The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2414: destroy

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With the current situation, it is difficult for the High Venerable Xuanyuan to leave here easily.

He didn't forget that outside the blessed land, there was a powerful barbarian army in the gate of Jiuxuan Pavilion.

He didn't even contact Youlei Xuxian for help and understanding, and he didn't have the slightest trust in this person.

If he wants to escape safely, he needs a chance.

Xuan Jue Xuxian, who hesitated for a long time, was slightly angry when he saw the High Honored Xuan Yuan watching him not to help, and cast a questioning look at the High Honored Xuan Yuan.

The Venerable Xuan Yuan smiled bitterly and pointed at his body.

It seemed that the High Honorable Xuan Yuan was seriously injured, and there was not much fighting power left.

Of course, Venerable Xuanyuan's actual injury was not that serious.

After retreating into the blessed land, especially after the ancestor Xuanxuan arrived here, out of some instinctive precaution, he deliberately pretended to be seriously injured and hid the real remaining combat power.

Although Xuan Jue Xuxian was very dissatisfied, he did not force the Supreme Venerable Xuan Yuan to go to help immediately, but just wanted him to seize the time to adjust his breath and try his best to restore his fighting power.

The status of the two people in the sect is not much different, and Xuan Jue Xu Xian has no power to order Xuan Yuan.

Xuan Jue Xuxian hesitated for a while, and asked Supreme Xuan Yuan to pay more attention to the altar behind them while adjusting the breath.

Then Xuan Jue Xuxian rushed out and joined the battle ahead.

Facing the siege of many imaginary immortals, Xuanxuan's ancestors had a serious injury, and he already had a tendency to fall to the disadvantage.

Xuan Jue Xuxian's timely action was really a timely rain.

With the help of a virtual immortal, Ancestor Xuanxuan stabilized his position and struggled with his opponents.

Meng Zhang and Luna, who had been reserved before, also began to exert their strength.

They didn't want to see their own side being defeated by Xuanxuan's ancestors, making this operation a complete failure.

A huge yin and yang map of Tai Chi appeared above Meng Zhang's head, driving the yin and yang qi to pounce on the opponent.

The wind and fire yin-yang fan in his hand kept dancing, and the overwhelming wind and fire rushed towards the enemy.

There were only a few hundred strong barbarians participating in the battle, far from being a large army.

These barbarian powerhouses are all selected elites. Not only are they extremely brave, but they are also especially good at arranging troops and cooperating in battles.

Chief Xiong Zhu commanded a powerful formation, and displayed combat power close to the level of a true immortal.

Youlei Xuxian's side is far inferior to Great Chief Xiong Zhan's side in terms of numbers and strength.

However, as a powerful person in the dark alliance, Youlei Xuxian still has a lot of support.

He is simply a treasured boy, with all kinds of treasures emerging in an endless stream.

All kinds of powerful talismans and the like have almost never been cut off.

This magic circle set up by the Dark Alliance cultivators has a great influence on the ancestors of Xuanxuan.

Originally, Xuan Jue Xuxian thought that after he joined the war, the situation would definitely improve.

But he never imagined that because of his participation in the battle, he would instead inspire a stronger rebound from his opponent.

Whether it's a barbarian strongman who is going all out, or a vicious and vicious Dark Alliance cultivator, it is very difficult for him to deal with it.

On the side of Meng Zhang and Luna, who had shown their true skills, although their numbers were small, their fighting power was not weak.

Ancestor Xuanxuan and Xuan Jue Xuxian were quickly enveloped by the enemy's offensive.

As the fundamental place of Jiuxuan Pavilion, this blessed land has been painstakingly managed by the entire sect for thousands of years.

On weekdays, it is too late for the monks of Jiuxuange to take care of the blessed land, so how can they be willing to let them suffer the slightest damage.


Although Blessed Land is a completely independent space, it is not a complete big world after all, and its carrying capacity is limited.

If it is just the power fluctuation of the ordinary Void Return level, it will not have much impact on the blessed land.

If multiple Void Returners fight hard, they will cause great damage to a big world like Junchen Realm.

In the present blessed land, the battles that broke out are basically at the level of true immortals.

The powerful forces erupted one after another, and neither side of the war had time to take into account the burden on the blessed land.

After the battle went on for a while, the entire blessed land began to shake violently.

The shaking sky became more and more violent, as if it would collapse at any time.

The frequent big earthquakes tore open unfathomable gaps on the ground, and a strong evil spirit flowed from it.

Ancestor Xuanxuan and True Immortal Xuan Jue certainly didn't want to see this happen.

But in the current battle situation, they can't be helped at all.

They must use all their strength to block the enemy's attack.

If they have reservations, they want to worry about the destruction of the blessed land, or even distract themselves to protect the blessed land, then they will only end in defeat.

In his busy schedule, Ancestor Xuanxuan still did not forget to care about the huge altar.

Most of the buildings in the blessed land have completely collapsed and turned into ruins.

The altar itself is built with all kinds of natural materials and treasures. It is as stable as Mount Tai and indestructible.

The ground around the altar has also been strengthened by various methods, and it can still support it for the time being.

Seeing that the altar was safe, Ancestor Xuanxuan felt a little relieved.

Ancestor Xuanxuan no longer expected to defeat or repel the enemy in front of him.

He was just trying to delay time as much as possible to buy time for the six true immortals.

As an incarnation outside the body, the ancestor Xuanxuan has a special connection with the deity Jiuxuan Zhenxian.

Everything that happened in the blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion has long been reported to Jiuxuan Zhenxian. He knows Jiuxuan Zhenxian knows that this altar is of great importance and must not be lost.

But under the current circumstances, the Nine Profound Immortals are so powerful that they are unable to take care of this place.

In fact, although the situation of other holy land sects is better than Jiuxuan Pavilion, it is still not optimistic.

In the face of the frantic siege of invaders from all over the world, the mountain gates of the major holy land sects are in danger of falling.

If the mountain gate falls, it will face the same predicament as Jiuxuan Pavilion.

But there is no longer an ancestor Xuanxuan who can go to reinforce.

The six true immortals have worked hard for thousands of years, and the cards they have accumulated are about to be exhausted, and they have no reinforcements to send.

As a last resort, the six true immortals had to advance the original plan and prepare to launch the last resort.

Launching the last resort is not easy and requires a lot of preparation work, especially enough time.

Jiuxuan Zhenxian gave Xuanxuan's ancestor a death order, asking him to block the enemy with all his strength and make sure that the altar is safe.

In order to protect the altar, everything can be sacrificed, even the incarnation of the ancestor Xuanxuan.

Other true immortals also gave similar death orders to the major holy land sects, asking them to defend the altar at all costs and try to delay the time as much as possible.

Ancestor Xuanxuan doesn't know about other places, but he is confident to continue the battle in front of him, making sure not to let the enemy succeed.

When a powerhouse of their level fights, it is difficult to quickly decide the winner.

As a true immortal, if the ancestor Xuanxuan had the heart to delay, he would have no problem continuing to fight for decades. (To be continued) chaptererror();

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