The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2421: 2 losers

This battle, which had been planned for a long time in advance, and lasted for a long time, has come to an end.


On the surface, the six true immortals became the final victors.


Initially, this group of true immortal-level foreign invaders had an absolute numerical advantage, and they were victorious.


But in the end, they left behind the bodies of three of their companions, and the rest fled in embarrassment, many of whom were seriously injured.


This group of foreign invaders at the level of true immortals was originally a generation with ghosts.


For a common goal, they temporarily abandoned their differences and joined forces to fight the enemy.


Hunling Zunshen and the others left their comrades in arms and only cared about their own escape, which was no different from escaping from battle, and it was tantamount to betrayal of others.


Inside the extraterritorial invaders who were already full of contradictions and disputes, after this incident, the rift will only deepen.


Can they continue to join forces in the future?


Even if they continue to join forces to fight against the enemy, can they safely hand over their younger generation to their comrades-in-arms?


Before the high-level foreign invaders solve internal problems, it may be difficult for them to make any big moves.


As the victorious six true immortals, they are also not easy.


The price they paid in this battle was enormous, and the injuries on their bodies were not mentioned for the time being, only the impact of the destruction of the altar of Jiuxuan Pavilion.


The loss of one of the six altars is not a problem of six missing one, but a major problem with the entire system.


Whether they can continue to mobilize the power of the Heavenly Immortal Relic in the future, and whether they can continue to use this power to fight against the enemy, they all need to say a big hello.


Without the help of the gods, they would have lost their biggest hole cards.


If those true immortal-level foreign invaders make a comeback, how will they resist?


Moreover, even if the power of the Heavenly Immortal's Relics can be mobilized again, will those True Immortal-level foreign invaders be prepared, will they repeat the same mistakes and step into the trap again?


Although the power of the creation angel is terrifying and irresistible, there is always a way to avoid it.


In fact, when the six true immortals aroused the power of the heavenly immortal relic, there was a lot of noise and it took a lot of time.


If faced with the same scene again, the group of true immortal-level foreign invaders turned around and left, and most of the six true immortals would not have time to leave them.


In this battle, the six true immortals exposed their last and most powerful cards, but they failed to completely defeat the enemy, leaving endless troubles in the future.


It's wonderful to be in the source sea, witnessing this battle from beginning to end.


With his brilliant eyesight and insights from Meng Zhang, he has seen many inner secrets.


After going through this mess, the connection between the six true immortals and the relics of the heavenly immortals will inevitably go wrong.


When the six true immortals were in a hurry to restrain the power of the heavenly immortal relics, Tai Miao saw through their embarrassment and thought that this was a rare opportunity, and they almost made a move.


But in the end, after he communicated with Meng Zhang, he still gave up his plan.


In the first place, with one enemy against six, the risk is too great, and it is too wonderful to be sure.


If you don't kill a snake, but suffer from it, that's not good.


Second, if Tai Miao severely injures and even destroys the six true immortals, who will the foreign invaders be left to deal with?


Even if True Immortal Xianyun and Fairy Yue'e sincerely help each other, and they are too wonderful, they are far from being able to deal with powerful foreign invaders.


The extraterritorial invaders who originally had an absolute advantage experienced this failure and suffered serious losses. It is very likely that they will reach a balance again with the six true immortals and continue to fall into a stalemate.


Such a situation is actually most beneficial to Meng Zhang and Taiyimen.


After the six true immortals stabilized the power of the heavenly immortal relic, Taimiao silently withdrew from the source sea, returned to the soul sea, and then returned to the underworld.


If he continues to stay here and makes the six true immortals feel threatened, he might become their target.


Returning to the underworld, I have the advantage of being at home, and my fighting power has soared.


The six true immortals still have a series of troubles to follow, but they don't have much trouble chasing them to the underworld to find too wonderful.


True immortals enter the underworld, and the rules of the underworld are their worst enemy.


After Meng Zhang and Tai Miao communicated, their evaluation of this battle was that both sides suffered. Neither side achieved the ultimate goal, but paid the price in vain.


Of course, judging from the situation in Junchen Realm, the foreign invaders still have the upper hand.


Jiutian was completely occupied by them, and they took absolute initiative in Junchen Realm.


Jiuxuan Pavilion has been destroyed, and the mountain gates of the other five holy land sects are still under siege.


The six true immortals are hiding in the source sea, wondering if they have the courage to come out.


After Meng Zhang and Luna teleported several times, they returned to the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate.


The capture of Jiuxuan Pavilion by the barbarian army is definitely a major event for the cultivation world, and it will have a lot of impact.


However, the Junchen world is now in a troubled time, and the major sects of the Holy Land are in a precarious situation.


At some point, another holy land sect will be destroyed.


After the news of Jiuxuan Pavilion's destruction spread, even if it caused various shocks in the Junchen world, it would not affect the overall situation.


After Meng Zhang reported the situation to the senior officials of Taiyi Sect, he discussed it carefully with Luna.


Meng Zhang did not reveal his true relationship with Taimiao, but just told the Moon God everything that happened in the source sea.


The wise Luna didn't ask Meng Zhang's source of the news, but discussed everything with Meng Zhang about what had just happened.


Although he didn't have the power to face the gods of creation, from Meng Zhang's description alone, the moon **** was extremely shocked.


Luna was a true **** in its heyday, and it was the kind of very ancient true **** with extraordinary origins.


She has not fully recovered the strength of her heyday, and her memory of that year is also missing.


But even though she was in her prime, she had no power to resist the power of the Heavenly Immortal Relic.


Of course, Luna's knowledge of high-end power is still higher than that of Meng Zhang.


Based on the information provided by Meng Zhang, she made some valuable judgments.


The six true immortals did not make much use of the relics of the immortals, and they could not make full use of this immortal-level power, they were simply motivated.


Their victory against their is not due to immortal-level celestial powers, but pure force.


If Meng Zhang and her encounter such a situation in the future, as long as they are careful enough and dodge in advance, it is very possible to avoid such a rough attack.


Luna's view is very consistent with Tai Miao's observation.


For the six true immortals, there is really no need to take them too seriously.


Of course, Meng Zhang is not qualified to underestimate them at the moment.


Meng Zhang is currently only a virtual immortal. In the face of a true immortal-level powerhouse, without summoning too wonderful, he has no power to resist.


I am afraid that Meng Zhang is only qualified to face these six true immortals unless he is an advanced true immortal.



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