The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2423: information

"Master Xianlu (

Venerable Fengqing violated the tradition of the Dark Alliance. He executed first and then made a statement. He did not respect the Council of Elders...

A hat was buckled on Fengqing's head, causing him to smoke.

The guys at the top of the dark alliance who see the wind and rudder, go up when they see a bargain, shrink back when they encounter a problem, and only know how to shirk their responsibilities...

Fortunately, Venerable Fengqing has many supporters, and his prestige is extremely high. These alone cannot shake his status.

However, these turmoil within the Dark Alliance temporarily affected the Dark Alliance's next decision.

Before solving the internal problems, the Dark Alliance should not make any big moves.

From the perspective of Taiyimen, the current situation of Junchen Realm is not bad.

However, Meng Zhang, the head of Taiyi Sect, recently discovered some strange things.

Previously, due to the outbreak of a true immortal-level war in the source sea, the source sea was turbulent, causing the entire Junchen world to be unstable, and natural disasters broke out frequently.

Of course, a large part of this is caused by the fall of the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen world.

But now, the war in the source sea has long since ended, and the source sea should have returned to calm.

The consciousness of Heavenly Dao in Junchen World has been falling for some time, and many influences should gradually dissipate.

However, in the Junchen world, various natural disasters not only did not subside, but instead tended to intensify.

Fire and rain fell from the sky, the earth cracked, violent earthquakes, terrifying tsunamis...

The more violent and frequent natural disasters caused huge damage to Junchen Realm.

For all the creatures in the Junchen world, the catastrophe is imminent.

The mortals all over the Junchen world, and even the low-level cultivators, suffered countless casualties.

Towns and cities were destroyed, and countless mortals were displaced...

The current situation facing the world of self-cultivation, coupled with the arrogance of the self-cultivators, the self-cultivators in many places have not been able to rescue mortals.

Taiyimen territory is a rare exception.

The senior leaders of Taiyimen sent a large number of monks to various places in the territory early, and asked them to help quell natural disasters, restore losses, and rescue victims.

However, the more and more severe natural disasters broke out in the Junchen world, which also caused great losses to the Taiyimen territory.

Although the monks sent by Taiyimen did their best, they were still exhausted and often felt powerless.

In the face of the power of heaven and earth, most cultivators are as powerless as ordinary mortals.

Taiyimen dispatched high-level cultivators, including the Void Returning Great Power, in time. They have the power to change the world, they can face all kinds of natural disasters, and they can heal all kinds of injuries.

Unfortunately, the high-level monks of Taiyi Sect are limited, and there are still many places where high-level monks are needed.

In order to protect the territory and ensure that the territory is safe, Taiyimen has already felt more and more difficult.

In order to determine the situation in the source sea, the wonderful one who had already returned to the underworld took the risk of being caught by the six true immortals and sneaked into the source sea again.

It was too wonderful to discover that although the war was over long ago, Yuanhai not only did not calm down completely, but became more and more turbulent.

The huge damage caused to Yuanhai in the previous war could not be healed in a short period of time.

Tai Miao had previously unscrupulously absorbed the origin of the world in the source sea, causing a certain amount of damage to the source sea, which made him feel a little guilty.

Tai Miao sneaked into the depths of the source sea and made a terrifying discovery.

The source of heaven and earth in the source sea is drying up, the internal foundation of the source sea is shaken, and the entire source sea is tending to collapse.

Yuanhai Yuanhai, as the name suggests, is the most original place in a big world.

If the source sea completely collapses, the entire Junchen world will be destroyed.

This wonderful discovery reminded Meng Zhang of the rumors that he had known many years ago. When a few sleeping true immortals woke up, they would completely devour the origin of the Junchen Realm, and the Junchen Realm would be destroyed.

When Meng Zhang first learned about these rumors, he was still a little Primordial Spirit True Monarch.

With the growth of cultivation level and knowledge, he has more and more doubts about these rumors.

If the six true immortals want to break through to the realm of immortals, will it definitely lead to the destruction of the Junchen world?

What the six true immortals did after they woke up made Meng Zhang convinced of these rumors.

In order to break through to the heavenly realm, they would really sacrifice everything, and destroying the Junchen world is not worth mentioning at all.

According to Meng Zhang's instructions, Tai Miao continued to investigate deeply in the source sea.

The last war that broke out in the source sea caused many sequelae.

If the source sea becomes very unstable, there are many exits to the yang world and the underworld of the Junchen world...

These alone are not enough to cause the collapse of Yuanhai.

Tai Miao spent a lot of effort to discover some new clues.

The altar deep in the blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion was destroyed, causing some problems in the connection between the six true immortals and the relics of the heavenly immortals.

In order to continue to maintain the connection with the relics of the gods in the anti-space, the six true immortals used many methods.

Tai Miao couldn't find out what these means were, but only knew that due to the actions of the six true immortals, the source of heaven and earth in the source sea was rapidly consumed.

The source sea became extremely turbulent and began to collapse, UU read www.uukanshu. com should be inseparable from these.

Tai Miao didn't want to disturb the six true immortals, so she didn't dare to get too close.

And after the last battle, the six true immortals strengthened their defenses against the depths of the source sea.

After knowing that more information could not be obtained, Tai Miao left Yuan Hai unwillingly.

The news delivered by Tai Miao made Meng Zhang feel extremely heavy.

Although he was already mentally prepared for the destruction of Junchen Realm, when the day really came, Meng Zhang felt a chill in his heart, and he felt at a loss.

Of course, the destruction of a large world is not so fast.

It will take a long time for Yuanhai to completely collapse, and then the complete destruction of Junchen World will drag on for a long time.

Before all this happened, Meng Zhang still had a lot of time to adapt.

The first thing Meng Zhang did was to spread the news that the source sea was about to collapse and the Junchen world was about to be destroyed.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, Meng Zhang will try his best to let them know the news.

Originally, the recent frequent natural disasters in the Junchen world caused doubts among many cultivators.

After the news of Taiyimen spread, everyone tried to verify whether they believed it or not.

The last war, especially the explosion of the power of the last fairy level, made Yuanhai have many channels to communicate with the outside world.

Ordinary Void Returning Powers, as long as they are careful, can sneak into the Sea of ​​​​Origin through these channels for reconnaissance.

The higher the cultivation realm, the easier it is to enter and exit the source sea, and you can stay in it for a longer time.

Soon, various cultivators in the Junchen world, foreign invaders, etc., all carried out careful investigations on Yuanhai through their own means.

It is not too difficult to determine the state of the source sea.

Once the source sea begins to collapse, the Junchen world will naturally decline slowly.

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