The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2444: come

Seeing the presence of a virtual immortal-level indigenous **** to help Meng Zhang, many monks from the holy land sect scolded Meng Zhang for betraying the world of self-cultivation and colluding with the indigenous god.

In the past, the sects of the major holy places and the Tiangong took charge of the Junchen world together, and established various orders for the Junchen world.

Of course, it is a serious crime for cultivators to collude with the native gods, and they will be severely punished by the major holy land sects.

However, the invaders from outside the territory destroyed the original ruling order of the Junchen world, and the Junchen world has entered the era of destruction.

The relationship between Taiyimen and the indigenous gods has long been revealed.

Only this group of ignorant guys still reminisce about the glory and hegemony of the major holy land sects.

Meng Zhang has a lofty mind, and has long had grand plans.

He will not only break the various previous orders and conventions of the Junchen world, but also create a brand new world and establish a brand new system and order.

Among the crowd watching the battle, there are monks from the major holy land sects, as well as their enemies.

Not to mention the foreign invaders, there are many monks from the Dark Alliance and Taiyimen.

Those who want to be detrimental to Meng Zhang are not good to rush into the war.

Even if it is a foreign invader, seeing that Meng Zhang is fighting against a strange demon powerhouse, they will not take action easily.

Pulling one hair and moving the whole body, the Taiyi Sect cultivator will definitely participate in the battle.

How will the allies of Taiyimen react, and how will the dark alliance react?

This period of time is a precious adjustment period for all forces, and everyone is reluctant to break out a full-scale war so soon.

Under the restraint of various forces, Meng Zhang and the Moon God were able to deal with this great demon wholeheartedly.

The huge body of the big demon began to be gradually reduced, and the thick magic energy on his body was greatly depleted...

If there is no major accident, it is only a matter of time before the big demon is killed by Meng Zhang and the others.

The consciousness of the devil who controlled the big devil's body was angry, and all the potential of this body was stimulated.

All kinds of mysterious magical powers were displayed, which opened the eyes of the spectators in the distance.

He rushed left and right, trying to break through with all his strength.

Meng Zhang and Luna, who had mastered powerful means of subduing demons, dealt with them calmly, exerting many supernatural powers to restrain each other, so that the other party could not escape.

This time, Meng Zhang was determined to take advantage of this opportunity to completely annihilate this great demon.

Suddenly, a huge pavilion flew out of the Nine Heavens and crushed them towards Meng Zhang who was in the sky.

Before the pavilion was approaching, the aura of a true immortal erupted from above, which shocked Meng Zhang and the others.

On the surface, this huge pavilion targeted both sides in the battle, attacking Meng Zhang and the three at the same time almost equally.

However, only Meng Zhang and Luna who were within the attack range knew that this pavilion was mainly aimed at attacking the two of them, and that the Great Demon was just making false statements and pretending.

Why did Jiu Xuan Zhenxian attack him at this time?

Meng Zhang, who recognized the other party's origin, was very puzzled.

Sensing the breath of True Immortal Jiuxuan, the crowd watching the battle couldn't help but retreat.

These Void Returners know the horror of the True Immortal, but they don't want to be affected by the True Immortal's attack.

Many monks of the Holy Land sect couldn't help showing gloating expressions on their faces.

Jiuxuan Zhenxian has already ended, although he is bullying the small, he is a little bit incompetent.

But at this time, who would care about this, who would accuse and even fight against the True Immortal Jiuxuan for Meng Zhang?

Although he didn't expect that Jiu Xuan Zhenxian would attack him, Meng Zhang had already prepared a plan to deal with all kinds of accidents.

The jade book on his body was gently flipped, and the name Tai Miao left on the jade book shone brightly, and Tai Miao descended from the underworld to the yang world.

After completely completing the ceremony of consecrating too wonderful, Meng Zhang can not only drive the jade book, summon too wonderful divine power for his own use, but also summon too wonderful body to come.

What is so wonderful now is not only rampant in the underworld, but in the Yang world, he can also burst into the power of the true **** level.

Tai Miao showed the body of a ghost and a god, and punched the falling pavilion above her head.

After a loud bang, the pavilion was shattered by Taimiao's punch, and Taimiao couldn't help but take a step back.

The aftermath of the explosion spread rapidly, the sky shook violently, and there were waves of space ripples like water waves around.

Tai Miao shot in time to help Meng Zhang and the others block the blow.

Meng Zhang and Moon God were not affected, and continued to attack the great demon with all their might.

On the contrary, the big devil thought he had a chance to escape, but he still couldn't escape.

"The ghosts and gods from the underworld, the Yang world is not the place you should come."

A long voice with a bit of anger came out from the Nine Heavens.

"As a true immortal, but secretly helping the Great Demon, could it be that there is some collusion with the Demon God?"

It's too wonderful to drink the other party's intentions in one gulp.

At the same time as he spoke, Tai Miao exercised the authority of life and death and pointed at the great demon.

The demonic energy in that great demon quickly dissipated, and his vitality was quickly lost...

"Bold, little ghosts dare to slander this seat."

With the roar, there was a wave of power fluctuations within nine days, but it quickly subsided.

Jiuxuan Zhenxian did not have any follow-up reactions, and it was really thunderous and rainy.

There was no powerhouse of the same rank to stop him, Taimiao continued to shoot at the big demon.

Coupled with the constant attacks of Meng Zhang and Luna, the demon body of the great demon was destroyed, and the spirit of the demon **** was also completely annihilated.

For the strange demon god, the loss of a thought might not be a big deal, but this kind of offense was enough for him to regard Meng Zhang and the others as enemies of life and death.

In the magic way, there has never been a person with a big heart.

Seeing that Jiu Xuan Zhenxian never appeared, the wonderful figure slowly disappeared.

The scene after scene, the continuous reversal, shocked the surrounding spectators.

Meng Zhang actually had such a trump card that he could summon the true **** to come.

Jiuxuan Zhenxian died after taking one shot, and tolerated the offense of that True God. Could this True God really be so powerful?

Many people have long known that Taiyimen and the ghosts and gods in the underworld are deeply in collusion, but they never thought that such a powerful ghost and **** would come to the world for Mengzhang.

Although the former Taiyi is getting stronger and stronger, it can compete with the major holy land sects, but because of its lack of background, it lacks top-level combat power.

Through today's battle, Taiyimen exposed his trump card.

A true **** who can fight against true immortals is enough to change the existing power pattern in Junchen world.

Taiyimen, with the help of the true god, is enough to rival any comprehension force in the Junchen world.

Not only the major self-cultivation forces in the Junchen world, but also various foreign invaders will raise their evaluation of Taiyimen in the future.

Recently, the Dark Alliance, which has been expanding wildly in the Junchen world and posing as a domineering stance, has not shown the combat power of a true immortal.

If there is no true immortal-level combat power, no matter how large the number of the Dark Alliance Returns to the Void, it is impossible to overwhelm the Taiyi Sect.



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