The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2404: important information

Text Chapter 2404 Important information

The rise of Meng Zhang is too legendary, and it is the object of discussion and discussion among countless practitioners in the Junchen world.

There are many legends about Meng Zhang, and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

The only thing these legends have in common is that Meng Zhang is difficult and powerful.

The high-level Kou family's solemn reception of Meng Zhang was also influenced by these rumors to a certain extent.

Meng Zhang, who was in front of the two principals of the Kou family, was not as domineering and indomitable as the legends say, but he was very humble and had a somewhat gentle temperament.

After the two sides began to communicate, Meng Zhang briefly talked about the situation of the Kou family and the future of the Junchen world in a gentle tone.

Of course, the two principals of the Kou family already understood what Meng Zhang said. Otherwise, they will not actively befriend Taiyimen.

They loudly agreed with what Meng Zhang said, but made no further statement.

Meng Zhang is very aware of their mentality.

They are extremely dissatisfied with other holy land sects and worry about their own future, but they are unwilling to completely stand on the side of Taiyi sect and do not want to lose room for maneuver.

This kind of mentality at both ends of the first mouse is normal.

Meng Zhang had no hope at all. He only visited once and could reach a cooperation agreement with the Kou family.

Taiyimen wanted to form an alliance with the Kou family, but was unwilling to pay too much.

Meng Zhang is a person who speaks like a mountain, and generally does not make promises easily.

The relationship between Taiyimen and the Kou family can develop slowly, and there is no need to rush it for a while.

Meng Zhang did not force Kou Bo Shangzun and Kou Dejun to express their opinions, but slowly shifted the topic to the major sects of the Holy Land.

After all, the Kou family is also a member of the Holy Land Sect, and should know a lot of important information that is not known to outsiders.

Kobo Shangzun and Kou Dejun understood what Meng Zhang meant.

They did not make a clear statement on the Kou family standing in line.

If you don't give some dry goods, it will look down on Meng Zhang and let Meng Zhang run away.

Kobo Shangzun thought for a while, and after a wink with the Supreme Elder Kou Dejun, he began to speak slowly.

Koodejun added a few words from time to time.

Kobo Shangzun said a lot of internal secrets about the Holy Land Sect, some of which are very useful to Taiyi Sect.

Even if they are both Holy Land sects, there is a distinction between them.

Ziyang True Immortal, the founder of the Ziyang Sect, is the strongest, making the other five True Immortals fearful.

The power of the Ziyang Sect itself is one of the strongest among the major sects of the Holy Land.

Due to the joint actions of several other holy land sects, the Ziyang sect was repelled to the north of the Junchen world.

The Dali Dynasty in the north, close to the Qi family in the north, had all been supported by other holy land sects to contain the Ziyang sect.

Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong have been enemies for many years, and the two sides are close at hand and have the most conflicts.

Meng Zhang paid the most attention to the information of the Ziyang Shengzong.

Guantian Pavilion, Situ Family, Jiuxuan Pavilion...

The inside story of a family's holy land sects was slowly presented in front of Meng Zhang.

If it was before, the value of these intelligences would be immeasurable, which would help Taiyimen make a targeted layout.

But the world has changed, the situation in the Junchen world has changed greatly, and the value of these information has been greatly reduced after the major holy land sects have fully contracted.

After listening to the words of the two principals of the Kou family opposite, Meng Zhang showed a slightly impatient look on his face.

In fact, Meng Zhang was quite satisfied.

The fact that the Kou family was willing to reveal this information meant that the Kou family had already begun to betray other holy land sects.

With just a little more strength, Taiyimen can slowly draw the Kou family into their own camp.

Kou Bo Shangzun is a person who is good at observing words and feelings, and he is keenly aware of Meng Zhang's impatience.

He thought of Meng Zhang's reputation and knew that Meng Zhang was not so easily fooled.

Although the Kou family was not necessarily afraid of Meng Zhang, there was no need to offend him.

No matter what camp the Kou family finally chooses, it is a decision that has been made to work hard to befriend the Taiyi Sect.

Senior Koubo hesitated for a while, and then revealed a secret that interest Meng Zhang very much.

Blessed land is built deep in the mountain gates of the major holy land sects.

It is these blessed places that provide enough strength for the fifth-order mountain protection formation that guards the mountain gate.

The blessed land of the Snow Mountain School and the Kou family is just an ordinary blessed land, and there is nothing special about it.

The blessed land of other holy land sects has something extraordinary and is sufficiently secretive.

There are special arrangements inside these blessed places, which seem to be directly connected to the source sea.

In the depths of these blessed places, huge restrictions have been placed, which are said to affect the entire Junchen world.

These are the core secrets of the major holy land sects.

The Snow Mountain faction and the Kou family have the lowest status among the major holy land sects, and are often regarded as peripheral members, so naturally they have limited knowledge of these core secrets.

It is very rare for Lord Kobo to know this information.

As for the arrangement in the blessed land of those holy land sects, what specific role does it have, Lord Kobo really doesn't know.

Since the consciousness of Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm has fallen, the Heavenly Secret of Junchen Realm has been disordered, and Meng Zhang has temporarily been unable to use Heavenly Secret Technique to perform Heavenly Secret Deduction.

However, his unique spiritual sense as a pilot that day was still very still played a role in critical moments.

When Meng Zhang listened to the Lord Kobo mentioning the arrangement of the blessed land of those holy land sects, his spiritual sense was suddenly touched.

Based on Meng Zhang's experience, the arrangement of those holy land sects and blessed places must be very important, and it is related to the overall situation of the Junchen world, and it is related to one's own path.

It's a pity that no matter how Meng Zhang asked, he couldn't get more information from Kobo Shangzun's mouth.

Meng Zhang secretly observed and guessed that the Kou family probably only knew this.

Since the blessed land of the major holy land sects is so important, Meng Zhang must find a way to figure it out.

Even the Kou family can only provide these rough information, and it is impossible to obtain more detailed information through other channels.

If Meng Zhang wanted to thoroughly understand the secrets of these blessed places, he would have to go deep into them himself.

The mountain gates of the major holy land sects are now surrounded by foreign invaders, and they are constantly attacking.

Moreover, the mountain gates of the major holy land sects have already opened the fifth-order mountain protection formation, which can be said to protect the entire mountain gate.

Even with Meng Zhang's cultivation, it is impossible to sneak in.

If Meng Zhang wanted to know the secrets of these blessed places, he had to find another way.

Do you want Taiyimen to dispatch an army to cooperate with the army of foreign invaders to attack the mountain gates of the major holy land sects?

Not to mention that doing so violated Meng Zhang's principles and violated the wishes of the Taiyi Sect. It is impossible for the invaders from outside the territory to believe in the Taiyi Sect and not cooperate with the Taiyi Sect.

If Taiyimen really sent an army of monks, the foreign invaders would instead strengthen their vigilance, which would only in turn affect their siege of the sect gates of the major holy places.

Seeing Meng Zhang's thoughtful look, the High Honorable Kobo knew that Meng Zhang was interested in the information he just provided.

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