The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2409: run away

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The barbarians who are good at fighting have been fighting foreign countries all the year round. They have rich combat experience and are good at dealing with various situations.

It's not that they don't know how to dig the leylines and destroy the spiritual veins.

It's just that the barbarians have long regarded the Jiuxuan Pavilion Mountain Gate as their biggest trophy, and of course they don't want to damage it too much.

The barbarians also like places where spiritual veins gather and where spiritual energy is abundant.

The cultivation process of barbarians also requires abundant spiritual energy.

Originally, because of the inability to attack for a long time, the high-level barbarians had already begun to lose their patience.

The guidance of the Dark Alliance allowed the barbarian army to completely cut off the spiritual support of these spiritual veins to the Jiuxuan Pavilion mountain gate while causing as little damage as possible to the surrounding spiritual veins.

Moreover, the Dark Alliance also stated that those spiritual veins damaged in this battle will also help the barbarians to repair them in the future.

Once the reinforcements of the Dark Alliance arrived here, they played a huge role.

Losing the support of the surrounding spiritual veins, the light of the fifth-order mountain protection formation dimmed even more, and there was some confusion inside the mountain gate.

The seven floating cities slowly lowered their heights and lined up above the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion.

This time, the Dark Alliance sent a virtual immortal named Youlei to command the battle.

With the order of Youlei Xuxian, hundreds of thick gun barrels stretched out from the seven floating cities, and various rays and flames began to spray from the gun barrels.

This is a giant cannon specially used for large-scale warfare. One cannon can erode dozens of miles and is extremely powerful.

Each floating city is a huge war fortress, which is equipped with various war tools.

In addition to the giant cannons, various divine thunders, such as dark fire and thunder, and anode thunder, fell to the fifth-order mountain protection formation below like raindrops.

Seeing that the allies are so powerful, the barbarian army did not just watch.

Huge trebuchets started to start, and fireballs and boulders like hills smashed forward fiercely.

The gigantic ballista started firing thick arrows.


The barbarian army used all the means and started the attack on the mountain gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion again.

The fifth-order mountain protection formation, which had already been seriously worn out, was becoming more and more unstoppable in the face of the continuous onslaught of the sky and the ground, and it seemed to be crumbling.

Neither Meng Zhang nor Luna intervened, but quietly watched.

Since the Dark Alliance and the barbarian army all attacked the Jiuxuan Pavilion mountain gate with all their strength, their defenses in other areas were unavoidable.

Meng Zhang and Luna Shen passed through the barbarian army unknowingly and came to the front line, so that they could break into the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion at any time.

Meng Zhang didn't want to compete for trophies or something, but just wanted to enter the blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion as soon as possible and find out the secrets inside.

Huge gaps appeared in the fifth-order mountain protection formation of Jiu Xuan Pavilion.

A number of barbarian powerhouses at the level of returning to the virtual world showed their true bodies and turned into giants like hills. They entered the fifth-order mountain protection formation in one step, and they wanted to break into the Jiuxuan Pavilion mountain gate through these gaps.

The senior monks of Jiuxuan Pavilion led a team of monks to intercept them separately, vowing to block all these strong barbarians.

Jiuxuan Pavilion has been besieged for so long, and the cultivators in the door have already suffered heavy casualties and are exhausted.

At the beginning, there might be enough monks in the gate for rotation.

As the siege continued, the remaining monks became fewer and fewer, and they continued to fight without getting any rest.

The strong barbarians quickly repelled the monks of Jiuxuan Pavilion who were in poor condition and broke into the mountain gate.

These barbarian powerhouses destroyed the fifth-order mountain protection formation internally, creating more and more gaps.

Soon, a team of elite barbarians followed these gaps and entered the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion.

Losing the protection of the fifth-order mountain protection formation, the Jiu Xuan Pavilion side couldn't hold on anymore.

After the barbarian army entered the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion, they burned, killed, looted, destroyed and plundered everywhere...

Some Jiuxuange cultivators took the opportunity to retreat into the blessed land of the sect, wanting to make the last stand.

The mountain gate has been breached, and it is difficult for the floating city to continue to function.

Youlei Xuxian led a team of cultivators from the Dark Alliance to enter the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion.

Instead of running around like the strong barbarians, they concentrated their strength and rushed towards the blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion.

Obviously, the Dark Alliance also has its own information channels, knowing that there are big secrets hidden in the blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion.

Although the two sides are allies, the top barbarians still retain enough vigilance against the Dark Alliance.

Seeing the actions of the Dark Alliance cultivators, several barbarian teams approached, seeming to cooperate with their actions, but in fact it implied surveillance.

Youlei Xuxian didn't care about this, breaking the defense of the blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion and breaking into it was the top priority.

If the strong barbarians are willing to help, of course it is the best.

The blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion is located in the deepest part of the mountain gate, and it also has formations and prohibitions to guard.

The remaining monks in Jiuxuan Pavilion also tried to use the blessed land as a last resort.

Under the combined efforts of the Dark Alliance monks and the barbarian powerhouses, the protection of the blessed land was quickly broken.

The monk Jiuxuange who was guarding the entrance to the blessed land suffered heavy casualties and had to temporarily return to the blessed land.

The protection of the blessed land was broken, revealing a huge entrance.

The Dark Alliance cultivator and the barbarian strong swarmed in and rushed in directly.

The Jiuxuan Pavilion is facing the danger of extinction, and the top of the sect will of course use all possible means.

Although they knew that they would not get a response, the senior officials of Jiuxuan Pavilion have been asking for help from the True Immortal The senior officials of Jiuxuan Pavilion used a secret technique and directly passed the information of the request to True Immortal Jiuxuan.

Unfortunately, no matter how they begged or cried, the True Immortal Jiuxuan ignored them.

Jiuxuan Zhenxian is not really so ruthless and unrighteous, and he doesn't care about his disciples and grandchildren at all.

However, his plans are very big, and when the layout reaches a critical moment, he is really powerless to distract him.

He can only hope that his disciples and grandchildren can live up to their expectations and persist for a while longer.

With the help of the Dark Alliance, the barbarian army finally broke through the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion.

Even if Jiu Xuan Zhenxian doesn't care about the life and death of his disciples and grandchildren, the blessed land of Jiu Xuan Pavilion cannot be ignored.

True Immortal Jiuxuan couldn't be cloned, so he could only secretly give orders to ancestor Xuanxuan, who was incarnated outside of his body.

Ancestor Xuanxuan was originally fighting with Sanshan Zhenxian.

After receiving the order from the deity, even though he knew that he would be in danger of falling by doing so, he had to obey the order.

Taking advantage of an opportunity to pass by, Ancestor Xuanxuan took a hard blow from Venerable Hunling, got out of the battle, turned around and ran, just flew away from the source sea and fled far away.

Ancestor Xuanxuan suddenly fled and caught Sanshan Zhenxian and the three lions by surprise.

Sanshan Zhenxian and the others were originally not as strong as the other party. They persevered very hard and barely blocked the enemy's attack. Now that they have one less ancestor Xuanxuan, they finally can't hold on anymore.


Hunling Zunshen blocked Sanshan Zhenxian head-on, and the calamity devil who had been haunting the surrounding area suddenly broke out, and Sanshan Zhenxian was caught off guard. (To be continued) chaptererror();

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