zhenxian, relying on prohibition to control Meng Zhang.

In the future, Meng Zhang, who is not willing to be a puppet, will definitely turn against him.

Without the combat power of a true immortal, how can Meng Zhang contend with it?

What Meng Zhang is really worried about now is not the various natural disasters that have occurred in the Junchen world, but the future of the Junchen world.

If the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm is too seriously damaged, or even completely depleted, the big world of Junchen Realm will also lose its vitality completely and embark on the road of destruction.

Meng Zhang knew many years ago that after the six true immortals woke up, they would devour the source sea of ​​the Junchen Realm and use it as a resource for promotion to heavenly immortals.

Now they are entangled by foreign invaders, temporarily unable to swallow the source sea.

But if they waited until they defeated the extraterritorial invaders, then no one would stop them.

Although the six true immortals and the foreign invaders are now in an indistinguishable battle, it is impossible to tell the winner for the time being.

But in the long run, Meng Zhang is more optimistic about the six true immortals.

The six true immortals conquered the Junchen world thousands of years ago and began to lay out.

Regardless of their scheming means or strength, they are all first-class, far beyond the imagination of many people.

They may not have expected the situation today.

They have been preparing for thousands of years, and there must be a killer that has not been brought out.


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