The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2416: hole card

Due to the relationship of inheritance, Meng Zhang saw more things.

The altar in front of you should be very crucial, and it should be related to the plans of the six true immortals.

After the change of the altar, the connection between the altar and the source sea was obviously strengthened, and there was a special force running through the altar and the source sea.

Meng Zhang's thoughts turned and he thought of a lot at once.

Ancestor Xuanxuan, as the incarnation of Jiuxuan Zhenxian, was desperate to protect this altar, which shows the importance of this altar.

Meng Zhang has been guessing for a long time that the six true immortals seem to have fallen behind in the battle, but they should have hidden cards that can turn the tide of the battle and defeat the foreign invaders.

However, due to the lack of information, Meng Zhang did not know what the last cards they were hiding were.

Since coming here and discovering this altar, his spiritual sense has been touched, and he has vaguely guessed.

If you want to stop the plan of the six true immortals, it is best to destroy the altar in front of you.

But Meng Zhang was a little hesitant in his heart.

If the altar in front of you is destroyed, the cards of the six true immortals will be invalidated, and they will eventually be defeated, which is also not in the interests of Taiyi Sect.

It is best for the six true immortals to keep entangled with foreign invaders.

Even if they want to decide the winner, they should be both losers.

While Meng Zhang was hesitating, the altar shook more and more violently, and the various changes in the source sea became more violent.

Being in the sea of ​​​​sources is too wonderful, and has long stopped cultivating, paying close attention to everything that happens inside, and exchanging information with Meng Zhang at any time.

I saw that in the deepest part of the source sea, the space was like a piece of torn paper. It was arbitrarily folded and rubbed, and a distinctive aura was revealed from it.

The people present were all keen and well-informed people. As soon as they sensed this breath, they immediately made judgments.

This is the breath of anti-space. How could there be a breath of anti-space in the depths of the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm?

The world that everyone present lives in on weekdays, including the yang world of the underworld in the Junchen world, including all the big worlds, including the vast void, all belong to positive space.

The anti-space is a special space that is diametrically opposite and completely opposite to the positive space.

In theory, wherever positive space is located, there is a corresponding negative space.

In the void, it is not difficult to open the anti-space entrance and enter the anti-space.

The powerhouses of various cultivation systems have also developed various methods of utilizing counterspace.

Among the cultivators of the Junchen world, there is a secret method of using the difference between positive and negative spaces to move long distances—the Great Void Teleportation.

The threshold for this secret method is not high, and the Primordial Spirit True Monarch can barely perform it.

Of course, it is very difficult to go further into the anti-space, such as positioning and moving freely within the anti-space.

Even the ordinary Void Returning Powers are only mechanically using the secret techniques created by their predecessors, and their own understanding of anti-space is limited.

If you get lost in the anti-space and enter some dangerous place, even a true immortal may fall.

In the world of comprehension, such a cognition is widely spread.

If you want to enter the anti-space, or even just come into contact with the power of the anti-space, it is generally only done in the void.

In a stable big world like Junchen Realm, it is absolutely impossible to open the entrance to the anti-space.

At the very least, ordinary true immortals, including true immortal-level powerhouses of various systems and races, cannot allow counterspace to appear inside the big world.

But now, the anti-space aura coming from the depths of the source sea has far subverted everyone's cognition.

Everyone almost invariably thought, could this be the last trump card of the six true immortals?

No matter what everyone thinks in their hearts, once the movements of the six true immortals start, they cannot stop.

With the appearance of the anti-space aura in the depths of the source sea, the depths of the source sea suddenly became bright, and a huge palace was looming.

At this time, no matter where the source sea is located, the light and shadow of the palace can almost be seen.

Almost at the same time as seeing this palace, an idea flashed in everyone's heart, this is the treasure of the gods.

It's no wonder that everyone came to a conclusion so quickly, it's really the grandeur of this palace.

Just showing a little light and shadow, a huge and irresistible aura swept across the source sea.

At this moment in the source sea, all are the powerhouses of the true immortal level.

But as soon as they sensed the aura of the palace, they seemed to be facing an invincible natural enemy, trembling all over, and even a little trembling.

This is the power beyond the level of a true immortal, and this is the breath of an immortal.

The six true immortals must not have obtained the treasure of the heavenly immortals.

Otherwise, the situation at hand would not be like this.

It doesn't mean that if you get the relic of the gods, you will definitely be promoted to gods.

But if they get the treasures of the gods, the world can go to them, there is no need to stay in the Junchen world and face powerful enemies from all sides.

Judging from the current situation, even if they didn't get the Heavenly Immortal's relic, they could already trigger its power.

After the palace appeared, it was as if an immortal had descended, unscrupulously releasing an immortal-level aura of power.

The six true immortals formed a circle, not knowing what kind of secret technique they had used, they began to guide the power in that palace.

One after another terrifying power emanated from the palace, sweeping the source sea, stirring the source sea into a pot of porridge.

Under the guidance of the six true immortals, these terrifying forces swept away towards the gang of foreign invaders.

These extraterritorial invaders were also experienced and experienced, and they quickly recovered from the huge shock.

In the face of the sweeping terrorist forces, they cooperated with each other and fought together according to the previous arrangement of joint operations.

There is no Taoist magical power, there is no superior immortal art, it is just pure power.

It's just that the level of power is extremely high, and it is a terrifying power that can only be released at the level of an immortal.

The true fairy-level spells released by these extraterritorial invaders were smashed in front of these forces.

Their weapons, magic weapons, and treasures persisted for a and were completely destroyed.

Some guys with weaker cultivation vomited blood and kept retreating.

Some of the smarter guys began to use secret techniques to evade.

However, the surrounding space was locked and locked by a huge force. All their secret magic powers could not let them escape in time, and they could only confront these terrifying forces head-on.

But after a while, the battle of more than a dozen foreign invaders was defeated.

These guys who had the upper hand just now and were invincible, were in a state of embarrassment at this time, their footing was unsteady, and their entire bodies even rolled randomly, like leaves in the wind, unable to control their own destiny.

The power of the gods is so powerful, is it so terrifying?

So many true immortal-level powerhouses, how come they have no resistance at all?

Tai Miao, who was watching the battle from a distance, almost fell into sluggishness when she saw this scene.

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