The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2418: Bliss is broken

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Meng Zhang had never dealt with Venerable Xuanyuan before, nor had any communication with him beforehand.


But at this moment, Meng Zhang faintly sensed some kind of thoughts of the High Venerable Xuan Yuan.


In the next few shots, the Supreme Lord Xuanyuan did not directly attack the invisible node of the blessed land, but there were certain rules.


It seems that he is attacking Youlei Xuxian, but in fact, he has no intentions.


The aftermath of the attack rubbed off those invisible nodes from time to time.


Meng Zhang, who had long noticed the movements of the Supreme Being Xuanyuan, discovered more invisible nodes through careful observation.


It seems that the Supreme Lord Xuanyuan joined the battle to help the ancestors of Xuanxuan and the others to fight against the powerful enemy.


In fact, his true purpose has been exposed in front of Meng Zhang.


For Meng Zhang, the High Honorable Xuan Yuan had done enough.


This altar is built in the depths of the blessed land. If the blessed land is completely destroyed, the altar will be greatly affected even if it is not destroyed.


A blessed land is very precious, and it is almost a priceless treasure for a sect.


But this blessed land could never fall into the hands of Taiyimen anyway, so Meng Zhang could destroy it with peace of mind.


Under the cover of the Moon God, Meng Zhang got a good opportunity to take action.


He pushed the wind and fire yin-yang fan on his hand with all his strength, and special flames appeared out of nowhere in the air.


The strong wind blew, and the fire took advantage of the wind, and the flames became even hotter.


The flames swept across the blessed land, rushing towards those invisible nodes.


The power of earth, fire and feng shui is the foundation of building a world.


Blessed Land is also a small world.


The wind and fire quickly burned those invisible nodes, triggered the origin of the small world, and destroyed the foundation of the small world.


The small world shook even further, and the destroyed foundation had a tendency to be re-transformed into Earth Fire and Feng Shui.


For a big world like Junchen Realm, Xu Xian Mengzhang does not have the ability to re-refine the fire and wind and destroy it completely.


But for a small world like Blessed Land, after Meng Zhang grasped the key, he had a way to completely destroy it.


Meng Zhang saw through the reality of this blessed land and attacked its nodes specially.


The vibration of the blessed land stopped suddenly, and then broke out again, and the vibration became more intense.


The sky of Blessed Land is like broken glass, falling off piece by piece.


The vast earth suddenly shattered into pieces and began to collapse rapidly.


In the air and on the ground, the power of earth, fire and feng shui begins to manifest.


When Meng Zhang attacked the Blessed Land, Xuanxuan's great-sighted ancestor actually noticed it.


He tried to stop Meng Zhang's actions, so he did not hesitate to relax other aspects, so he attacked Meng Zhang with all his strength.


The Moon God, who had been very low-key until now, stepped forward and competed head-on with the ancestor Xuanxuan.


The Moon God took several slamming blows from Ancestor Xuanxuan head on. Although he kept vomiting blood and retreated, he was obviously not lightly injured, but at least he blocked the attack of Ancestor Xuanxuan and prevented him from interfering with Meng Zhang's movements.


The Moon God, who does not show the mountains and waters, is actually so powerful, which surprised both Youlei Xuxian and the Great Chief Xiongzhao.


Taking advantage of the opportunity that Xuanxuan ancestors were restrained by the Moon God, they not only severely injured Xuanjue Xuxian, but also caused a huge threat to Xuanxuan ancestors.


As the Blessed Land began to collapse, the altar, which was originally as stable as Mount Tai, finally began to shake.


The ground where the altar was located began to crack, and the altar was unstable, and cracks began to appear on the solid surface.


The Blessed Land collapsed, causing damage to the altar and making Ancestor Xuanxuan furious.


The reason why Jiuxuan Zhenxian sent ancestor Xuanxuan at the expense of this incarnation is to ensure that the altar in the blessed land is safe.


If the skin does not exist, the hair will be attached, the blessed land will be destroyed, and the altar inside will naturally be difficult to preserve.


Ancestor Xuanxuan made a few violent attacks as if he was venting, but he was blocked by his opponent.


Seeing that the damage to the altar was getting worse, he quickly flew over, raised one hand, and released his mana to support the altar, preventing it from falling.


Ancestor Xuanxuan ran over to protect the altar, leaving only Xuan Yuan Yuan and Xuan Jue Xu Xian to face a group of powerful enemies.


The blessed land was shattered, the space shattered, and countless damaged passages leading to the outside world appeared.


Due to the difference in space, the places where these passages are connected are different, and some are far away from the Jiuxuan Pavilion Mountain Gate.


The High Honorable Xuan Yuan didn't even say hello. Seeing an opportunity, he jumped into one of the passages and quickly disappeared.


The High Venerable Xuan Yuan fled before the battle, which was equivalent to throwing Xuan Jue Xuxian to the powerful enemies in front of him.


A series of changes caused Xuan Jue Xuxian to be a little stunned, and he has not fully reacted.


The enemy will not give you time to react, and various Taoist magical powers pour down like raindrops.


Under the siege of the crowd, Xuan Jue Xuxian, who was already wounded, fell completely without persisting for too long.


At this time, the blessed land is entering into destruction.


After the Blessed Land completely collapsed, it was still very threatening to the powerhouses in it.


Seeing that Xuanxuan's ancestor was trying his best to maintain the integrity of the altar, the three groups of men hesitated for a while, and then they killed them together.


Both Youlei Xuxian and Great Chief Xiong Zhan were keenly aware of the key points of the altar.


If they only cared about their own safety and escaped from the broken blessed land, maybe Patriarch Xuanxuan could really protect the altar.


We must take this opportunity to completely destroy the altar in front of us, and it is best to injure or even kill the ancestor Xuanxuan at the same time.


With the destruction of the blessed land, the environment inside became worse.


Some strong barbarians with weaker cultivation were unable to gain a foothold in it despite the protection of the battle, and even began to suffer casualties.


Chief Xiongzhu knows that under the current environment, there is no need to keep too many subordinates, let alone make unnecessary sacrifices.


Chief Xiongzhu gave an order, and most of his men covered each other and left the blessed land.


Some of Youlei Xuxian's weaker subordinates also left.


In the blink of an eye, they left behind only a dozen or so men.


These ten or so people are all elites who can act on their own, at least they all have the strength in the early stage of returning to the virtual world.


Three people and horses flew over from three directions, and together they besieged the ancestor Xuanxuan.


The huge altar was as heavy as a mountain, and Patriarch Xuanxuan took a lot of effort to hold it up.


Those who besieged Xuanxuan's ancestors were all experienced and skilled masters.


In addition to directly attacking the ancestor, they also deliberately attacked the altar from all directions.


The altar is huge and inconvenient to move. It is very difficult to completely protect it.


In addition to the attacks of everyone, the shattering Blessed Land itself is also a huge threat to the altar.


The violent space storm, the violent vitality that ravaged everywhere, the shattered aura that appeared in the blessed land...


The protective spells that Ancestor Xuanxuan had previously blessed on the altar were shattered before they persisted for too long.


In order to block all kinds of attacks, Ancestor Xuanxuan even had to use himself as a shield to block all kinds of attacks directly, to ensure the integrity of the altar.


Ancestor Xuanxuan's approach instead allowed his opponent to seize his weakness and carry out targeted attacks.

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