The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2440: arrival

It may not be that all the Void Returning Powers in Junchen Realm know the full meaning of these Yang God Brands.

In the thousands of years of history of the Junchen world, there have been many fallen virtuosity returning greats, but due to the control of the Yuanhai by the six true immortals, almost no one can rely on these Yang God brand to regenerate.

Of course, even if it's just a glimmer of hope, or even just a legend, being able to have one more life is enough to make all the Void Returners pay attention.

Those who have superior inheritance and know all the meanings of the Yang God's imprint, pay more attention to them.

Especially those top-level Void Returners who have ambitions to become immortals, they absolutely cannot allow their own Yang God brand to be compromised.

As long as there is a trace of existence that can increase the success rate of attacking a true immortal, they regard it as a treasure.

Originally, the Yang God Brand was located in this special space, so it should be extremely safe.

Even a true immortal from outside would hardly cause harm to him.

No one would have imagined that as the Junchen Realm entered its destruction, it would have an impact on this special space so quickly.

During the battle between Meng Zhang and his opponent, countless powers of returning to the virtual world in the Junchen world showed their magical powers and tried to go to this special space.

The battle between Meng Zhang and his opponent intensified.

This indestructible special space was originally damaged by the destruction of the Junchen Realm, and now it has been seriously injured by two immortal-level powerhouses.

During the war, Meng Zhang did not forget his business.

Including him, the surrounding Yang God brand belonging to the Taiyi Sect's Void Returning Power has all been loosened.

There was no other container, so Meng Zhang temporarily included all these Yang God imprints in the jade book.

This jade book contains special power, which can not only protect these Yang Shen brand, but also warm them up.

According to Meng Zhang's plan, after he has transformed the Taiyimen territory into a stable world and is completely independent of the Junchen world, he will rebuild such a special space to house these Yang God's imprints.

Glancing at the imprints of the Yang God that belonged to other Void Returning Powers, Meng Zhang hesitated for a moment, and then began to work hard to collect them.

Regardless of whether Meng Zhang had other thoughts in his mind, his actions at this time were still full of kindness.

Regardless of friend or foe, there is no worse outcome for Jun Chen Realm's Void Returning Power than the Yang God's brand being polluted by the power of magic.

In the face of a powerful enemy of the same rank, Meng Zhang could not keep his hand.

During the fierce battle, some of the Sun God's brand was destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

For this, Meng Zhang could only say sorry in his heart.

The brand of the Sun God is widely distributed. In a short period of time, Meng Zhang was unable to find the brand of the Sun God left by the fallen Taiyi Sect senior.

The rules of heaven and earth in this special space were severely damaged, the space was damaged, and there were many gaps.

These gaps lead to different places, allowing the outside world to have a deeper connection with the place.

Among the Void Returning Powers from the outside world, those with sufficient strength have sensed where the space is at this time, and entered here along those gaps.

There was a twist in the sky, and several figures appeared in this space.

They watched the battle here and didn't rush over.

This is the great power of returning to the void from the sects of the major holy places, and among them is an old acquaintance of Meng Zhang.

Weiwu Xuxian of Guantian Pavilion was severely injured by Meng Zhang at the beginning, and he thought that this person could not recover.

This guy is now appearing in front of Meng Zhang, looking like he is alive and kicking.

The Supreme Lord Yang Sheng of the Ziyang Sect was killed by Xianyun Zhenxian when he went to the void to hunt down Meng Zhang.

He appeared in front of Meng Zhang now, obviously reborn.

The Supreme Master Feng Qing of the Dark Alliance revealed not long ago that, with the support of the six true immortals, the major holy land sects took out all the resources, consumed the origin of the world in the source sea, and resurrected many who had fallen regardless of the cost. The power of returning to the void.

Lord Yangsheng should be on the resurrection list.

Taiyimen did not have the experience of resurrecting the power of returning to the void.

According to some information Meng Zhang has learned, the shorter the time of fall, the Void Returning Power, the easier it is to resurrect.

Obviously, compared to the Void Returning great powers who have fallen in history, the time since the fall of the Supreme Lord Yang Sheng is not long.

Seeing Shang Zun Yangsheng, Meng Zhang suddenly remembered something.

Yangsheng Shangzun died at the hands of Xianyun Zhenxian.

Xianyun Zhenxian has been hiding outside the Junchen world to avoid his existence being known by the six real immortals.

Now that the Supreme Being Yangsheng is resurrected, does Xianyun Zhenxian have to be exposed?

Meng Zhang had been keeping Xianyun Zhenxian a secret until now. If Xianyun Zhenxian were exposed, he would not be able to anger Meng Zhang.

Shang Zun Yangsheng, who was supposed to be extremely hostile to Meng Zhang, looked at Meng Zhang with the eyes of a stranger.

A Void Master next to him whispered a few words to Shang Zun Yang Sheng, and Shang Zun Yang Sheng stared at Meng Zhang with hatred.

Meng Zhang's heart moved, could it be that the Supreme Master Yangsheng had lost his memory of when he fell?

According to Meng Zhang's knowledge, it seems that after the fallen Master Huixu was resurrected with the brand of the Yang God, there would be some memory problems more or less.

The Immortals of the Four-pointed Star District have been deeply influenced by the Lingkong Immortal Realm, and even actively introduced some methods from the Lingkong Immortal Realm.

To a certain extent, although the Four-pointed Star District is not a direct subordinate of Lingkong Xianjie, it can be called its side branch.

Of course, Xianyun Zhenxian knows that there is a chance to resurrect the Void Master under the command of Lingkong With Xianyun Zhenxian's means, even if it can't prevent the resurrection of Yangsheng Shangzun, it can completely destroy its related memories. .

Meng Zhang's guess was not wrong.

In fact, some time ago, when the Ziyang Shengzong resurrected the Supreme Being, he encountered more difficulties and consumed more resources than expected.

If the resurrection process hadn't already begun, many senior leaders of the Ziyang Sect would not want to continue in order to avoid giving up their previous achievements.

After the resurrection, the Supreme Lord Yang Sheng not only lost most of his memories during his lifetime, but also spent a lot of resources to recover to the state of cultivation in the early days of returning to the void.

From the point of view of accumulating the battle strength of the sect, the cost-effectiveness of this resurrection is too low.

Afterwards, some senior leaders of the Ziyang Sect were deeply regretful, and had long known that they had left this opportunity of resurrection to other seniors in the sect.

This time, if it wasn't for Wu Xuxian leading the team to open the way, even if there are many gaps in this space and air leaks everywhere, it is difficult to enter this place with the current cultivation of Yangsheng Shangzun.

Shang Zun Yangsheng didn't remember the information related to Meng Zhang for a long time. It was only after his resurrection that he learned from the same doorway that his fall was related to Meng Zhang.

Most of the monks from the Holy Land Sect who came here had a deep hatred with Meng Zhang.

The Taiyi Sect has been hostile to the major holy land sects for many years, and has the deepest hatred with the Ziyang Sect and Guantian Pavilion.

Wei Wuxian could not wait to eat Meng Zhang's flesh and sleep on his skin, but he, who had been defeated by Meng Zhang, became much more cautious and did not shoot easily.

Only Wu Xuxian, who is the leader, is like this, and the others naturally follow and watch.

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