The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2398: 2 difficulty

Hearing Meng Zhang mentioning the matter of becoming an immortal and attaining the Tao, the Taoist people in the ancient capital had a wry smile on their faces, and then said something very resentful.

The reason why the virtual immortal wants to break through the true immortal in the big world is to use the power of the big world to fight against the extraterritorial demons who come to block the way.

In a big world, the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven has fallen, the origin of the world has been severely damaged, and the resistance to the extraterritorial demons will be greatly reduced.

A virtual immortal like the Taoist of the ancient capital was qualified to attack the real immortal realm many years ago.

But even if he could immediately heal his injuries and return to his best state, he would not dare to rush into the realm of immortals now.

He was not sure that he would be able to resist the extraterritorial demons who came to block the way with the power of shelter provided by the severely damaged Junchen world.

Also, there is a very disgusting thing.

Even if the consciousness of heaven and earth in the Junchen world has fallen, the complete change of the rules of heaven and earth will not happen overnight.

For a long time in the future, some of the original rules of heaven and earth in the Junchen world will still have a great hindering effect on the impact of the imaginary immortals on the true immortals.

The Taoist of the ancient capital said frankly that most of the immortals in the Junchen world should be very embarrassed.

On the one hand, with the current situation in Junchen World, the sooner they break through to the realm of true immortals, the stronger their self-protection will be.

And while the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao left in the Junchen world has not completely disappeared, the whole world still has a certain resistance to the extraterritorial demons who come to block the Dao.

The longer it drags on, the weaker the blocking force will be.

On the other hand, if it is delayed for a longer time, until the rules of heaven and earth in Junchen Realm are completely changed or even collapsed, then Junchen Realm itself will not prevent it from hitting the real immortal realm.

Naturally, in this way, Junchen Realm cannot provide more power to block the extraterritorial demons.

There is no solution to this dilemma.

In the end is to go all-out now and go all out; or continue to wait as before, waiting for a better time?

Presumably, all the immortals who want to understand the joints should be thinking about this issue.

Meng Zhang was aware of what the Taoist said in the ancient capital before, but he didn't think it through.

The experienced Taoist of the ancient capital explained the words now, but Meng Zhang completely understood.

Meng Zhang also had to face this dilemma.

Deep down in Meng Zhang's heart, he still prefers not to rush into the realm of true immortals.

As a result, this time it was too wonderful to break through to the true god. Although he gained many benefits from it and greatly enhanced his background, he was still a long way from the consummation of the virtual immortal.

The virtual immortal realm is not complete, it is not that it is impossible to hit the real immortal realm, but the probability of success will be greatly reduced.

For a long time, Meng Zhang's cultivation method is to lay a solid foundation as much as possible, and the more stable the foundation, the better.

Meng Zhang, who has lofty aspirations, will not regard the realm of the true immortal as the end of his cultivation.

He didn't want to leave any hidden dangers for future practice because of hasty breakthroughs.

Second, it is wonderful to have a true **** now, Meng Zhang has a certain level of support, and can barely compete with the enemy of the true immortal level, so he doesn't have to rush to break through.

As for the extraterritorial demons blocking the way, Meng Zhang, who has the inheritance of Taiyi Jinxian, already has some ideas in his heart.

Next, the Taoist priest in the ancient capital told Meng Zhang a bit ostentatiously.

He was able to figure out these key points so quickly without the guidance of an expert.

After all, although he has long been qualified to hit the real immortal realm, he has not experienced it himself, and he does not know many details of it.

The person who can instruct the Taoist of the ancient capital must be a true immortal.

The curious Meng Zhang was very cooperative and asked a few questions.

The Taoist people in the ancient capital told Meng Zhang directly that these were instructions from Sanshan Zhenxian.

The words of the Taoist in the ancient capital made Meng Zhang slightly stunned. Why did Sanshan Zhenxian point the Taoist in the ancient capital?

The Taoist people of the ancient capital ignored Meng Zhang's doubts and continued to speak.

He knew better than Meng Zhang of the inside story of the fall of the consciousness of heaven and earth in the Junchen world and the shaking of the rules of heaven and earth.

This incident is also one of the reasons why Jianjun Banxue is completely desperate for the six true immortals.

The reason why the six true immortals wanted to cut off the way to become a monk from Junchen Realm was because they were worried that during their sleep, true immortals would appear among the junior cultivators in Junchen Realm, destroying their layout.

These six true immortals are resourceful, have a long-term layout, and are very thoughtful, taking into account all aspects.

Everything they did was to allow their family to win the treasure of the gods and get the chance to break through the gods.

For this reason, let alone hindering the path of the monks in the Junchen world, they can even sacrifice the future of their own disciples and grandchildren.

As an artifact spirit, Jianjun Banxue is very difficult to break through to a true immortal, which is very different from other imaginary immortals.

Compared with human cultivators, cultivators who were born in artifact spirits have a longer lifespan, waiting for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, which has little effect on Jianjun Banxue.

However, Jianjun Banxue is also the lord of the Heavenly Palace, representing the Lingkong Immortal Realm and ruling the Junchen Realm.

In theory, the Junchen cultivators are all her subordinates, and she should be responsible for them.

Jianjun Banxue can't say how loyal he is, but he still has principles.

She had known for a long time that when the six true immortals woke up, they would destroy the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm.

Therefore, she made a request a long time ago, hoping that the six true immortals would allow enough time to allow those imaginary immortals who met the requirements to attack the real immortal realm before they wiped out the consciousness of heaven in the Junchen world.

Regardless of success or failure, at least give them a chance, and they can't just ruin the way of others for no reason.

This requirement is also in line with the interests of the high-ranking monks of the sects of the major holy places.

After the high-level officials of the major holy land sects conveyed it to the six sleeping immortals, they all agreed.

But in fact, for whatever reason, the six true immortals lost their words.

Not long after the six true immortals woke up, they performed the secret technique that had been prepared for a long time, completely annihilating the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm.

Even if the invaders from outside the territory attacked in large numbers, the powerful enemies of the true immortal level were not able to stop their actions.

They not only violated their promise to Jianjun, but also hindered the immortal paths of all immortals in the Junchen world.

If the relevant information spreads, all the imaginary immortals in the Junchen world will regard the six true immortals as the enemy of life and death.

According to the Taoists of the ancient capital, some imaginary immortals inside the sects of the major holy places have become extremely dissatisfied with the six true immortals after this incident.

In front of Daotu Xianlu, the founder of the mountain, the grace of the sect, the friendship of the same family, all are bullshit.

If it weren't for the fact that the six true immortals had accumulated a lot of power, and there were still foreign invaders attacking, maybe someone inside the Holy Land Sect would have rebelled.

Because of this, even Sanshan Zhenxian, who has been in the Junchen world for thousands of years, has been supporting the six true immortals, and is regarded by everyone as the white jade pillar of the Junchen world, is greatly dissatisfied.

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